Stafford Special Education PTA (SEPTA)
Committee Meeting Minutes
13 Apr 2015
●Dali Burgado, President
●Marilyn Matulla, Treasurer
●Regina Mike, Secretary
●Kara Brault-Stup, Event Coordinator
●Anne Glencer, Member
●Molly Ritter, Member
●Ozzie Ramos, Guest
●Giancarlo Rodriquez, Member
●Torwan Torwon Mitchell, Member
- The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm
- May Election Candidates Slate (2015-2016) (Pending Upcoming Vote)_
- President – vacant
- President Elect – vacant
- Treasurer – Dali Burgago or Torwon Mitchell
- Secretary – Molly Ritter
- Membership – Regina Mike
- Events – Anne Glencer
- Fundraising – Dali Burgado (if not Treasurer)
- Presentation of Minutes
- March 10thminutes were presented by SEPTA President, Dali BurgadoSecretary
- Dali 1st motion to accept; Marilyn 2nd motion
- Leadership Outreach Update Organizational Update
- Marilyn spoke to Wunnea Carson, who is now the President of the Fredericksburg District PTA and she stated:
- A quorum is required for SEPTA to stay active; if no quorum, vote for resolution to dissolve organizationinactive status
- If a President is not selected (not selected), SEPTA needs to hold a meeting and vote to decide the fate of the can become inactive versus dissolving the organization. Unfortunate possibilities discussed were dissolution or inactive status
- Wunnea Cason slated VAPTA knew Stafford SEPTA was struggling, but due to a shakeup at district level, hadn’t reached out to help.
- A quorum is required for SEPTA to stay active; if no quorum, vote for inactive statusWunnea shared that Virginia State formed an ad hoc committee in October 2014 to promote, support and form new SEPTA’s across Virginia. Marilyn indicated that we are looking forward to participating and am waiting for more information. (“Nothing about us, without us” comes to mind. Marilyn doesn’t know why SEPTA weren’t approached before or since). Wunnea stated there are only three SEPTA’s in the whole state and SEPTA’s are recognized as valuable organizations for students, parents and school systems. There is an obvious need for more; many districts have expressed the same difficulties Marilyn mentioned (i.e. low attendance, little to no support from schools and districts, difficulty distributing information and flyers, being linked to school’s websites like each school PTA, etc.).
- Inactive status will requires everything we would normally do at year end. Beyond that, Marilyn isn’t surewhat else is necessary. As per Wunnea Cason if we don’t have a president to vote into office, we then contact her again to get more detailed instructions. SEPTA to file taxes and prepare an end of year audit
If a President is not selected, SEPTA can become inactive versus dissolving the organization
- Inactive status will require SEPTA to file taxes and prepare an end of year audit
Facebook page will remain active
Can call an impromptu meeting during an event and call a business meeting to get interest for membership
There is a new state wide initiative to support the creation of SEPTAs in Virginia and they will be supporting us in some capacity
- TreasTreasurer Report [2014 – 2015]
- Dali Transferred over PaypalPayPal balance to the bank - $179.44
- March ending balance was $1,133.35
- $30 deposit encompasses the following:
- 2 renewals (Cecilia Pavlak and Diane Devito)
- 4 new members from the SYNERGY - GE IEP Presentation (Torwon Mitchell, Amber Seveland, Theresa Denise Goben, Wendy Martin-Johnson)
October District VAPTA Adhoc Committee ???
- Events Update:events will be posted to facebookFacebook page
- May Fest is May 2nd supports adults with an Intellectual Disabilitiesy
- 750 Kings Highway, Fredericksburg (Rt 3 towards King George/approximately 3 miles Easteast of the Chatham Bridge).
▪10:00 – 3pm Live Entertainment; 8:30 am breakfast served
▪HOSTED By: RACSB and Rappahannock Adult Activities
▪PERFORMANCE BY: Rappahannock Area Kids on the Block
- Rappahannock Railroad Train Ride
- 9 – 1 pm
- Date ???
- Caledon State Park - I Spy Hayride, self-guided family hike and possibly introduction to Geocaching 101,Tentative Date:Sunday, April 26th
- Family Pot-Luck and Membership Drive @ Aquia Landing Beach Date:Saturday/Sunday, May 16thor 17th; Rain Date:Saturday/Sunday, May 30thor 31st
- Swimming at the YMCA - TBD
- CiCi’s Nights are Monday Nights: April 20th, May 18th, June 8th; 5- 8 pm
- VA SEPTA President’s Call Recap
- Dali presented information from speaking with two VA SEPTA organizations in Virginia Beach and Arlington
- Minutes will be disseminated to members
- Membership and Outreach Update Feedback:
- Emails were sent to iPad Winners
- Emails were sent to attendees of the Synergy Presentation
- Seven members responded to 2nd survey
- Dali reached out to various members individually about taking up a position on the executive committee
- Unfinished Business
- Audit Committee – After the Treasurer comes in will need to do another 18 month audit – June – volunteers still needed
- Invite School Board, Superintendent and SEAC to meetings (Dr. Clark is a member and Wendy Johnson (Student Services Supervisor) is as well)
- Discuss ramification of becoming inactive; who might be able to reactivate SEPTA and to what end
- The meeting adjourned at 8:28pm.