(Established 1899)


(Revised for Season 2017 - 2018)

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Constitution and Special Match Rules

(Adopted -August, 1977)


1.The name of the Association shall be "The Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated".


2.The objects of "The Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated" hereinafter referred to as the "Association" shall be:-

(a)The encouragement and improvement of the game of Cricket.

(b)The management and control of matches both between affiliated Clubs and against teams representing other registered Associations.

(c)The promotion of good fellowship between affiliated Clubs.

(d)The settlement of all matters and disputes that may arise in matches or between affiliated Clubs.


3.In pursuance of its Objects and without in any way limiting the same, the Association shall have the following powers:-

(a)To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold any real or personal property including any rights or privileges in relation thereto.

(b)To erect buildings and to renovate, repair, reconstruct, alter, improve, add to and demolish any buildings or structures now or hereafter vested in the Association.

(c)To sell, exchange, lease, let, mortgage, pledge, hire, lend, dispose of, turn to account, give or otherwise deal with all or any part of the real and personal property of the Association.

(d)To conduct appeals for funds and to accept donations whether of real or personal estate and devises and bequests.

(e)To raise or borrow money and secure the repayment thereof in such manner as the Association or the Committee of Management thinks fit with power to issue debentures, grant mortgages, charges or securities upon or charging all or any of the property real or personal both present and future of the Association and to redeem or pay off either wholly or in part any existing or future security.

(f)To enter into contracts on behalf of the Association.

(g)To invest In the name of the Association the whole or any such portion of such funds of the Association not immediately required for the purposes of the Association in any securities or in any such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Committee of Management.

(h)To appoint, employ and in its discretion pay Officers, Agents and Servants and the same to dismiss or suspend.

(i)To grant honoraria as deemed fitting, the amounts of which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.

(i)To make by-laws, rules or regulations, to rescind, suspend in particular cases or alter regulations and other provisions for the due management of the Association and for regulating and defining the duties, control and conduct of persons in the employ of the Association.

(k)To penalise, fine, suspend, ban or otherwise deal with any Player, Umpire, Club or Club Official as defined and provided for in the relative Sections of this Constitution or Special Match Rules as the Association, Executive Committee or the duly elected Tribunal deems fit.

(I)To set Club Subscriptions, Nomination Fees and Handbook Levies as defined in Section 24 dealing with Subscriptions.

(m)To apply for, obtain and renew from time to time registration or licences under any Act requiring registration or licensing.

(n)To affiliate with or grant affiliation to or collaborate with an association or body, (not being an association or body formed for the purpose of securing pecuniary profit to its members from its transactions) the objects of which are in accord with those of this Association.

(o)To assist in the general management of the Association, the Committee of Management may appoint itself or authorise the Executive Committee to appoint such special sub-committees as either or both may deem necessary from time to time and may delegate all or any of their powers to any such sub-committees. The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all such sub-committees.

(p)To Indemnify an Officer of the Association as defined in Section 8 of this Constitution who acts in good faith and within scope of his duties or what he believes to be so, against any claim, liability, loss or damage which he may suffer or undergo in consequence of any act, omission, error or oversight on his part.

(q)To perform and generally to do all such other things as may be deemed to be conducive or Incidental to the attainment of all or any of the Objects of the Association.


4.The colours of the Association shall be Brown and Turquoise Blue.


5.All bona fide members and registered players (as defined in Section 29) of the affiliated Clubs, Officers of the Association and Life Members of the Association shall be deemed to be Members of this Association.


6.(a)The Association shall have the power to elect Honorary Life Members. Such membership shall only be awarded to those members who have rendered special service to the Association in furthering its objects and only to those members who have been nominated previously for such Life Membership at a meeting of the Executive Committee.

(b)Life Members shall only be elected at the Annual General Meeting and such election must be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote in terms of Section 17(b).

(c)The Association shall award Playing Life Membership in recognition of any player or umpire whose total matches played or umpired reaches 250. Such award does not confer voting rights at meetings



7.The Association shall consist of such affiliated Clubs, hereinafter referred to as "Clubs", as the Annual General Meeting may deem fit to admit to membership. Such admission shall only be decided upon at the Annual General Meeting.


8.The Officers of the Association and the Auditors as listed hereunder shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, shall hold office until their successors are appointed (except where dismissed as defined in Section 3(h)) and they shall be eligible for re-election:-





(e)Assistant Secretary


(g)Two Auditors (not necessarily Members of the Association)

(h)Members of the Executive Committee

(i)Any other Officers such as Delegates, Selectors or Publicity Officers as is deemed necessary.


9.(a)The Executive Committee shall consist of up to 14 members and include any President, Vice-President(s), Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer elected. A vacancy in the Executive committee can be filled by a nomination from the Executive committee that is supported by a vote at a Committee of Management meeting. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from its members.

(b)The Executive Committee shall meet at such times as is deemed necessary by either the President or the Secretary, and a majority of members on the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.


10.(a)The Association shall be under the control of a Committee of Management, and such Committee shall be composed of two delegates from each team from all Clubs together with the President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Life Members of the Association.

(b)The President shall not be a delegate of any Club.

(c)Meetings of the Committee of Management are defined in Sections 15 and 16.


11.(a)The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of August or any earlier month as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

(b)Such meeting shall be convened by the Secretary who shall give not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing to the Secretary of each Club and to all Officers and Life Members of the Association.

12.At the Annual General Meeting, the Secretary shall arrange an Agenda to cover, among other items:-

(a)The reading of the Annual Report presented by the Secretary.

(b)The presentation of a duly audited Financial Statement by the Treasurer.

(c)The annual election of Officers and Auditors (as defined in Section 8).

(d)The election of any Life Members (as provided for in Section 6).

(e)The consideration of Notices of Motion and amendments to the Constitution.

(f)The presentation of Premiership Certificates, Trophies etc. (as defined in Section 33) unless already presented at a special Presentation Meeting.

(g)To deal with any other items of General Business in accordance with the Constitution of the Association.

13.A Special General Meeting shall be called by the President or the Secretary, and only called for a special purpose and only on the receipt of a written request signed by not less than ten(10) delegates representing at least five (5) Clubs.

14.At such Special General Meeting, the following matters shall apply:-

(a)The written request as defined in Section 13 shall state the purpose for which the meeting is to be called.

(b)Such meeting shall be held within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt by the Association Secretary of the written request.

(c)The Secretary shall give not less than ten (10) days' notice in writing of such meeting to the Secretary of each Club and to all Officers and Life Members of the Association.

(d)Such meeting shall consider only the matter(s) set out in the Notice of Meeting, and no other matter(s) shall be considered.

15.(a)The Committee of Management as defined In Section 10 shall meet on dates to be determined by the Executive Committee each month during the cricket season and at any other time or times deemed necessary either by the Executive Committee, the President or the Secretary.

(b)The President or the Secretary shall also call a meeting of the Committee of Management on the receipt of a written request signed by not less than ten (10) delegates representing at least five (5) Clubs.

16.The following provisions shall apply to a meeting of the Committee of Management:-

(a)The Secretary shall give not less than two (2) days' notice in writing of each such meeting to the Secretary of each Club.

(b)Each team from all Clubs is entitled to be represented by two delegates who are each entitled to vote on matters.

(c)A majority of Clubs shall be represented to form a quorum.


17.(a)At all Annual and Special General Meetings, all Members of the Association as defined in Section 5 of the Constitution shall be entitled to attend.

(b)Voting at such General Meetings however, shall be restricted to two delegates from each team from all Clubs and such delegates together with the Association Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Life Members present shall each have one vote.

(c)At General Meetings, twenty (20) persons entitled to vote as defined in the aforesaid Clause (b) shall form a quorum.

(d)The same voting rights as defined in the aforesaid Clause (b) shall apply to the meetings of the Committee of Management.

(e)At such General Meetings and Meetings of the Committee of Management, the President shall have a casting vote only.

(f)In the absence of the President or a Vice-President at such General Meetings or at the monthly meetings of the Committee of Management, a delegate shall be appointed to act as Chairman, and such delegate (or Vice-President delegating for a Club) shall in that event have both a deliberative as well as a casting vote.

(g)Voting at all Meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot be demanded by not less than five (5) of the delegates present,

(h)Except where otherwise provided in the Constitution, resolutions shall be carried at all Meetings by a simple majority.


18.Every Club must be represented at each Annual or Special General Meeting and every Meeting of the Committee of Management, and any Club not represented at such meetings shall be fined and the amounts of such fines for non-attendance are listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution. Any Club not represented at three (3) meetings from July one year though to March at the end of the season shall have six (6) points subtracted from each of its teams’ premiership points.


19.The duties of the Secretary shall be:-

(a)To duly call all Meetings.

(b)To keep minutes of all Meetings.

(c)To be responsible for the receipt and dispatch of all correspondence of the Association.

(d)To conduct the business affairs of the Association.

(e)To furnish an Annual Report on the year's activities of the Association at each Annual General Meeting.

(f)To carry out any other duties as directed from time to time by the Committee of Management.


20.The Assistant Secretary shall act and assist the Secretary as required and directed by the Secretary.


21.The duties of the Treasurer shall be:-

(a)To be responsible for the receipt and control of all the revenue of the Association.

(b)To lodge all money received to the credit of the Association's Bank Account(s).

(c)To make payments necessary for the running of the Association at the direction of the Executive and report any payments made at each meeting of the Committee of Management.

(d)To keep correct accounts and books covering the financial affairs of the Association.

(e)To furnish as at 30 June each year an audited Financial Statement of the Association's affairs at each Annual General Meeting.


22.The Executive Committee will appoint at least 4 signatories to the Association’s accounts. Payments and transfers from and between any Association Bank Accounts may be made by cheque, in-person withdrawal or electronically. Cheques and in-person withdrawals will be signed by at least 2 of the signatories. Electronic Banking transfers or payments will only be made with approval of at least one other member of Executive. All signatories are to inspect the state of the account regularly and share it with other members of the Executive Committee.


23.(a)The Association shall provide a Common Seal and the Secretary shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Common Seal of the Association.

(b)There shall be six (6)Sealholders who shall consist of:-

Secretary / Treasurer
and three (3) others,

and such other three (3)Sealholders are to be appointed by the Executive Committee from members of such Committee.

(c)The Common Seal shall not be used or affixed to any deed, instrument or document, except by virtue of a resolution passed by the Committee of Management or at a General Meeting, and then only affixed in the presence of any three (3) of the Sealholders who shall attest in the following manner every deed, instrument or document to which the Common Seal Is affixed:-

"The Common Seal of The Adelaide and)

Suburban Cricket Association Incorporated was) ...... ………......

by virtue of a resolution duly passed hereunto) ......

affixed this ...... day of...... ) ......

in the presence of 3 Sealholders.” )


24.(a)Each Club shall subscribe annually towards the funds of the Association as listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution, according to the number of teams nominated, and the amount of such subscription shall only be varied at an Annual General Meeting.

(b)Newly affiliated Clubs shall pay a Nomination Fee (which Includes the Annual Club Subscription to cover the new Club's first team for the first season) aslisted in Schedule "A" of this Constitution, and such fee shall only be varied at an Annual General Meeting.

(c)In addition to such annual subscription for club affiliation and nomination fee for new Clubs, the Association may at its discretion at the Annual General Meeting set an additional levy for each team to defray the cost of the Official Handbooks issued.

(d) Clubs must carry suitable insurance cover. This may be arranged and paid through the Association.

(e)Such annual subscription, nomination fee,insurance premium and additional levy shall be paid to the Treasurer on or before the thirty-first day of October in each season. Any Club not having paid the annual subscription, nomination fee or additional levy by the date specified above shall be fined and the amount of such fine for non-payment is listed in Schedule "A" of this Constitution.

(f)Any Club not having paid the annual subscription, nomination fee,insurance premium or additional levy by the thirtieth day of November shall also have its team(s) lose all points gained to that date and scored thereafter until such annual subscription, nomination fee or additional levy and fine imposed as in (d) above be paid.

(g) Where clubs notify the Association that they are having difficulty finding all funds so early in the season they can pay half the amount owing by 31st October and the remainder by 31st December. Any club not financial by 31 December will lose all premiership points from all teams and not score any until they are.


25.The commencing date of each season and the arrangement of all matches in the programme shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

26.(a)Matches will be played as two-day or one-day games in a format broadly agreed by the Committee of management voting at the AGM.

(b)The Executive Committee may declare a day's play cancelled or abandoned due to inclement weather or other emergency. In this event, such remaining day of a two-day fixture shall be deemed to be a one-day match and shall be played as such.

(c) Clubs may choose to nominate teams for competitions where the Executive experiments with different arrangements or organises extra competitions. Rules will be drawn up by The Executive Committee.