Agenda for WellnessCenter stakeholders meeting
February 26, 2006 12:00-1:30 Faculty Club
12:10: Ed Spriggs: Update on University Commitment; Student Affairs Strategic Plan; Principles of Community; Pilot Funding
12:20:Kim Signoret Par: Update on Development Progress and Plan
Timeline for fundraising
12:30:Jerry Phelps: Update on Progress of Executive Committee:
12:40:Group Consensus Process
Values (if possible)
1:00: Plan for next steps: Regular meetings twice per quarter
Timeline and how are they accountable
March 16: Student life retreat flash presentation and table
Spring 2007: Community Visioning Process
Spring 2007: Funding Subcommittee:
Spring 2007: Wellness Community of Providers
(responsible for Brand, : Mobile Wellness Programs, Website, Other Branded Projects that will be targeted for development such as Wellness Class, Wellness Program, and/or Wellness Peers)
Fall 2007: Student Engagement Committee
1:25 Adjourn
WellnessCenter Stakeholders Meeting
February 26, 2006
12:00-1:30 Faculty Club
Welcome & Outcome for today’s meeting(5 min.)
(You are the inspirational leader!! You are there to inspire into action)
Introductions (individuals and at-stakeness)(10 min.)
Ed Spriggs: (15 min.)
Update on University Commitment
Student Affairs Strategic Plan
Principles of Community
Pilot Funding
Kim Signoret Paar: (10 min.)
Update on Development Progress and Plan
Jerry Phelps: (10 min.)
Brief History and Update on Progress of Executive Committee
Group Consensus Process:(20 min.)
Mission Statement
(look into specific questions: enduring, timeless, legacy)
Consensus on Plan for next steps: (15 min.)
Committee Meeting with all representatives (full group) (set date)
(Departments to appoint individuals: sub-committee to implement the action plan; sub-committee for funding)
March 16: Student life retreat flash presentation and table
Spring 2007: Community Visioning Process
Spring 2007: Funding Committee
Spring 2007: Commencement of Mobile Wellness Programs
Spring 2007: Wellness Community of Providers
For Fall 2007: Wellness Peer Educators
Fall 2007: Student Engagement Committee
Initial Version Fall 2007: Interactive Website
1:25 Adjourn
A model program for a holistic approach to student well-being; the possibility of a transdisciplinary center whose sum is greater than the sum of its parts.
Psychological Counseling Services / •BODY
Health Education
Nutrition / •SPIRIT
Center for Ethics and Spirituality
Need overlapping graphic (Justin)
Our History:
The Wellness Center Core Departments (Stakeholders):
Student Health—Director: Dr. Brian Murray
Bio: Student Health Services takes care of all physical health issues, from illness to ______. Programs are developed and implemented through student health, such as ______, which also support student health.
Workshops, programs, outreach
Recreation—Director: Dave Koch
Health assessments, studio classes, workshops
Center for Ethics and Spirituality—Representative: Fr. John Paul Forte
Meeting space, lectures, classes
Psychological and Counseling Services—Director Dr. Reina Juarez
Stress management, health behavior, peak performance
The WellnessCenter Team:
Put the vision into action! (Fill in the blanks during meeting!!)
(Website, mobile wellness center, peer educators)
Executive Committee
Ed Spriggs, Student Affairs
Dr. Jerry Phelps
Dr. Ellen Beck, School of Medicine
Patti Seyfert, Student Affairs
Practitioner Team
Student Health—Director: Brian Murray
Recreation—Director: Dave Koch
Center for Ethics and Spirituality—Director: Fr.John Paul Forte
Gary Anderson
Offices and
Psychological and Counseling Services—Director Reina
Mobile Wellness
Our History:
How group was formed, meetings, etc.
Map of Potential Site:
•One-stop Shopping for Wellness “services”
–(like enrollment & student life services)
•Integrated Programs addressing holistic needs -- Mind/Body/Spirit
•Educational & Self help approach
Promoting life-long wellness behavior
•More satisfaction as part of a holistic solution
•Reduced workload
–Workload sharing and ease of collaboration with other “depts” in transdisciplinary model (e.g., from P&CS 100% to “network” (Rec, CES, Hlth Ed, S Life)
–More Student Self-Help
•Wellness Website with blogs, podcasts, calendar, assessments, integrated mywellness portal
Wellness Peer Ambassadors
Vision (to date):
Create a university environment that maximizes the emotional, psychological spirtiutal and physical well-being of the student through transdisciplinary, interactive wellness community that empowers the student to adopt and maintain a blanced, healthy lifestyle and becomes a national best practice. (add social)
Create a model, best practice national program within the university environment. This program maximizes the physical, social, emotional, spiritual and psychological well-being of the student through a transdisciplinary, interactive wellness community that empowers the student to adopt and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
Group buy-in!!!
Worksheet to fill in the blanks
Progress Report:
What we’ve accomplished so far:
Embellished list of achievements!! Concrete
Next Steps:
1.What projects do we want funded? (ideas might be:______)
pay student peer ed.
Pay student health adv.
Pay for increase in FTE to run wellness class for 2nd or 3rd quarter
Pay for increase in recreation to run their wellness program
(Ask Ed re: funding—pilot this for a year while Development works on funding for the next phase?)
Student needs (input)
Peer Educators
What do the stakeholders need (temp. funding?) to fund a mobile wellness center to take this to the next level? Expanded transdisciplinary programs funded that we can market…so development can develop (specific programs to develop).
Mobile Outreach
Market cross-programs
Market Individual Programs
Survey students on wellness needs and services
Efforts aligned with development goals
•Phase 3
–Temporary site
–Building Fundraising
•Phase 4