Charleston Soccer League Board Meeting Minutes- February 19, 2014, City Hall Council Chambers
Call to Order-7:05 Adam Howarth
Present: Adam Howarth, Lori Bumpus, Jim Thorne, Maureen Smith, Ron Potsch, Brian Jones, Bill Moore,
Jay Fisher, Karen Gaines, Carol Hjort
Others: Austin Cheney
Absent: Dan Chambers, Mark Hansen
January minutes approval-L Bumpus motioned, J Thorne second. Minutes approved
Financial Report-Lori Bumpus
6¢ interest onhs account. 4¢ interest on club account. J Fisher motioned to approve financial report, second by K Gaines. Report approved.
DOC Report-Report given by A Howarth for Mark Hansen
Call for teams: U9 Academy, U10, U16-U18 hs boys
U14 scheduling meeting in next two weeks
CIYSL Update: Starting fall 2014 all referees will be paid by the league
CIYSL is considering using gotsoccer or Arbitrator referee scheduling systems
CIYSL is asking that all clubs ban guns at soccer games. It is already city policy that no guns are allowed on city property. The Board asked that signage be posted at city field stating such. A Howarth will contact Hi Cone about placing signage at their fields.
U9 will begin instituting the offside rule. U8 will not have offsides.
Premiership League requires an additional $100 registration fee
CIYSL schedules will be finalized March 1st. Season starts Mar 30 and ends June 8th. Practices will be held on the usual fields.
Recreational Report
Rec League startsApril 5th and ends May 3rd. Rain date- May 17th. Games are scheduled on Saturdays at 10:00 and 11:30. $45 registration fee. A flyer about the league was approved and will be handed out at the Mattoon YMCA.
Pre Academy Report
Pre Academy will be held on Tuesdays. Season starts April1st and ends May6th, 5-6:10.
$55 if paid before March 6th-$65 after
K Gaines suggested investigating more long term options for fundraising such as grant writing to request monies on a continuing basis. It was suggested that we appeal to the Lumpkin foundation for monies. J Thorne was the winner of the Chevy Ventura but had to decline due to ineligibility because he is an active club board member.
New Business
K Gaines nominated Denise Thrain to the Board, J Fisher second. All approved
Dan Johnson volunteered and was selected as Director of Recreational Soccer.
The Board will be reviewing the By-Laws next meeting to discuss needed updates.
Other News
R Potsch announced the dates of the referee certification training in Charleston and would like to see more attendees from the local area.
There will be a Chicago Fire Soccer Camp on July 21-25th in Arcola, IL. Camp attendees receive a Chicago Fire game ticket.
Next meeting- March 19th-7:00pmJ Fisher motioned to adjourn, second by Maureen Smith.