Numbers drawn 31stJan 6,12,13, 28. Bonus3. No Jackpot winner.1 x 3 Number winner: €200- Natalie & Mikaela. Drawfor 7th Feb in Reynolds- Jackpot: €6,700 for 4 Correct No’s & €10,700 for 4 Correct Numbers PLUS Bonus Number. Draw for 14th Feb in CJ’s.
Meeting. Following a meeting held in the clubrooms on Thurs 4th Feb in relation toorganisingOperation Transformation over lent, it was decided to run with this event commencing on Sun 22nd Feb and conclude on Sat 11th April. A further meeting has been organised for Mon 9th Feb in clubrooms @ 9p.m. Anyone interested in helping to organise this event are asked to please attend as all ideas are welcome.
The first monthly club meeting of 2015takes place in clubrooms on Thursday 12th February at 8:30p.m. There are a number of important issues for discussion. All those interested in the future progress of Kilglass Gaels club are invited to attend.
Membership:Kilglass Gaels GAA Club membership for 2015 is as follows: Adult €30- Student €20-, Minor €10-. A special family rate €75- is available this covers two adults and all family members under the age of 18 years of age. Social Membership €10-. Note social members are not entitled to vote at club meetings or AGM.
Sponsorship 2015:Any business or individual interested in sponsoring our senior men's team for 2015 please contact Dermot Washington 087-6523951
Under 6 & Under 8 Football Skills and ABC continues on Mondays at 6p.m. New players/families always welcome.
Senior Scór: Can anyone interested in taking part in or coaching a Senior Scór Set Dancing Team please contact Seamus Nugent, Cultural Officer as soon as possible. (087 9309498)
Badminton continues in Kilglass GAA Centre each Wednesday at 8.30p.m. All welcome
Roscommon Leader Partnershipin conjunction with the Sustainability Energy Authority of Ireland are running a Warmer Homes Scheme. This project will be FREE to individuals who are in receipt of either Fuel Allowance or Family Income Supplement (FIS) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (for more than 6 months with a child/ren under 7), are a private home owner and the house was built before 2006. Only homes that have NOT received works can apply for this project. If interested please contact us on 090-6630252.
Local Fire Disaster – Fundraising Event: Fundraising for this recent local Fire Disaster is now underway with door-to-door ticket sales – donations optional. Auction will take place in The Lodge, Tarmonbarry on Friday 27th Feb – Music on the night and all are welcome.
Roscommon solstice choir looking to recruit new membersDo you enjoy singing? Would you like an opportunity to contribute to local charities and have fun doing so? If so, the Roscommon Solstice Choir is back for another year and we are looking for new members. Come along to the Kilbride Community Centre on Sun Feb 8th at 7.30pm . You are guaranteed a warm welcome and the craic is mighty!
Mayo Roscommon Hospiceis seeking participants to take part in the New York City marathon in November. This is an all in package deal and is well worth doing as a once in a lifetime event. Contact 0949388666 orfor information
8thFebruary, 2015
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter now being printed by Nuala Diffley: Phone 087 674 7177 or if possible, email to
Please have all notices in as early as possible each week and by 9p.m. on Thurs at the very latest to ensure inclusion that weekend
Masses & Intentions this week: (Monday 9thto Sunday 15th February, 2015)
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rooskey Responsible Stewardship: €560-
Masses: Mon 9thFeb: Mass at 9a.m.
Wed 11thFeb: Mass at 10a.m.(World Day of Prayer for the Sick)with Sacrament of the Anointing
Sat 14th: Mass at 11a.m. (Month’s Mind Mass for Willie Cox)
Sunday 15thFeb: Mass at 12 noon.(For Brian Hanley and Jimmy Hanley)
Eucharistic MinistersSun15th Feb: Paddy McHugh & Monica Mahon
Readers: Sun 15thFeb: Aidan Dockery
Church Collectors for Feb: John G. Diffley & Hugh O’Brien
Holy Hourcontinues each Tuesday in Rooskey Church from 6pm to 7p.m.
Children’s’ Choir. The children's choir is on Sun 15th of Feb @ 12 noon Mass in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Rooskey. Practices will be held in the school. All children welcome.
Rooskey Church Renovation Committee
Bell Tower Shop - Opening hours displayed in shop window.
Annual Table Quiz night on Friday 27thFebruaryat 8.30pm in the Weir Lodge.
Table of 4 €40. Refreshments, Raffle and Prizes on the night. Please support.
Donations: Donations always accepted but we regret that for the moment we are unable to accept books or large electrics
Vocations WorkshopHave you ever considered a vocation to the priesthood? Have you felt called to serve Christ in the Church as a priest? If so, why not attend our vocation discernment workshop 27th - 28th February in Star of the Sea Retreat Centre, Mullaghmore, Co Sligo and join other men who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. For more information see contact Fr Jim Murray and Fr John Coughlan like us on Facebook –
Words from Pope Francis on Consecrated Life “The joy of the moment is when Jesus looked at me with love. To understand and feel this is the secret of our happiness. Feeling loved by God, that we are for him not numbers, but persons, and know that it is He who calls us."
St. Anne’s Church, Slatta Responsible Stewardship: €165-
Saturday 14thFeb: Mass at 7.30 p.m. (Anniv. Mass for Tom Tully)
Servers: Niamh Doorley, Jack Doorley.
Collectors: Christopher Neary, Francis McGuire, Patrick McHugh & John Colligan
Altar Societyfor February:Joan Nugent & Patsy Padian
Marriage, Family and Society: Bishop Kevin Doran will give a talk on Tues 17thFeb at 8pm in Sligo Park Hotel on the topic of Marriage, Family and Society. All are most welcome to attend.
Church of The Sacred Heart, Kilglass Responsible Sponsorship: €440.84
Sunday15thFeb: Mass at 10.30a.m.(For Tom Joe Byrne)
Sacristans Sunday 15thFeb: Oonagh Cox & Rosanne Reynolds
Euch. Min: Oonagh Cox & Ann Coyle
Altar Servers: Ciaran Cox & Emily O’Brien
Offertory Collectors: Cyril Mullooly & Bernard Reynolds
Altar Society (February) Olivia Bushell
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY– THURSDAY 9THAPRIL- Launch Night- Fr Kevin’s new album. Further details later.
Recent Deaths: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Agnes Faughnan R.I.P. late of Cattan Mohill, aunt of Anthony Faughnan, Knockhall and alsoMary Joe Mullaney R.I.P. late of Fourmilehouse (aunt of Liam & Micheál Coyle) whose Funeral Masses took place recently. Also Michael McGuire R.I.P., late of Caul, Kilglass whose Funeral Mass took place in Slatta Church on Monday last; Mary Gearty (nee Shanahan) R.I.P.,late of Cloonart & formerly of Knockhall, whose Funeral Mass took place in Bornacoola Church on Sunday last and Michael Gallogly R.I.P., (father of Kieran Gallogly, Kilglass), whose Funeral Mass took place in Enniskillen on Wednesday last. May they Rest in Peace.
Doctors’ Rota
For all weekend and after-hours calls contact: MIDOC Tel: 1850 302 702
Progressive 25 continues in Cox’s every Monday. All Welcome
Progressive 25continues in Kilglass Community Centre on Tuesday nights at 8.30pm. Last week’s winnerNoel McDermott–8 games. New Players Welcome
This week’s activities in the New Community Centre, (Old School) Rooskey:
Mon9th / Computer Class 10a.m.-1p.m.Tues10th
February / Active Retirement Group meet at 11.30a.m. AA Meeting 9 pm
Keep Fit 9–10 p.m. Tracy O’Neill Dancing Class 6-8.30p.m.
Wed 11th / Computer Class 10a.m.-1p.m. Parent & Toddler 10.30 - 12.30p.m Art Class 10.30 – 12.30 Community Welfare Officer 2.30 – 3.30p.m. Yoga Class 7.30-8.45p.m. Contact Malo 086 3308 999
Thurs12th / Tracy O’Neill Dancing class 5 – 9p.m. Pilates Class 7-8p.m.
Fri 13th / Computer Class 10a.m.-1p.m.
Pilates Class 7-8p.m. Call 087 7681730 for details.
Beginners Computer Course in Information Technology at the Community Centre Rooskey to include Internet/Email Word Processing, producing greeting cards, letter writing and computer skills. Course will start as soon as possible and will take place afternoons on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. If interested contact Stephanie or Sabrina at Galway/Roscommon ETB at 09066 34189 or Patricia at the Rooskey Centre immediately
Rooskey Active Retirement At the recent Active Retirement AGM the following officers were elected for the coming year – Kay Carleton Chairperson, Ann Marie Rabbitt Secretary, Kathleen Mc Hugh Treasurer. Membership of €10 for the year must reach Active Retirement Association head office by 21st Feb. No membership will be accepted after that date. If you would like to join us and engage in our many activities and trips please submit your €10 to Patricia at the Rooskey Centre or any committee member by 11th February.
Meelick/Derrymoylan Bog Road: A meeting will take place in Tommy Cox’s Bar on Tues 10th Feb at 9.30p.m. to discuss repairs to the bog road at Meelick/Derrymoylan. All turf cutters along this road are asked to attend.
“Thank You” Kieran, Rosaleen and the Gallogly family wish to extend their sincere thanks to all from Kilglass GAA Club and from the parish and wider community on making the trip to Enniskillen to sympathise with them on their loss. Your support, help and kindness was very much appreciated in the past week. Thank you all very much.
Rooskey Heritage Festival: To celebrate St. Valentine we are having a Mr. and Mrs. night in Peter Reynolds Pub on Friday 13th of February at 9pm. There will be a raffle and entertainment on the night, come along for a night filled with laughter and good fun.
More Notices on back of Newsletter...