Cektrikx Interview
Interviewer: I’d like to talk to you about your own world. Does it have a name?
Child: Yeah, it’s called Cektrikx (child spells name). It’s a planet in a parallel universe. It’s actually located in the same universe as Chapaki except it’s the “Ruby” of the universe. It has a planet and a star.
Interviewer: Ok. So do the planet and star have different names?
Child: No they’re all just kinda part of Cektrikx.
Interviewer: Ok. But Cektrikx and Chapaki are part of the same universe?
Child: Yeah…
Interviewer: Are there any other similarities between Chapaki and Cektrikx?
Child: Yeah, so they kinda have some of the same characters and enemies and stuff. But [CREATOR OF CHAPAKI] creates the characters that normally live in Chapaki and I create the characters that live in Cektrikx. But they are all sorta like friends and we like to create these narrative sort of things between them.
Interviewer: Ok, can you tell me a bit more about the characters?
Child: Well they are animals. Actually, like walking cats and dogs – but there are other animals too, like bats and mice. All sorts of creatures really. And they’re about 3 feet tall and usually strange colored. There’s this enemy we have – Bow Girl. [CREATOR OF CHAPAKI] probably talked about her. But in Cektrikx there’s actually more than one enemy. They all hate 5-year-old little girls who want to put bows on everything and make everyone where dresses and stuff. They have this machine where they can hypnotize the animals with this machine, so that they all have to love bows and dresses. It’s really weird. Oh and there’s this other enemy in Cektrikx –Cutsie Doodle.....Cutsie Doodle is actually the enemy of Chapaki. She sorta thinks, like, Chapakians are weird… everything has to be her way and she wants to take over. But she’s actually the original version of this other character I created – Cutsie, who’s the leader of all of Cektrikx. Except now Cutsie Doodle is the enemy because she’s all, like, bossy and stuff.
Interviewer: Oh, ok. So your friend mentioned Cutsie – is this the same Cutsie character?
Child: Umm yeah. So Cutsie is a character I created but she’s also part of the ruling class in the Chapaki. But she’s the leader of Cektrikx. She’s a ginger cat – she’s sunset colored with wings. But there are also smaller leaders and stuff.
Interviewer: Ok can you tell me a bit about them?
Child: Well there’s Pip-Pip – he’s a purple dog and he’s really good at whistling. He and Cutsie are friends. But he doesn’t really do much. And there’s Summer Sault – Pip-Pip's sister. She’s funny. But, well actually she’s not really important.
Interviewer: Ok, so what is Cutsie’s role as the leader – what does she do?
Child: She mainly just makes sure that things are going smoothly and sometimes she joins with Charger (he’s the leader of Chapaki) if Bow Girl orCutsie Doodle are trying to take over or being really bossy.
Interviewer: So how many animals – or characters live in Cektrikx?
Child: I think I’ve created about 100 or something. But probably more live there. I don’t remember them all.
Interviewer: Ok, so earlier you said that Cutsie “makes sure things are running smoothly” what do you mean by that? Are there laws in Cektrikx?
Child: Well I guess so. I mean they’re basically like normal laws, like laws we have here. Just to make things go better and stuff. And they have a military like when they go to battles and stuff . . . .
Interviewer: Could you tell me more about the battles?
Child: Well it was mainly this one war against Kelly’s Pet Shop.
Interviewer: Oh, ok. Can you tell me more about Kelly’s Pet Shop and why there was the war?
Child: Well Kelly’s Pet Shop was mean to the animals. It was in Bow Town, which is where Bow-Girl and all the little 5-year-old girls mainly live. And well, there was like no freedom there or anything. So when they went to battle, they won the war. And during battles they have these living spirits of the dear. They’re sort of like ghosts – but not creepy or anything. So they’re invisible and they whisper omens during battles to help out.
Interviewer: And their battle happened at Bow-Town -- is that part of Cektrikx?
Child: Yeah its on the planet, it’s just one of the towns.
Interviewer: Ok, well I have a list here of things that I’d like to you look at. Will you look at the list and star anything that seems important about Cektrikx so that I can make sure we talk about it?
(child stars things on list)
Interviewer: Ok, I see the first thing you starred was Celebrations. Can you tell me more about that?
Child: so Spirit Day is really important. I forgot about it but it’s what happens because of the war. After Cektrikx kicked Kelly’s Pet Shop they decided to have a celebration, which is called Spirit Day. There is lights and presents and stuff.
Interviewer: Oh, ok, so this is what they did after they won?
Child: Yeah but now they do it every year. It’s kind of like the 4th of July. They celebrate being free from Kelly’s Pet Shop and there’s lots of food and music and lights and presents. It’s kinda like a holiday.
Interviewer:I see you starred food too. What sorts of foods are in Cektrikx?
Child: Oh yeah. So they’re actually really good cooks! It might sound a little weird, but they make these specialty dishes: There are star leaves: those are leaves, lettuce and this sweet and spicy sauce. They love it. And there are Ruby bites: it’s actually kinda like a yummy drink. And they also eat candied spider webs. Those are like their candy. They love them. But they don’t eat any meet – they’re like vegetarians. But I guess they do eat bugs. Because they have these big blue-green lady bugs that they deep fry. They sort of look like fruit flies.
Interviewer: So are these the things they eat all the time, or only at the celebration – Spirit Day ?
Child: They eat these all the time, they just get to have more candied spider webs and ruby bites on Spirit Day.
Interviewer: Ok, is there anything else that they eat?
Child: Oh, I completely forgot! There are these berry cats – they basically look like normal cats. But they grow plants and berries. They have these weird leather sacks, kind of like fanny packs but not as weird, that they carry the berries in. They live in Berry-ville, which is just another town in Cektrikx.
Interviewer: Ok. Is there anything different about all of the towns?
Child: Not really, just different stuff. Like normal.
Interviewer: Ok. So the berry cats live in Berry-ville and grow plants and berries?
Child: Uh yup. And there’s four different types of berries. I think I had names at one point, but I don’t remember them. But the berries go in to the Ruby Bites, and the characters also just eat them, too.
Child: Oh! I forgot to tell you about Robo-Cat. He’s sort of like a leader, too. Well, not really, but everyone sort of wants to get training from him. He’s this robotic cat and he has special – or magical speed, endurance, and strength. That’s what his power stone gives him. That’s his special ability. No one else really has it so he’s pretty popular. And he carries this special bow and arrow that he conjured because he’s kind of magical. No body else has one.
Interviewer: Oh ok. So does Robo Cat actually give people training?
Child: Only on special occasions and stuff. It’s sort of hard, well not really, but people mainly rely on their power stones to give them their powers. Like some power stones give really smart powers, and some are really fast, some are invisible. Stuff like that.
Child:....In Cektrikz they’re kept in special jars. They’re kind of just there to give people special powers. And those powers determine their jobs. Like some people have special skills for cooking – so they cook. And the Berry-cats have special plant and berry skills so that’s why they are the berry cats.
Interviewer: Ok. So what other jobs are there?
Child: Just like normal jobs.
Interviewer: Is there anything else important about them you want to tell me about them?
Child: No, the rest is sort of private.
Interviewer: Ok. How about we look at this list again?
Interviewer: It looks like you starred medicine - can you tell me a little more about the medicine in Cektrikx? What’s it like?
Child: The medicine is magic. But it’s mainy the monark leaf. It’s magic but it’s only used for special occasions because most of the time people don’t need it. But when they do, it can basically heal anything. Like cuts and bruises, little stuff like that. But it can heal bigger stuff too. But that doesn’t really happen. I don’t know.
Interviewer: I’m looking at the list and the other thing you starred was friends. What sorts of friends are there?
Child : Well, like I told you, there are Cektrikz characters and Chapaki characters are friends. Like Cutsie and Charger. Stuff like that. It’s just like normal friend stuff.
Interviewer: So what do you think is most important to you about it?
Child: Well, probably the characters I create with [CREATOR OF CHAPAKI]. Like their relationships and stuff. That’s probably my favorite part.