25 February 2004
Members Present: Dr Michael McCall Senate Rep. (Chair)
Dr Melanie Strawbridge Senate Rep.
Ms Alison Gaines Senate Rep.
Ms Alisha Ryans-Taylor Senate Rep.
Ms Carolyn Jakobsen Senate Rep.
Prof Phillip Jennings Academic Rep.
Dr Pratap Pullammanappallil Academic Rep.
Dr Martin Anda Academic Deputy
Mr Mal Bradley Member (Guild Pres.)
Non-Members Present: Mr John McGowan (Executive Officer)
Mr Alan McGregor Standing Observer (OFM)
Ms Beth Strang Standing Observer (Guild)
Mrs Lynne Miles (Minute Secretary)
Apologies: Prof John Yovich Member (VC)
Prof Richard Hobbs Academic Rep.
Copy to: Andrew Bain (University Secretary)
John Farley (Records Officer)
Gaye McMath (PVC RM)
Mr Brad Caldwell (ADFP)
Mr Bob Lewtas (ADFO)
Mr Rene de Grauw (Energy & Utilities)
Part A
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Prof. John Yovich and Prof. Richard Hobbs.
2. Introducing
Carolyn Jakobsen was introduced to the Committee. Carolyn is a Senator and has been appointed as a member of this Committee, an undertaking she will assume in addition to her service on the Equity and Equal Opportunity Committee.
Part B
3. Confirmation of Minutes
The committee confirmed the minutes of the 26 November 2003 meeting.
4. Action items from the Previous Meeting
4.1 Item 6.13 (26 Nov 03): Temporary warning signs regarding the picking of flowers are being arranged pending Murdoch University’s possible involvement in the Beeliar Regional Park. Status to be reported at next meeting JMG
4.2 Item 6.12 (26 Nov 03): This project incorporates all actions from 2001. The Action Table with status notes will be completed and circulated prior to the next meeting. JMG
4.3 Item 6.7 (26 Nov 03): The design standards and project management guidelines used by QUT and ECU have been obtained. Permission has been granted to adapt these to fit Murdoch University. A draft will be available for review by 31st March 2004. BC
5. Status Reports & 2003 Environment Report
5.1 Integrated Water Strategy Consultant Report
A meeting is to be held with Geoff Bott of Parsons & Brinkerhoff. Reports outlining Stages 1 and 2 and possibly an initial draft report associated with Stage 3 will be available at the next meeting. JMG
5.2 Resource Recovery Strategy – Project (Stage 1)
The report tabled outlines work undertaken and the related costs to date. Work had slowed over the break, but was due to increase during the new semester.
5.3 Greenhouse Challenge – Assessment Project
The Greenhouse Challenge project is being steered by the Energy and Utilities Manager and is progressing well. A strategy to replace existing lighting with energy efficient lighting has been incorporated into the Programmed Maintenance Plan.
The new Chiller has been installed and initial assessments have revealed good energy savings. These assessments are ongoing and the outcomes will be reported at the next meeting. JMG
Statistics regarding current energy savings being made on Campus are to be circulated prior to the next meeting. JMG
5.4 Bushland Management Plan (Stage 1) – Assessment Project
The activities of Biodiversity Sub-committee have slowed recently due to time constraints on people involved. This is impacting on the role of the subcommittee in bushland management planning (as well as its assessment of the Master Plan process, and an increased emphasis on assessing the landscaped sections of campus).
Along with the inclusion of a deputy (Phil Jennings) for the chair of the sub-committee (Richard Hobbs), which will allow more operational flexibility, the membership of this sub-committee will now include Carolyn Jakobsen, Melanie Strawbridge and Beth Strang.
5.5 Environmental Input to Master Plan
Data is currently being collated and compiled by a consultant into documentation that is in a format that will be easily read and recognised by the relevant government authorities on submission.
The Master Plan process is reviewing which areas should fall under University use and which areas could be rezoned as part of the Metropolitan Regional Scheme. It will define Bushland conservation areas and a clear management plan will need to be developed for these areas.
Alan McGregor reported that the Master Plan process has slowed following the resignation of Peter Crook. This position has been advertised and it was hoped that that new appointment would occur this month and result in the reactivation of the process. Consultants have already been engaged and are ready to start. This delay should allow time for adequate environmental assessment of the campus.
Other academics along with some members of the Environmental Committee met with the consultant during a roundtable discussion in February. Discussed during those roundtable talks where were the important areas with significant conservation value as well as the academic use of the natural environment for teaching purposes, which created a better awareness of the value of the University’s natural environment. Reports made by the consultants should be made available to the Environment Committee for comment and advise as part of the process.
Bushland areas of specific environmental significance are currently being identified. The final decision will be made through a Senior Executive recommendation to Senate.
6. Waste Management Sub-Committee Status Report
A composting unit has been set up. Troubleshooting and commissioning of this is still to be undertaken.
The sub-committee is due to meet to discuss strategy for Waste Management for the whole of the Campus.
A business case outlining the costs and benefits will be required prior to implementation of the strategy. PP
Carolyn Jakobsen expressed a willingness to be a part of the Sub-Committee and will be contacted to discuss the details. PP
7. Beeliar Regional Park Advisory Committee
Prof. Jennings reported that there is an opportunity for the university to reconsider being included in the Beeliar Regional Park. The first draft of the Management Plan for the Park has been released and will be finalised during 2004.
An initial consultation with the Vice Chancellor has beenwas positive. The Environment Committee recommend that a memo, listing the benefits and proposing that Murdoch University become a part of the Park again, is to be compiled and submitted to the Vice Chancellor for detailed consideration before the end of March. JMG
8. Asbestos Issues
A program of replacement of Asbestos Roofs commenced 4 years ago. A four-year replacement plan at a cost of $ 6 million was submitted to the Resources Committee in 1999. However, it was agreed to allocate $100 000 per year for this task instead. To date 15% of the required replacement has been completed under this revised program, the most recent being the Gymnasium Roof.
The Roofs and surrounds are tested annually and $150 000 per year is currently being expended in cleaning up high traffic areas.
It is proposed that another four-year plan be submitted to the Resources Committee. The Environment Committee will support this plan. The Committee will make a more specific recommendation after review of the submission. AM
9. Campus Landscape
Peter Cala has been engaged for Part 1 of the Landscape Plan process in order to capture the history of landscape development at Murdoch University. The process will run parallel to the Master Plan process and the timeline for completion will be assessed in the Master Plan review.
The three parts could run concurrently if adequate resources were available. The Natural Landscape Sub-committee is considered an appropriate body to be involved in review and the activation of Part 3.
It is suggested that the process be coordinated through the Environmental Planning Department in Facilities Management and involve representatives from both the Natural Landscape and Built Environment Sub-Committees.
The matter of the existing landscape will be addressed as a separate issue.
10. The Built Environment
A Built Environment Sub-Committee needs to be formally constituted. It is requested that Brad Caldwell of Facilities Management is involved with this committee. The Committee commissioned Martin Anda to reform this Sub-Committee. MA
The initial focus of the Sub-Committee is the Environmental Design Guidelines for the built environment for use by the Sub-Committee and Environment Committee when reviewing specifications for new buildings to be constructed on Campus.
It is to be noted that CSIRO evaluation software is being considered as a standard review tool.
It was suggested that traffic planning is considered seriously in the Campus Master Plan Process.
Meeting Closed: 9.35 am
Next Meeting 31 March 2004
Environmental Committee Minutes –25 February 2004