Dear Ministry Partner, November 1, 2016
PBDRM is excited to publish our first ever printable report! Up to date we have been posting every detail of the ministry on our Facebook page, but going forward we will be sending out a regular newsletter also, mainly so that supporting churches have something they can print and display. We will continue posting the regular updates on the Facebook page as well.
Since this is our first newsletter ever we would like to write a couple of paragraphs here about the mission of PBDRM, which was registered with the Philippines S.E.C. on September 16, 2015. The main mission of PBDRM is to preach the Gospel to the lost during times of disasters. During times of disaster, hearts of people are sometimes more open to listening to the Gospel than at other times. We do this by using the ministry’s funds to purchase and distribute relief items (mainly food and medicines) to those in areas most affected. At the same time, we preach the Gospel and distribute Gospel tracts to all of the recipients. We always coordinate with a Pastor of a local, independent Baptist church who can follow-up with the people afterwards. The Pastors of churches that financially support the ministry will be the first Pastors PBDRM will be coordinating with during times of disaster.
PBDRM is primarily funded by offerings from local Baptist churches here in the Philippines.Please pray for more churches to partner with PBDRM because the funds are used up really fast when purchasing the relief items. If we spend about P500 per family to get them some rice and canned goods it means it costs about P50k to minister to 100 families. Therefore,if there are more churches on board supporting there will be more people whom we'll be able to get the Gospel too during these times of disaster!We praise God that even thoughPBDRM is just getting up and running there are already some local churches that have begun sending in financial support and we want to recognize and thank each of them here…
New Life Baptist Church (Mexico, Pampanga)
Ancient Landmark Baptist Church (Plaridel, Bulacan)
Metrolight Gospel Baptist Church (Bustos, Bulacan)
Metrolight Baptist Church (San Jose, Nueva Ecija)
Laloma Baptist Church (Laloma, Quezon)
Angeles Missionary Baptist Church (Angeles City, Pampanga)
PBDRM is 100% transparent with its ministry finances. Every peso that comes in and goes out is properly recorded and every donation and distribution is made public, even on the PBDRM Facebook page where pictures of all relief efforts (and receipts of purchases) are made public for anyone to see. Furthermore, 100% of the support received goes toward purchasing and distributing relief items, there is no paid staff in PBDRM, all of the work is done on a strictly volunteer basis.
October 2016 was a very busy month for PBDRM as typhoons Karen and Lawin affected millions of people in Luzon. Typhoon Lawin was particularly powerful with signal 5 warnings lifted in several parts of Northern Luzon. PBDRM coordinated with Pastor Noel Batayo at Solana Bible Baptist Church and Pastor Marcel Maestre (from one of Pastor Noel’s mission churches) shortly after typhoon Lawin came through. Director Jeremy Ferguson and three others from New Life Baptist Church, Mexico, Pampanga took a trip up there to personally assist and the ministry was able to purchase 500 kilos of rice and 1,000 cans of sardines and then distributed these relief items to over 125 affected families in a couple of different areas and preached the Gospel to all of them. Praise God for so many people who made professions of faith, even by one of the Barangay Captains! Please pray for the pastors as they will be following up with these people we reached out to. That was a long trip, taking us nine hours of driving one way just to reach this northern area coming from Pampanga, but it was well worth it!
Part of that trip that really touched our hearts was visiting the area of Pastor Marcel’s church out in the middle of NOWHERE one evening. We arrived and it was PITCH DARK way out there as they will be without electricity for several months and when we shined a flash light we saw about 100 people eagerly waiting for us! We preached the Gospel, shared some relief items, and extended some help to rebuild the house of Pastor Marcel whose little nipa hut was completely destroyed by Typhoon Lawin. This Pastor has given his life to be a true missionary to those people out there and to see his testimony and sacrifice was incredibly challenging, to say the least! Please pray for them as they are rebuilding.
We witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by typhoon Lawin and it was an incredibly powerful storm. Many of these people will probably be without electricity for up to 4-6 months. We started seeing downed power lines over 100 kilometers away from the areas we went into and didn't see a single electric company vehicle doing any work. Electric lines were scattered all over the roads everywhere you went.
Pastor Jeremy preached the Gospel to the recipients at the two different locations
PBDRM also coordinated with Pastor Peter Garcia from Evangel Light Baptist Church,Laoag City, Ilocos after typhoon Lawin came through. Please pray for the folks in this area as they too are recovering from the effects of typhoon Lawin that caused serious devastation in their area also
PBDRM coordinating with Evangel Light Baptist Church, Laoag City, Ilocos
PBDRM recently assisted some families in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija who were affected by Typhoon Karen. We coordinated with Pastor Jojo Santiago from Cabanatuan Bible Baptist Church.
PBDRM coordinating with Cabanatuan Bible Baptist Church, Nueva Ecija
Please pray for the Beloy family from Tubod, Carmen Davao del Norte. Their home was destroyed in a fire back in September along with three others who all need prayers and assistance. The Beloy family are members at Gospel Bible Baptist Church in that area under the leadership of Pastor Wllliam B. Jayawon. After the fire they were literally left with nothing besides the clothes that they carried in their hands. By God's grace no one was killed in the fire, but there were some minor burns.PBDRM was able to co-ordinate with Pastor Jayawon to get some needed food and medicines to the affected people.
The Beloy family receiving assistance from PBDRM
Back in August PBDRM coordinated with Pastor Rex Lalu, Baptist missionary to the Aeta tribal people, to assist them with some needed medicines. Please pray for the Aeta folks, they really have a difficult time when storms come through their areas. They often don’t have enough money to buy the cheapest of medicines.
PBDRM distributing medicines to Aeta folks who were affected by recent monsoon rains
In August, PBDRM coordinated with Pastor Reland Francisco from Antioch Baptist Church in San Fernando, Pampanga where we distributed relief items and Gospel tracts to 60 evacuated families at St. Nino Elementary School, San Fernando, Pampanga. These folks were evacuated from their homes due to intense flooding caused by recent non-stop monsoon rains. Some of them had beenevacuated for up to one week. Everyone there received a Gospel tract and listened to a Gospel presentation and many were very curious and interested!
PBDRM ministering to 60 evacuated families at St. Nino Elementary School, San Fernando, Pampanga
There are hundreds of more pictures of these recent activitiesfor you to see, just check out the PBDRM Facebook page. Thanks so much to all of the PBDRM supporters; we really believe that through this ministry many souls will come to receive Jesus Christ! If you know of a Pastor and/or local church that might be interested in being a PBDRM partner, please get us in touch with them. Also, if you have any questions at all regarding PBDRM just contact Director Jeremy Ferguson. Thanks and God bless you!
Yours in Christ,Pastor Jeremy Ferguson(Cellphone number: 09234798041)
PBDRM Facebook:
October 2016 Financial Report (in pesos)
Previous Balance (95,925) + Offerings (6,678) - Expenses (54,160) = Ending Balance (48,443)
10/19/16: Ancient Landmark Baptist Church (Plaridel, Bulacan) = 2,000
10/19/16: Laloma Baptist Church (Laloma, Quezon) = 2,000
10/30/16: New Life Baptist Church (Mexico, Pampanga) = 1,178
10/31/16: Angeles Missionary Baptist Church (Angeles City, Pampanga) = 1,500
Expenses (Note: all receipts are pictured and uploaded to the PBDRM Facebook page)
10/17/16: Helped affected families in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija from Typhoon Karen = 5,720
10/21/16: Helped affected families in Laoag, Ilocos Norte from Typhoon Lawin = 10,240
10/24/16: Helped affected families in Solana, Cagayan from Typhoon Lawin = 38,200
September 2016 Financial Report (in pesos)
Previous Balance (96,025) + Offerings (2,000) - Expenses (2,100) = Ending Balance (95,925)
09/22/16: Ancient Landmark Baptist Church (Plaridel, Bulacan) = 1,000
09/25/16: New Life Baptist Church (Mexico, Pampanga) = 1,000
Expenses (Note: all receipts are pictured and uploaded to the PBDRM Facebook page)
09/02/16: HelpedBeloy family whose house was destroyed by a fire = 2,100
August 2016 Financial Report (in pesos)
Previous Balance (53,667) + Offerings (52,814) - Expenses (10,456) = Ending Balance (96,025)
08/07/16: Anonymous = 50,000
08/22/16: Ancient Landmark Baptist Church (Plaridel, Bulacan) = 1,000
08/29/16: New Life Baptist Church (Mexico, Pampanga) = 814
08/30/16: Metrolight Gospel Baptist Church (Bustos, Bulacan) = 1,000
Expenses (Note: all receipts are pictured and uploaded to the PBDRM Facebook page)
08/15/16: Relief distribution for families evacuated because of flooding at San Fernando, Pampanga = 10,456