Green Offer
Application for inclusion in
Directory of Green Service Providers
Company nameAddress
Green Offer
Directory of GreenService Providers
- Green Offer in brief
Enterprise Ireland’s GreenOffer is a programme designed to encourage clients to adopt Environmental Best Practice in their organisation to increase competitiveness.
The programme is based on differing levels of intensity as follows:
GreenStart: focus on value
The GreenStart programme is designed for SME companies providing a short seven day assignment with an approved environmental consultant. It aims to increase the level of environmental awareness relating to regulatory compliance and help with the development of a basic management system in companies which do not have in-house expertise or have conducted limited environmental activities to date. This is an assignment of up to 7 (in company) consultancy days, extending over 8 to 12 weeks.
GreenPlus: performance improvement
A more extensive environmental improvement, training based assignment delivered by an external environmental consultant. It will result in sustained use of Environmental Best Practice to achieve international standards certification level, in environmental management, energy/carbon management,life cycle thinking etc. and bring about savings through resource efficiency improvements. A GreenPlus assignment will typically be not less than 6 months duration.
LeanTransform: business transformation
This is anextensive, holistic company Lean transformation programme delivered by an external consultancy team of international reputation. It will embed the culture and competences in the company necessary for on-going competitiveness gains, sustainable continuous improvement and business transformationacross the business and its supply chain. LeanTransform assignments will be preceded by a diagnostic evaluation and will typically extend for at least 1 year.These assignments may include an environmental component to provide training in Environmental Best Practice.
Programme availability
This programme is available to EnterpriseIreland clients subject to eligibility as determined by EnterpriseIreland and depending on the client’s existing capability in using Lean business principles, the client size, and their particular business development needs.
- Directory of Green Service Providers in brief
The purpose of the directory is to assist Enterprise Ireland clients who wish toparticipate in the Green Offer to identify a service provider who can demonstrate the necessary expertise and experience to carry out a GreenStart, GreenPlus or LeanTransform assignment. Please ensure you are familiar with the appropriate guidelines for the Green Offer before completing this application.
Clients are wholly responsible for selecting a service provider.
The information provided by a green service provider in this application should demonstrate the skills and experience of the provider through actual examples of projects the provider has undertaken. While the project examples may not appear on the website, applicantswho do not demonstrate capability in particularareas will not be listed against those areas. The website will allowour client companies to search using key categories such as Sector Experienceand Functional Experience.Perusers will also have the facility to search for keywords. For this reason it is important to include key skill/experience words, subsectors or ‘buzz’ words in the Brief Description of Business, particularly in the case where your experience is particularly value adding and relatively unique.
The directory is not an exclusive or exhaustive list of service providers capable of carrying out assignments under the Green Offer.
The directory will be publicly available and will be updated by Enterprise Ireland on a regular basis.
- Making application for inclusion in the Directory.
Service providers who wish to be included on the directory must demonstrate the following in their application:
- a proven track record in providing business development environmentalconsultancy services to business in either the large and/or the small and medium enterprise (sme) sectors (please see above)
- experience in training/mentoring programmes leading to the implemention and management of environmental standardsto achieve measurable improvement in business competitiveness and efficiency
- expert knowledge of environmental best practice and recognised qualifications in this area
- experience in developing and embeddingcompany capabilities and skills in environmental best practice
- effective methodologies for delivering Green assignments
- detailed sectoral knowledge and experience in one or more of the following business sectors:
- Food
- Manufacturing
- Electronics
- Software
- Life Sciences
- Engineering
- Services
- Construction
- Telecommunications
- thefull-time resources and capacity to deliver prompt and professional responses to enquiries from Enterprise Ireland clients and to successfully complete assignments for Enterprise Ireland clients participating on the Lean programme.
- a broad range of specialist business development and transformation skills as may be required by client companies for the larger assignments.
In addition to the above applicants must
- Provide referees and or reference sites in respect of their application
- Complete a Tax Clearance declaration(see section 2.4of the application form).
Supporting documents in soft copy as follows are also required:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance incl. details of level of cover and the provider
- Evidence of recent 2 years turnover.
EnterpriseIreland reserves the right to check the accuracy of information provided and to remove content which is inaccurate.A listing in the directory does not provide any guarantee of work. Funding support will be set by EnterpriseIreland and will be based on the prevailing maximum daily rate for business development consultancy services.
- How to submit your completed application
Applications will be accepted in electronic format only.
Submit required documents to:
Checklist of documents to be submitted:
- Completed application inpdf format with the applicants signature
- Completed application in word document format for ease of processing and transfer of information to the directory.
- Soft copies of the required supporting documents listed above.
5. Application – Part 1: Company profile & background information
1.1 / Company profileBusiness Name / Business Postal Address
Tel. No. / e-mail Address
Web Address
Main Contact Name / Job Title
Date Established / Number of Staff
Please estimate % of your turnover derived from the following clients:
Local Enterprise Office (LEO) / Enterprise Ireland (EI) / Industrial Development Authority (IDA) / Overseas clients
1.2 / Brief Company Profile and History (e.g. background, ownership - max 6 lines)
1.3 / Brief Description of Business (This will be used on the website - max 300 words)
Please note that the Green service provider database has a ‘search for key word’ facility to users. For this reason, we would suggest including key skills/experience/specialisms in this section (e.g. environmental, energy management systems, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, carbon management, life cycle assessment, environmental product declarations, water management etc.).
1.4 / Expertise & skills in environmental best practice(max 10 lines)
1.5 / Staff Profile (nominate all staff members whom you would use on Green Offer assignments)
Staff name / Key specialist area or skill set
In the following 3 sections, outline (max 25 lines) how you would conduct a Green assignment in terms of your approach to winning initial company support and the appropriate methodology to achieving a successful outcome. Complete only sections relating to the programmes for which you wish to provide services – i.e. GreenStart, GreenPlus or LeanTransform (environmental component).
1.6 / Outline how you would conduct an introductory environmental assignment such as a GreenStart1.7 / Outline how you would conduct a medium scale assignment such as a GreenPlus
1.8 / Outline how you would conduct an environmental component of an advanced assignment such as a LeanTransform
6. Application – Part 2: Sector Experience
2.1 / Sub-Sector ExperienceBeside the following sectors, list by their commonly known name the sub-sectors in which you can demonstrate a track record of implementing environmental programmes. For example, Food would include beef processing, manufacture of health food products etc.
2.2 / Business Area/Functional experience
Please only complete tables for sector(s) and business area(s) in which you have proven experience.
For Food sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForManufacturing sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForElectronics sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForSoftware sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForLife Sciences sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForEngineering sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForServices sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForConstruction sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
ForTelecommunications sector only, please giveexampleof project (objective and interventions made) and outputs of project (both qualitative and quantitative) opposite relevant business area the project addressed.Business Area/Function / Projects and outputs (2-4 lines per example)
Environmental Management Systems
Energy Management Systems
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
Carbon Management
Eco-labels Type I & II (Environmental Labelling)
Eco-labels Type III (Environmental Product Declarations)
Sustainability (CSR)
Water Management
2.3 / Names and contact details for 3 reference sites relevant to the above cited information whom EI or EI clients may contact.
Yes / No
I have obtained consent from the above named to act as reference sites and or referees for this application
2.4 / Tax Clearance - Self Declaration of Financial and Economic Capacity
Tax Clearance / Please confirm YES/NO
(A)I confirm and declare having a current and valid Tax Clearance Certificate in place and our tax affairs are in order.
Note: If ‘no’ you need to follow through on (C) below.
(B) Enterprise Ireland can verify your tax clearance status through Revenue’s online facility at. To this end, please confirm:
Do you grant EnterpriseIreland permission to verify your tax cleared position online?
Registration Number
(as shown in your Tax Clearance Certificate)
Certificate Number
(as shown in your Tax Clearance Certificate)
(B)I confirm that I have applied for a Tax Clearance Certificate from the Irish Revenue Service which will be made available on request,
/ Non-Resident applicants can download theTC1 - Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate Formand apply for tax clearance to Non-Residents Unit, Collector-General's Office, Sarsfield House, Francis Street, Limerick or by e-mail to
(D) I confirm that my Tax Clearance Certificate will be current & kept up to date during my time on the Directory of Approved Service Providers.
2.5 / Declaration
I have read and understand the directory guidelines and declare that the information I have submitted above is true and accurate. I consent to EnterpriseIreland including the above information in the directory, to maintaining the content of the directory, and checking the accuracy of information provided. I confirm that I have obtained the consent of companies named above as reference sites or referees.
Position in Company
Application Green directory, Doc. CD016, Ver 3, Nov 2017 Page 1 of 20