***Evolution Part 2 Test Review***

1.  Whales contain small, non-functional remnants of pelvic bone. This is an example of ______.

  1. A genetic mutation
  2. An incomplete adaptation

c.  A vestigial organ

  1. An analogous structure

2.  What is the best way to determine if two species are closely related?

  1. Physical similarities

b.  Sequence of amino acids

  1. Number of genes
  2. Location of chromosomes

3.  An example of homologous structures would be

  1. Insect wing and Bird wing
  2. Human appendix and wisdom teeth

c.  Bat wing and Bird wing

  1. Whale pelvic bone

4.  In what type of rock can you find fossils?

a.  Sedimentary rock

  1. Igneous rock
  2. Metamorphic rock
  3. Topsoil

5.  The theory of evolution is shown when

  1. There is genetic equilibrium

b.  There is change over time

  1. Species appear suddenly
  2. Endosymbiosis occurs

6.  When looking at rock layers, I find fossils that are only in Rock Layer I (the bottom layer). Why can I not find these fossils the layers above?

  1. Early organism fossils are more complex

b.  Many organisms became extinct as the Earth’s environment changed

  1. Organisms living today show no relationship to organisms living millions of years ago
  2. All life forms evolved so much that no present organisms resemble earlier fossils

7.  An example of an analogous structures would be

  1. Forearms of dolphins and humans
  2. Eyes of humans and dogs

c.  Wings of ladybugs and birds

  1. Wings of flies and butterflies

Use the cladogram to answer questions 8-10

8.  Which organism would be expected to have the least amino acid differences?

  1. Lancelet and Turtle
  2. Lamprey and Leopard
  3. Salamander and Lancelet

d.  Tuna and Salamander

9.  Which organism is the oldest common ancestor?

  1. Leopard
  2. Tuna
  3. Lamprey

d.  Lancelet

10.  According to the diagram, the tuna is most closely related to the?

  1. Leopard
  2. Lancelet

c.  Salamander

  1. Turtle

11.  Fossils that are used to identify and define geologic time periods are called?

  1. Time fossils
  2. Found fossils

c.  Index fossils

  1. Dinosaur fossils

12.  Common ancestry is supported by

  1. All species evolving at the same rate

b.  The presence of DNA in all organisms

  1. The ability to reproduce
  2. The ability to genetically engineer species

13.  Name two methods a biologist can use to determine how closely related two different types of salamanders are related. Include how the biologists will interpret the results of each method.

Fossils-used to compare structures to tell evolutionary ancestors

DNA or Molecular Evidence-scientists compare genes and or amino acid sequences for similarities.

Anatomical Homologies: scientists look for structural (how the organism it put together) similarities to show common ancestry.

Developmental or embryo homologies: scientists look at the embryonic tissue to show relatedness

14.  Explain why a DNA sequence can be used to predict how closely organisms are related.

DNA or Molecular Evidence-scientists compare genes and or amino acid sequences for similarities.

15.  How do most biologists think that the mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells originated? What is the evidence for this idea?

The endosymbiotic theory-states that mitochondria and chloroplasts used to be ancient bacteria and that an early cell engulfed them and they evolved into what we know as chloroplasts that can go through photosynthesis and mitochondria that produces oxygen and ATP

16.  A biologist is studying the different characteristics of animals. The following table shows the distribution of characteristics for each species. Arrange these species on the cladogram shown. Also indicate the characteristic that defines each branch point on the cladogram.

Characteristics / Amphibian / Shark / Primates / Ray-Finned Fish
Vertebrae / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Amniotic Egg / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0
Four Limbs / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0
Bony Skeleton / 1 / 0 / 1 / 1