Delvon called the meeting to order at 7:16 PM. Members present were Delvon Campbell, Kristy Gilbert, Joe Tarrant, and Region 2 Rep Richard Dickirson. Members absent were Mitch Vaughn and Pat Martinez. Others present were Vicki McElroy (Burleson), Patsy Treece (Burleson), Jerry Beck (Crowley), Carol Addison (Grand Prairie), Bob Addison (Grand Prairie), and Chau Nguyen (Grand Prairie). Kristy led the Pledge and Joe led the prayer.

Kristy stated she will update conference later in meeting. Delvon needs to fix an issue on Eventbrite. There will be an online registration form that can be mailed in. Emails will be sent out next week for conference and nominations. Delvon also bragged on Mitch and his work on Facebook, website, etc. Kristy made a motion to table till next meeting. Joe and Richard seconded.

Joe gave a treasurer’s update. He doesn’t have a total yet. He has been fighting with the IRS and trying to get issues sorted out. He paid $50 to TX Comptroller for franchise fee. He will have a report at the next meeting. Kristy bragged on all the work that he has been doing to get this all sorted out. Delvon agreed.

Delvon gave an update on the Parliamentarian. It was put on the Facebook page, looking for interested people. This position is appointed by the President. He had two interested – Dick (LaGrange) and Tony Perez (Fort Worth). There was also mention of Jerry Beck (Crowley). Delvon will ask him if he’s interested.

Regional Updates – Richard Dickirson (Region 2) had no report. Joe mentioned that Temple is going to start a program and we need to contact them and invite them to conference. Kristy suggested reaching out to people who use to come but have stopped – LaGrange, Brenham, Lewisville, Richardson to name a few. In the next month, the Board will be reaching out to other groups – TCPAAA, VIPS, COPS. Delvon agreed. Discussion followed and it was agreed for everyone to spread the word. Jerry asked for a region map. Delvon told him that it was on the website.

Committee reports – Jerry Beck updated the Board on the By-Laws committee. He wanted to find a day that the Board could meet with them to discuss the By-Laws. The Board needs a date from the committee. Delvon stated that they might not be able to do all of this before the conference so they needed to pick and choose the most important that needed to be done now. Delvon gave kudos to Jerry for persisting on this project.

Convention update – Delvon stated that everything is coming together. Mail-in form will be sent to Mitch to put on website. Casino night has been reserved. Angelo (Round Rock) wants to do a LTC course. It would be limited to 16 per class on would be held on Friday or Saturday during the conference. Delvon said they are 95% done on the classes. The meal will be the same as last time. They will have a real breakfast, not just pastries. He said that everyone needs to push to get more people there. Kristy said there will be a car show, with a limit of 2 vehicles per agency. She also stated that everyone needs to push for award nominations. The deadline is September 15th by 5 PM. There will be 6 total awards. Mitch revamped the grading criteria. Kristy tabled talking about the merchandise being sold at the conference till the next meeting since all of the board was not there. Joe seconded. Carol asked if there was a nomination committee for the elections. Mitch puts it on the website.

The location and date of the next meeting is usually the same location as the conference in order to do a walk-thru. It will be in Decatur with a date being announced later.

Kristy made a motion to adjourn at 8:23 PM and Carol seconded.