Guidance for Locums (i.e. users of the FFFFF ODS code)


For SCR, there is an explicit Information Governance requirement that the person accessing the SCR has a legitimate reason for doing so. To help assure this requirement, it is necessary to identify the specific organisation and site where the SCR is being accessed from.

Identity Agent changes

When a user first logs-in to the Spine with their smartcard, they have to select the role for the organisation they are working from (note: because of EPS, in some cases the clinical system automatically selects this role for you). Many pharmacy professionals have a generic organisation assigned on their smartcard i.e. FFFFF “locum pharmacist”. This is also referred to as the “locum code”. When accessing SCR, it is not recommended that you log-in with this role as it involves additional steps for the pharmacy professional and central team.

A change has been made to the log-in screen in the HSCIC identify agent v2.0. This change:

-  Explicitly shows the ODS code (i.e. specific site code) of all of the organisations on the user’s smartcard

-  Allows the user to easily search for any site by either ODS code, address, etc.

(see example below)

Actions for Locums/Organisations that use Locums

1.  Where locums work in regular pharmacies, they should now request that the specific site pharmacy role is added to their smartcard. The site sponsor(s) and the Registration Authority for the pharmacy will be able to approve and provide this.

2.  Pharmacies should upgrade their Identity Agent to HSCIC IA v2.0 to enable the ODS code to be viewed.

3.  Organisations that use regular locums should actively promote and encourage these updates.


It may be essential for business continuity reasons that a locum pharmacy professional works at a site at such short notice or so infrequently they do not have time to have the appropriate organisation roles added to their smartcard and need access using the FFFFF code. In this instance your assigned site sponsor(s)/Registration Authority can be approached to add on SCR access, but they MUST only do this once you have provided evidence of successfully completing SCR E-learning training.

You MUST also ONLY access SCR from a pharmacy which has confirmed it is live with access to SCR and it has updated its associated SOPs accordingly.

In this situation, the process for accessing SCR detailed below MUST be adhered to, or access to SCR WILL be removed.

How to access SCR IF logging in with FFFFF ODS code

1.  Log-in with your smartcard

2.  Access the portal and SCR

3.  Find the patient, ideally using NHS number or patient demographic information

4.  Select the patient and select to “View the SCR”

5.  Select “Provide more information about the access” and type in the ODS code of the pharmacy

6.  Select appropriate response for confirming the patient's permission to view – either “Yes” or “Emergency Access”

7.  View the SCR


•  If the alert DOES NOT detail the pharmacy the access was made from or the access cannot be reconciled locally, then the National Privacy Officer (NPO) will contact the locum to determine the location of the access.

•  If this is a regular occurrence, the NPO can recommend/request the user's access to SCR is removed.

•  If the access cannot be reconciled appropriately, then the NPO will escalate the access to the user's relevant regulatory body for investigation and action as appropriate.

•  You must ONLY access patients’ SCRs at pharmacies which are live with SCR, and pharmacy professionals MUST adhere to the pharmacy Standard Operating Procedures.

Any questions, please contact

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