One Joe Kennedy Blvd. ♦ Statesboro ♦ GA ♦ 30458 ♦ 912.688.6994♦ 800.646.1316♦
Personal Information
Name (First, Middle, Last) ______
Date of Birth ______Social Security # (converted to a student ID number) ______
Mailing Address______County of Residence______
Physical Address(if different from mailing address) ______
City______STATE______ZIP ______
Home Phone ( ) ______CELL Phone ( ) ______
E-mail address: ______
If any of your transcripts, test scores, or other official documents will
arrive under any name(s) other than the one listed above, please enter here: ______
Optional Information
The following information is for statistical purposes only and will not be used to decide admission.
Sex: □ Female □Male
Ethnic Background: Are you Hispanic or Latino? □Yes □No
If no, please select one or more: □ American Indian or Alaskan Native (1) □Asian (2) □ Black or African American (3)
□Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (4) □White (5)
Residency information
The following information is utilized to determine residency. Residency status is used in the assessment of tuition.
Are you a United States Citizen? □Yes □No
If no, what Visa type ______and/or Resident Alien #______. You must provide a copy of your documentation to Admissions.
- If you are under 24 years of age, did your parent(s) or United States court-appointed Legal Guardian(s) claim you on their most recent federal or state tax return? □ Yes □ No If no, please move to question 4.
- If you answered yes, what is the state of legal residency of the parent or legal guardian who claimed you? ______
- How long has that parent or legal guardian lived continuously in the state noted above? ______
- If you are over 24 years of age (or under 24 and neither a parent or a legal guardian claimed you on their tax return), have you lived in Georgia for the last 12 consecutive months? □Yes □No
Student Type and Program Information
I hereby apply as a (select one)□Beginning (first time college student) □High School Student (Dual or Jointed Enrolled)
□Transfer (attended another college) □SPECIAL (not planning to complete program)
TERM you wish to enter □Fall semester(August) □Spring (April) □Summer (July)
I plan to pursue□Certificate □Diploma □Associate of applied Science
Program of Study (must be a valid major) ______
Educational Background
Do you have a high school diploma or GED? □Yes, I graduated high school.□Yes, I have a GED.
□No, I did not graduate high school or obtain a GED.
Please list all previous colleges, universities, or technical colleges attended.
Name / Degree / Graduated? / City, State□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □No
Check any of the following tests that you have taken within the past five years (60 months).
□SAT □ACT □CPE □ASSET □COMPASS □None Location/Date ______
Emergency contact
please designate below a person we may contact in case of an emergency.
name ______relationship ______phone ( ) _______
It is normal procedure for students requiring emergency medical treatment to be taken to the emergency room at East Georgia Regional Medical Center. Ogeechee Technical College will not be liable for the medical attention given, nor the expenses incurred by the incident.I certify that I have read and understand the above statement.
Applicant’s Signature______
I certify that the information in this application is true and correct. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of information will be sufficient cause for rejection or dismissal.Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 16-10-20, it is a felony to make a false statement on any state document. In addition, making a false statement on this application may result in your dismissal from the college. I intend to abide by the rules and regulations of Ogeechee Technical College. I also realize that during my training at Ogeechee Technical College, photographs may be taken of me for use in promoting the College. Unless stated below, I give permission for this to be done. Also, unless stated below, I give my permission for the release of directory information concerning name, address, program of study, and honors and awards.
Objections, if any ______
Applicant’s Signature ______DATE______
Contact InformationAdmissions Office
One Joe Kennedy Blvd
Statesboro, GA 30458
912.688.6994 ♦ 800.646.1316
912.486.7413 (fax)