FEB 21st and 22nd 2015
MEET DETAILS: Full weekend of Orienteering and activities. This will be the official Ohio Valley Scholastic Orienteering Championships (Held only on Saturday). Otter Creek Park is a 2200 acre park managed by KY Fish and Wildlife. Originally mapped in the 90s, this park has had some rough times. The City of Louisville managed it for awhile but they abandoned the park in 2008 and it was closed for 4 years. This is a Point to Point race and all controls must be visited in order but you can start anytime in the starting time period stated. No start times will be assigned. Just pay attention to the details below. ***Note that this is not an OUSA Sanctioned meet but the meet should be consistent with Regional Standards. Advanced Online Registration is strongly encouraged. If you just show up unannounced at the meet, there is a $3 per person late fee.
If you are planning on participating in the Ohio Valley Scholastic Orienteering Championships, you should still sign up online but DO NOT put down a course for the Saturday Meet.
The Forms and information for the OVSOC are available on our website at . You should still sign up online for meals, beds, Saturday afternoon Sprint course and Long O course on Sunday online. NOTE: THE DEADLINE FOR SIGNING UP ONLINE IS NOON ON THURSDAY, 19 FEB. ANYONE WHO SHOWS UP WITHOUT ADVANCED REGISTRATION ARE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE, BUT WILL BE CHARGED AN EXTRA $3 AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE.
*All times are in EST
Ohio Valley Champs (Courses: Novice, JV and Varsity)
Other courses will be White (Kids),Yellow (Novice), Orange (Intermediate), Brown(Short Advanced), Green(Medium Advanced, Red(Long Advanced)
9am Registration Opens
9am First Training Session
10am 2nd Training Session
10am First Start
Noon Starts close
1pm Awards presented for OVOC (Approximate)
3pm Sprint course opens
5pm Sprint Starts close
Long O Format: Yellow, Orange, Brown, Green, Red Courses
9am Registration Opens
10am Breakfast Closes
10am First Start
Noon Starts close
3pm Controls picked up and course closes.
These courses are 50-100% longer than standard
Otter Creek is an updated older O map. Scales will be dependent on course.
The map has been updated but not completely. The biggest difference from the last update is the vegetation.
Quite a few areas that were mapped as White in 1995 are now dark green. We have updated the map as best we can but the map is still far from complete so just a heads up. The Trails, Buildings, Roads and Contours should be mostly accurate.
White 1:5000
Yellow 1:5000
Orange 1:7500
Brown 1:7500
Green 1:7500
Red 1:10000
Sprint 1:4000
Yellow 1:7500
Exact course specs will be announced about 2 weeks before the meet but they could change at the last minute depending on the weather or how many sign up ahead of time. Approx distances will be as follows:
These do not include the OVSOC courses
White 1.5-2.5k (Kid course)
Yellow 3-4k (Beginners, Families)
Orange 4.5-5.5k (Advance Beginners/Intermediate)
Brown 4-6k (Short Advanced)
Green 5.5-7k (Med distance Advanced)
Red 6-8k (Long Advanced)
Sprint 2-3k Fast Pace that includes an optional slide leg (All Levels)
Scholastic Courses
Novice Boys 4-5 K Easy
Novice Girls 3-4K Easy
JV Boys 5-6K Intermediate
JV Girls 4-5K Intermediate
Varsity Boys 5-6K Advanced
Varsity Girls 4-5K Advanced
Sunday Long O
Yellow 4-6k
Orange 7-9k
Brown 6-8k
Green 8-10k
Below is the cost if you register online. Add $3 per event if you show up at meet without registering.
Cross Country Courses Sat and Sunday
*All Students (Not including Colleges) will be charged $5. Both Sat and Sun. No fingerstick rental fee
*OLOU Club members and other OUSA/IOF club Members $8
*Non Club or OUSA Member clubs $12
*Families going to together in one group OLOU Family Members $8
*Non OLOU Member Families $12 (One Map, One Fingerstick)
*Groups can go together but charged separately at above rates
*Saturday Morning Training is Free
Sprint Meet (No Fingerstick Rental Fee)
Students $2
OLOU Club Members $2
Non Club Members $5
Entrance to Otter Creek Park $3 per person
(Free if you are staying the Campground including cabins or helping with the meet)
The closest town is Muldraugh KY (3 miles) and they have several motels there and they are very flexible and friendly as they offer hourly rates as well ;) If you don’t want to take advantage of the generous offer in Muldraugh, try Brandenburg KY (12 miles to the NW) The town has a couple of nice hotels and there is also a B&B there as well.
The town is actually quite nice and also is very conveniently located just across the Ohio River with access from a bridge span. Travelers coming from the West and North will appreciate the convenience. Just use the internet to search your options.
Louisville is about 45 minutes away and there are of course tons of options there.
The cheapest stay will be at the Otter Creek Campground in the heated refurbished cabins. The 4 cabins have 7 bunks (14 beds) each but no bathrooms. They also have a small fridge. The Bathrooms are about a 100 meter walk and have hot showers. If you stay there, you will also have the $3 Otter Creek Entrance fee waived. Camping there is also an option but this is Feb so may be a bit chilly. Of course if you have a RV, or camper this would be a great option. The fee is $10 to reserve a bed.
Registration will be done online. Click here for the online registration. Online registration is important as it helps us run a more efficient meet along with helping you decide on courses before you come. We are not restricting the meet to online only and you can show up at the meet but there will be an extra $3 per person late fee.
Please read complete OVSOC notes available on the OLOU.ORG website. Note that we are encouraging online registration for even the student participants unless there are no bunkbeds, food, and no other races involved.
Any students that are attending Middle School or High School in OH, TN, IL, IN, WV, KY are eligible for the Individual awards and team awards.
For School Teams to take home the OVSOC Trophy they must have at least 3 members of the same school racing on the same course and this is for Varsity only. The top 3 scores will determine the winning team. You can have up to 5 team members but only the top 3 will count. Points will be scored by position. Women and Men go on different courses in the same category.
There are 6 courses in 3 Categories. Novice Men, Novice Women, JV Men, JV women, Varsity Men, Varsity Women The Womens \ courses are just a bit easier from the Men’s courses. Women will be in the same rankings class as the Men
Categories: Novice
Teams must be consistent with the Eligibility Rules (See OVSOC Rules) to be eligible. Only the Varsity winning team will take home the Mazzoli trophy and claim to the Championship. Right now, the trophy is at Union County HS in Indiana and will be brought back to Otter Creek and awarded to the 2015 Championship Varsity Team.
You cannot mix courses and still be eligible for team awards.
Individual awards will be given as well in 6 categories : Novice Men, Novice Women, JV Men, JV Women, Varsity Men, Varsity Women
******Registering your teams will be the key to success of this meet*****
We will be taking changes all the way up to the morning before the event. But don’t wait until then to begin the process. Because of the numerous changes that teams go through up until the morning before the meet, we will not be able to accommodate changes at Otter Creek. Instead, you will have to email me to obtain the form () as early as possible.
Last minute changes will be accommodated but not onsite. When you start driving or hop on the bus the morning of the meet, if you do have any changes, please call or text the following people in this order: (Mike Minium, Matthew Robbins, Bruce Moore) You should receive a confirmation from Mike. If not please contact the other people on the list. If you show up without doing this, your team can still go out on the courses but we cannot guarantee that you will be able to win awards or that the price will be the same.
Please be sure to check the OVSOC Notes on the OLOU Website.. If totally confused Call Bruce Moore at 502-640-6861