Schedule for The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, 9th ed. created and tested by Dr. Tatum Petrich, Spring 2013

Meyer, Michael. The CompactBedford Introduction to Literature, 9th edition. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. (ISBN-13: 978-0-312-59434-3)

Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. A Writer's Reference. Montclair State University custom 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. (ISBN-13: 978-1-4576-0348-8)]


  • An earlier edition will do, but you will need to print out the updated Writing at Montclair prefatory chapter and the new Writing about Literature section (available on our Blackboard site) as well as get photocopies of any new/revised sections assigned in our reading schedule (refer to the handout on Bb: New to the 7th Edition of A Writer’s Reference).
  • Page numbers on this syllabus refer to those of the 7th edition; use corresponding section titles/numbers if using an earlier edition.

Schedule of Reading & Writing Assignments

  • This schedule is subject to minor change (changes will be posted on Blackboard).
  • Reading and writing assignments listed for each day are to be completed FOR that day.
  • All page numbers refer to The CompactBedford Introduction to Literature, 9th edition, unless otherwise noted (WR: A Writer’s Reference, 7th edition).


Class 1

In class: Read Robert Frost, “Acquainted with the Night” (681); in-class writing and discussion

Class 2

Reading Assignment: Course syllabus (on Bb; read and bring hard copy to class); Reading to form an interpretation (WR: L-3-L-9); A Sample Close Reading (554-556); Suggestions for Approaching Poetry (568-569);Linda Pastan, “Marks” (676) and John Ciardi’s “Suburban” (987)

HW Assignment (#1): Practice close reading: 1) read the Pastan and Ciardi poems more than once, each time making annotations in the margins as you read; 2) write up notes on each poem; 3) draw from #s 1 and 2 of this HW assignment for a reading response for each poem: specifically, write 1-2 paragraphson each poem, summarizing what you think each poem is about and describing how you’ve reached this conclusion (be specific; for ex., what personal knowledge or experience do you bring to the poem AND how do the formal elements (the language, tone, symbols, etc.) of the poem help you interpret it?)

Class 3

Reading Assignment: Reading and the Writing Process (1593-1611), Writing about Poetry (591-593), and Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays” (551)

HW Assignment (#2): From pgs 592-593, choose one question from #1 - #9, one question from #10 - #19, and one question from #20 - #26, and write a minimum 1-pg response to Hayden’s poem.

In class: Assign Essay 1

Class 4

Reading Assignment:WR: Sections L3, L4, and L5: Writing the paper, Observing the conventions of literature papers, and Integrating quotations from the work (particular to literary texts) (L-12 – L-22)

Writing Assignment:First Draft of Essay 1 due (2-3 full pages): Bring two hard copies (one to hand in; one to use in class) and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign before class.

Class 5

Reading Assignment: SafeAssign report from First draft of Essay 1 and Sample Student Paper: “The Passage of Time in ‘The Solitary Reaper’” (on Bb)

HW Assignment (#3): Write up a short (1 page) response based on your evaluation of this student paper: What do you think Abby has done well in her paper? If she planned to do another revision, what suggestions would you make? Use the language of the essay criteria we use in this class to guide your evaluation and response—and be as specific as possible.

Writing Assignment:Second Draft of Essay 1 due (3-4 pgs): Bring one hard copy to class.

Class 6

Reading Assignment:WR:Section MLA-2: Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (376-379), Section R3: managing information; avoiding plagiarism (357-365 and Montclair-11-12), and reread Section L5: Integrating quotations from the work (L-16 – L-22)

HW Assignment (#4): Paraphrasing Exercise #1 (on Bb); Also, bring a hard copy of your current draft of Essay 1 to use in class AND bring in a printout of your SafeAssign report from the First Draft.

Class 7

Writing Assignment: Final Draft of Essay 1 due (3-4 pgs): Submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign and hand in a hard copy of: your first draft with comments and the comment sheet; your final draft; any writing workshop/revision worksheets from class.*Remember, only essays on SafeAssign and with all materials handed in (on time) will be graded. See course policy for more details.


Class 8

Reading Assignment: William Blake, “The Chimney Sweeper” (704), Edwin Arlington Robinson, “Richard Cory” (685-686), and Katharyn Howd Machan, “Hazel Tells LaVerne” (608)

HW Assignment (#5): Choose one of the three poems and in one page, describe how symbolism is used in the poem—specifically, identify one symbol that you find particularly significant and discuss how it contributes to the poem’s overall meaning (how is the symbol being used in the poem?). Also, hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from your Final draft of Essay 1.

Class 9

Reading Assignment: Martín Espada, “Latin Night at the Pawnshop” (610-611) and Louis Simpson, “In the Suburbs” (626)

HW Assignment (#6): Write a response to the following questions: #2 and #4 on pg 611 AND #2 and #3 on pg 626 (1½ -2 pgs total)

Class 10

Reading Assignment: Critical Thinking (1569-1572), Intro to Critical Theory I (on Bb)

HW Assignment (#7): Choose one of the Unit 2 poems and in 1-2 pgs, answer the following questions: How does Marxist theory open up/explain the poem? What do you notice in the poem that speaks to the theory? What did you not notice until reading the theory/What did learning about the theory make you notice even more?

In class: Assign Essay 2

Class 11

Writing Assignment:First Draft of Essay 2 due (2-3 pgs): Bring two hard copies (one to hand in; one to use in class) and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign before class.

Class 12

Reading Assignment: Sample Student Essay: “A Refugee at Home” (on Bb)

HW Assignment (#8): Write up a short (1 page) response based on your evaluation of this student paper, paying particular attention to her use of a critical theory to guide/support her analysis: What do you think Molly has done well in her paper? If she planned to do another revision, what suggestions would you make? Use the language of the essay criteria we use in this class to guide your evaluation and response—and be as specific as possible.

Live Lit! Reminder: Monday March 4 at 5:30 pm in the Student Center Ballroom

Class 13

Reading Assignment: SafeAssign report from First Draft of Essay 2

Writing Assignment: SecondDraft of Essay 2 due (3-4 pgs): Bring one hard copy to class. Remember, you will need to make substantial and meaningful revisions to your paper. These should include whatever changes to your paraphrases, quotes, or citations that the SafeAssign report from your 1st draft indicates are necessary.


Class 14

Writing Assignment: Final Draft of Essay 2 due (4-5 pgs): Submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign and hand in a hard copy of: your first draft with comments and the comment sheet; your final draft; any writing workshop/revision worksheets from class.*Remember, only essays on SafeAssign and with all materials handed in (on time) will be graded. Also, hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from Draft 1 of Essay 2.

In class: Intro to Unit 3; read Jamaica Kincaid, “Girl” (517-518)


Class 15

Reading Assignment: Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing (53-55), Colette, “The Hand” (230-232), and Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Birthmark” (343-354)

HW Assignment (#9): Compare the meanings Hawthorne associates with the hand in his story with Colette’s. How does each writer invest meanings in a central symbol? What are the significant similarities and differences in meanings (between the two stories)? Which story do you find more effective and why? (2 pgs) Also, hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from your Final draft of Essay 2.

Class 16

Reading Assignment: Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour” (15-16), Gail Godwin, “A Sorrowful Woman” (39-43), Robert Olen Butler, “Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot” (186-191), and Intro to Critical Theory II (on Bb)

HW Assignment (#10): What might a feminist critic have to say about all three stories? Be specific, drawing comparisons between the portrayal and treatment of the female characters in each story, including which you consider a sympathetic character or not and why (1½ - 2 pgs total).

In class: Assign Essay 3

Class 17

Writing Assignment: First Draft of Essay 3 due (2-3 pgs): Bring two hard copies (one to hand in; one to use in class) and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign before class.

Class 18

Reading Assignment: SafeAssign report from First Draft of Essay 3

Writing Assignment: Revision Activities (TBA) and Second Draft of Essay 3 due (3-4 pgs)


Class 19

Reading Assignment: Reading Drama (1065-1067), Elements of Drama (1082-1086), Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing (1112-1113), and Michael Hollinger, “Naked Lunch” (1086-1089)

HW Assignment (#11): Write short responses to #2, #5, and #6 on pgs 1089-1090

Class 20

Writing Assignment: Final Draft of Essay 3 due (4-5 pgs): Submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign and hand in a hard copy of: your earlier draft with comments and the comment sheet; your final draft; any writing workshop/revision worksheets. Also, hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from Draft 1 of Essay 3.

In class: Read Jane Anderson, The Reprimand (1354-1355)

Class 21

Reading Assignment: Nalaja Sun, No Child… (1497-1516)

HW Assignment (#12): Write a short response (1 page) in which you discuss what you think one theme of the play is. Be sure to provide examples to support your response. Remember, the theme of a literary text is the central meaning or idea expressed through the text—NOT the topic or subject of the text. Also, read and hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from your Final Draft of Essay 3.

In class: Assign Documented Essay (Essay 4) and Annotated Bibliography and Argument Proposal

Class 22

Reading Assignment: Tina Beveridge, “No Child Left Behind and Fine Arts Classes” (on Bb) (and any background reading you may need to do on the No Child Left Behind Act; make sure you are reading only credible and unbiased sources!)

HW Assignment (#13): Working with Outside Sources Activity (on Bb)

*Begin reading and choosing your outside sources for Essay 4 as well.

Class 23

Reading Assignment: Continue reading and choosing your outside sources for Essay 4, perhaps beginning your Annotated Bibliography and Argument Proposal.

HW Assignment (#14): Working with Outside Sources Activity using one of your chosen outside sources.

Class 24

Reading Assignment:WR: Section L6: Using secondary sources (L-22 – L-25). Also, download and Review Sample MLA Annotated Bibliography (on Bb)

Writing Assignment: Annotated Bibliography and Argument Proposal for Essay 4 due: Bring one hard copy to use in class and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign.

Class 25

Reading Assignment: Sample Student Research Paper: “Effectively ‘Managing’ Grief” (on Bb)

HW Assignment (#15): Write up an evaluation of the paper’s specific strengths and weaknesses (minimum of 1 pg), paying particular attention to the use and integration of outside sources.

Class 26

Writing Assignment:First Draft of Essay 4 due (app. 3 pgs with at least one of your outside sources): Bring two hard copies (one to hand in; one to use in class) and submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign before class.

In class: Assign Portfolio

Class 27

Reading Assignment:WR: Section MLA-1c: Use sources to inform and support your argument (374-376) and MLA-3c: Synthesize sources (386-387); Review sections MLA-2 and MLA-3: Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism and Integrating sources (376-388). Also, read your SafeAssign report from First draft of Essay 4.

Writing Assignment: SecondDraft of Essay 4 due (4-5 pgs): Bring one hard copy to class.

Class 28

Writing Assignment: Final draft of Essay 4 due (6-7 pgs) Submit an electronic copy to SafeAssign and hand in a hard copy of: your earlier draft with comments and the comment sheet; your final draft; any writing workshop/revision worksheets. Also, read and hand in a printout of your SafeAssign report from your First Draft of Essay 4.

Also: Bring in necessary portfolio materials (hard copies and electronic copies)

Last Class Meeting – Portfolio Submission during Exam Period

We will use this short period to finalize your “Me as a Reader” essay (2 pgs); you will then turn in your final portfolios.

Helpful Information for Planning your Syllabus:

In order to help you plan your calendar the following link will take you to the academic calendar for Spring 2014:

The final exam schedule for Spring 2014 can be accessed here:

The link to Registrar’s page for withdrawal dates, etc.:

NOTE: Spring Break is March 10 – 16.

The last day of classes is May 6, which is a Tuesday, designated as a Friday. Only Friday classes meet on this day. Tuesday day and evening classes do not meet.