Alpe Adria Cup/Cup Österreich Florist 2010

Topflorists show maximum performance in Graz

The best florists fromAustria and its neighbouring countries Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, CzechRepublic, Germany and Switzerlandwill meet at the Alpe Adria Cup/Cup Österreich Florist in Graz.

This Cup will take place from 29thof Apriltill2ndof May2010 in the Stadthalle of Graz.

All participants willreceive € 1.000,00 by the styrian guild of the gardeners and florists.

The accommodation for the participating florists and for one aid will be available free of charge during the entire competition.

The first three winnerswill behonoured with interest on loan.


Professional florists and graduates of technical schools.

Venue ot the competition:

Stadthalle, Messeplatz 1, 8010 Graz

Entrance hall center: entrance hall south, entrance hall middle


AMEDIA Hotel Graz, Conrad-von-Hötzendorf-Straße 60, 8010 Graz

(Next to the place of event)

Tel.: +43 (0) 316 24 555-0

Fax: +43 (0) 316 24 555-900


Wednesday, 28th of April 2010, 09:00 am - 06:00 pm

Journey and setting-up of the exhibition surface (basic structure)


The costs of the journey have to be carried from the participants. They must bring along the necessary material such as flowers, tools, assembly elements and appliancesfor the exhibition.


The participants are allowed to bring along one assistant to help them during the time available for preparatory word and transport. There are exact times specified, when the assistantis allowed to help the participant. During the competition on thursday the national guild provides an aid for carrying and cleaning.

Assistance during the competition is not permitted!

Competition surface and job:

The assignment of the working place will take place in the order of the registration. For each participant will bea working place of 30 m² available. Each participant must provide for the organization of the surface.

All work, except the surprise work, must be presented on this working place together. The official workspace is in the town hall in the entrance hall south, entrance hall center as well as entrance hall north. At the workspaceas well as at the competition place electric power supplyis to each participant at the disposal. Each participant has to provide for the illumination of exhibition surface on her/his own.


All participants provide their agreement over unrestricted photographing of the work and that the commercial use of these pictures in pictures, audio and/or printed media is allowed and therefore do not claim any fee for the use of these photos. They further agree, that all rights will remain with the organizer of the competition. Advertisement of the participants is possible only with approval of the organizer.

Judgment and jury:

The jury consists of five international judges. Winner of the competition is the participant with the highest total point number. The decision of the jury is final and under no circumstances susceptible to dispute or disagreement.

General guidelines:

During the competitionthe use of mobile phones isstrictly forbidden. Communication of the participant and the assistant during the competition is not permitted. It is not allowed to receive any material during thecompetition. Any offence will be penalised with the deduction of points. In severe cases the disqualification of the participant is possible. The jury is present during the entire competition.


All work remains in the property of the participant.

Prospective competition work:

  • Table decoration
  • Planting work
  • Choice work
  • Bridal bouquet
  • Bound bunch
  • Surprise work

Thursday, 29. April 2010, 09:00 am- 5:00 pm

Table decoration: 09:00- 12:00 am preparation and execution

The shape of the table can be selected freely, the table construction must be brought along by the participant. It must be covered for two persons (table-ware, cutlery etc. is to be brought along). The table hasto be decorated completely.Formative and technical preliminary works are permitted.

12:00 –01:00 pm lunch time

Planting work: 01:00 - 05:00 pm preparation and execution

The workpiece must consist of one element. Assembly elements or the like are permitted. It may be a indoor, a mediterranean or a bedding planting. Formative and technical preliminary works are permitted. There are no size restrictions.

Friday, 30. April 2010, 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

Choice work: 09:00 - 12:00 am preparation and execution


The thoughts are to be explained in few sentences.Formative and technical preliminary works are permitted. The idea behind the choice work has to be formulated and written in German language.

12:00 - 01:00 pm lunch time

Bridal bouquet: 01:00 - 05:00 pm preparation and execution

Free choice ofmaterial, all techniques and aids are permitted. For this workpiece a presentation possibility must be brought along. Formative and technical preliminary works are permitted.

Saturday, 01. May 2010, 09:00 am - 08:00 pm

09:00 - 12:00 am:Care of the workpieces

02:00 pm - 04:00 pm:Preparation

06:00 pm:Beginning of the evening meeting before public

Bound bunch: 06:00 - 06:45 pm

The competition will take place on stage. The participant is free in organization and technology. Container for watering must be brought along. For this workpiece no formative and technical pre-working are permitted.

Surprise work 07:15 - 08:00 pm

This work will also take place on stage. The participant receives the necessary material 15 minutes before the beginning of the work, in order to meet a mental selection.The participant is free in organization and technology.For this workpiece no formative and technical pre-working are permitted.

Registration (with photo and curriculum vitae):

Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark,

Landesinnung der Gärtner und Floristen Steiermark,

Körblergasse 111-113, 8021 Graz

with Mrs. Kathrin Puck:

Tel.:+43 (0) 316 601 594,

Fax:+43 (0) 316 601 714


Deadline for registration: at the latest ofDecember18th2009

Limitation of the participants:

Alpe Adria area: For each participating country two participants are certified.

The Styrian guild has the right to nominate three participants.

Detailed information will be send to the participants after the deadline of registration!

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