Caring with Confidence
A FREE popular and essential support programme for anyone caring for a family member or friend, with any condition.
Coming to Countesthorpe, Leicestershire
Caring for a chronically ill or disabled loved one can have a huge impact on your own health and wellbeing, many say they feel isolated, experience feelings of being unable to cope, unsure where to go for advice and support, worried about the future or feel they are not being heard. Others say they would like the chance to meet others in a similar situation.
Prepared to Care with Confidence can help with these problems and is held in a relaxed
and friendly environment.
The programme runs over six weeks so come to as many sessions as you can.
Everyone welcome!
Bring a friend or a family member if you think they could also benefit.
Starts Thursday 20th July 2017
10.00am – 1pm
Countesthorpe Village Hall
Station Road
Complimentary refreshments are provided.
To book your place or to have a chat about the programme, please contact
Ranjana or Debbie at The Carers Centre on Tel: 0116 251 0999
Unit 19, Matrix House, 7 Constitution Hill, Leicester LE1 1PL Registered Charity No: 1043956
Caring with Confidence Programme
Finding Your WayThursday 20th July 2017 / An introductory session which welcomes you to the programme and explains more about each session and how it can help you in your caring role. It looks at the importance of your health and wellbeing. And to tackle your concerns constructively.
Caring and Coping
Thursday 27th July 2017 / Gives you time and space to look at the emotions involved in looking after someone and how to recognise and deal with stress more effectively.
Managing Stress Effectively
Thursday 3rd August 2017 / Relaxation and how not to avoid it! Reiterate the negative effect of stress on you, physically, mentally and how you feel and its impact on your behaviour. Learn simple relaxation techniques to incorporate in everyday life to help your combat the effects of stress. Explore ways to help you juggle your caring role and find valuable time for yourself!
Caring and Communication
Thursday 10th August 2017 / Helps you get the best from communicating with professionals and service providers. Ideas to help with self-advocacy and find out more about local support available to you.
Caring Day-to-Day
Thursday 17th August 2017 / The essentials of caring for someone every day from medication to emergencies. Discussions around equipment available to help keep someone safe in their own home and looking at the awareness of moving and handling.
Quote from carers who recently attended the programme:
Feeling very lost and alone, carers need these sessions for their own wellbeing and development. These sessions have been a voyage of personal discovery, hopefully leading to my own restoration, both mentally and physically. Karen
I can certainly recommend this course, as it helped me understand where we are, how important we are and take time out for ourselves. The sessions where carried out in a friendly atmosphere. John
I am able to keep calm and feel more confident about making decisions etc. Thank you so much for this. It has made me feel more positive and confidant. This has been the best help I could have wished for, better than any therapy. If only I had found this sooner, I may not have been so down. Debbie
To book your place or to have a chat about the programme, please contact Ranjana or Debbie at The Carers Centre Tel: 0116 2510999