March 15, 2016 Regular CC Meeting
City of Oronoco
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Regular City CouncilMeeting @7:00pm
Mayor Kevin McDermott called the meeting to order at 7pm.
Present: Mayor Kevin McDermott, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein, Councilor Trish Shields, Councilor Ryland Eichhorst, Councilor Beau Hanenberger, Engineer Joe Palen and Assistant Clerk Rebecca McGuire. Attorney Fred Suhler arrived at 7:03pm.
Move A.River Park Subdivision after D. EOC and move F.2. Sorenson Lot Split Resolution 2016-4 after River Park Discussion.
Councilor Skyler Breitenstein made a motion to approve the agenda with the 2 changes, Councilor Trish Shields second, all in favor, motion carried.
Ryland Eichhorst at 756 River Park Rd SE; stepping down from council voting:I would like to share some comments regarding the City Water System and its current state. Today we have one well and water tower.
We have no backup well, which is essentially no redundant well system in place for the residents of the City of Oronoco to be assured that the City can provide adequate water in case of emergency or when one well system breaks down. Granted we have a 300,000 gallon, but with any extended emergency, the City would be out of water.
A second well would provide a redundant system and extend the life for each the well system components and help provide water should one of the pumps break down.
Infrastructure is important for our city to grow – water and a municipal sewer system makes us a large portion of the infrastructure. Hopefully, we will be successful obtaining funding for the sewer system.
Having a second well as part of our infrastructure will assure developers as the city grows, whether it is for higher density populations – apartments, senior center, assisted living, hotels or other businesses, that the city can provide an adequate water supply for their investments.
As the city looks at a possible well that has not been operated in some years, I would encourage a third-party evaluation/appraisal to insure the well is in either good operating condition and/or help determine the improvements needed to make it operational.
The city has proposed a couple times over the years, include the current bonding bill to purchase a well that is being discussed. These projects are currently on the 2016 Project Priority list for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund. So the planning has been done, approved by this council and previous councils, it just needs to be implemented. Thank you.
Mayor Kevin McDermott thanked Ryland for his time.
Steve McNamara at 1115 Riverwood Dr: Addressing Skyler, I would like to make a public request that the two meetings you had with Jech, the last one and before that, be shared and documented for the public. Please keep this in mind when you discuss with Mr. Jech.
Mayor Kevin McDermott gave third call and closed public forum at 7:05pm
- OCSO ~ Sgt. Rick Carmack; not present
- FIRE DEPARTMENT* ~ Dan Sundt, Fire Chief; not present.
- Runs: 2 (Semi brake fire - put out by the State Patrol before we got there) and smoke detector false alarm (we never left the hall)
- Meeting Minutes
- New truck brow bar $3800 (equipment fund).Councilor Skyler Breitenstein made a motion to approve the truck brow bar for $3800 out of the equipment fund, Councilor Trish Shields second, discussion: we made it clear that through the gambling, that they need to donate back and they will be donating 26,000 to 27,000 for that second truck payment that will come out, Mayor Kevin McDermottamended the motion that $27,000 be brought back in from their donations for the second truck payment come January 1st, 2017; all in favor, motion carried.
- Garage Doors: low bid $7744 (3” steel, insulated) It is in the budget. Mayor Kevin McDermott made a motion to approve the garage doors, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
- FIRST RESPONDERS* ~ Jeff Allhiser, 1st Responder Director; not present.
- 5 Runs: 1 city,4 township
- Meeting Minutes
- Certification reimbursement: $250 x 2 (Chris & Christina Inman).This has been paid for in the past.Councilor Skyler Breitenstein made a motion to approve $250 each, a total of $500 for the Inman’s, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- EOC ~ Pat McGovern, Director; not present.
- IRS mileage rate (lowered to 54cents).It changes annually;down from 2015.2015 was 57.5 cents. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to follow the IRSmileage rate annually and have Sandy check it every year, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Resolution 2016-3: Support of the Rochester Regional Airport Bonding Bill. The request was sent to the City. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst motioned to support the Rochester Airport Bonding Bill, Resolution 2016-3, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second;(discussion about the bill), all in favor, motion carried.
- Resolution 2016-4: Lot Split (Sorensen / Wimmer property)the paperwork was completed years ago and somehow was not completed / recorded at the County. Mayor Kevin McDermott made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-4 Sorensen Lot Split,Councilor Trish Shields second; voice vote all ayes, Resolution 2016-4 approved.
- DOWNTOWN ORONOCO GOLD RUSH DAYS* ~ Chair: Councilor Skyler Breitenstein
- Meeting Minutes:3-14-2016. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein: still working on committee volunteers. Shean Fritts had his work schedule changed and has been motioned and approved as a voting member. Created and sent out post cards looking for new members. We are continuing to work on suppliers for Gold Rush.
- PARKS & TRAILS*- Eric Weis, Parks & Trails Chair*
- MeetingMinutes: March 7, 2016
- T-Ball: enrollment April 18th thru May 7th, the forms will be available on line and at the office. Will be looking for volunteers after we get sign up going.
- Olmsted County Camping Permit: $227.18.Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the Olmsted County Camping Permit for the camping season at $227.18, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Campground Attendant:Councilor Trish Shields - last year we decided that we didn’t need anyone down there except for Gold Rush. Councilor Beau Hanenberger said that there are safety issues going on at the park. He is concerned about it. I don’t think we will get anyone for down there though. Councilor Trish Shields asked about sheriffs patrolling the park. Mayor Kevin McDermott said that they do. I think it would be better if we had a host, if we could find one. I have had calls from residents with concerns. I think it would be worth advertising for it. Councilor Trish Shields agrees with Kevin to look for one. Mayor Kevin McDermott made a motion to advertise for a host camper for Oronoco Park during the camping season,Councilor Trish Shields second. Councilor Beau Hanenberger asked if they camp for free as payment. Mayor Kevin McDermott: it’s rustic…Councilor Trish Shields: you might find someone from local unions doing work, they are always looking for someplace for those people to go for free. Mayor Kevin McDermott said to entertain that and have staff keep things at Oronoco Park cleaned more regularly. All in favor, motion carried.
- Grant: $15,000 matching grant application for Garden Park (use CIP and General fund)Resolution 2016-5 approving Clerk Sandy Jessen to apply for the Outdoor Recreation Grant.This would be for trail work and garden plot work. Lance Sorenson: Sandy and I are working on this. DNR recreation grant. I looked for several grant opportunities. This one seemed the best fit for Garden Park. I have tried for 2 grants in the past that have been unsuccessful. This grant is more for clean-up. Get the hazard trees down; get some trails (5000 feet of trails for access to fishing and for hiking) and a natural prairie restoration. 2/3 of the area is in good shape but the other area is in rough shape yet. This will run through June 30 of 2018. It gives us a few years. I feel I need approval from council. There is a need for a resolution that Sandy included that will get included with the grant application. (discussion on resolution) Councilor Ryland Eichhorst asked a question about the amount. $3,000 came from Gold Rush, requesting $15,000 match from council. It all goes into the same pot. Total is $30,000 over 2 year. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-5 grant application for Garden Park, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second, voice vote all ayes. Resolution 2016-5 passed.
- LAKE SHADY ~ Katie Dudley, Lake Shady Committee Chair*
- Regionalization Workshop @ Quarry Hill: March 14, Councilor Ryland Eichhorst and Councilor Trish Shields attended. Katie was not able to attend. It was a great workshop. We have a medium ranking. We need to get to a high ranking to use the online master planning tool.
- Regionalization Park Application: delay until project is further along.
1.Ceiling Tiles
- CC / Seniors: $3610 plus $1180 to remove and dispose of
- City Office: $762 plus $660 to remove and dispose of ($400 discount for both). Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to approve the city office portion of $762 plus the $660 removal option, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second,(discussion: the thought was that the senior room does not get much use but the girls are in the office day in and day out. Councilor Trish Shields: the girls talked about putting their office upstairs, so why would we want to do either room. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein wants someone in that office, whether it’s both or one. Plus we would be removing a potential meeting location. Council does not like the idea of a bell to indicate someone needs assistance when the office would be upstairs.If the office were upstairs, legally there has to be disability access and Fred stated that a change in structure has to bring the building up to compliance. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst said that there is a bigger plan here that needs to be discussed. Kevin agrees with Skyler about not changing the city office to a different room in the building. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein doesn’t want to throw money at this right now. Councilor Beau Hanenberger would entertain just doing the council side for acoustics and get better lighting. Councilor Beau Hanenberger neigh;Mayor Kevin McDermott, Councilors Skyler Breitenstein, Trish Shields, and Ryland Eichhorst in favor; motion carried. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst is asking for a quote on just the council side of the room.
- Close out 406 Fund: repay CIP a portion that was borrowed.Mayor Kevin McDermott made a motion to close the 406 Fund and put $9000 back in the CIP Fund to repay a portion back, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Antenna Assembly Kits: $560.The garage door openers required antenna to work. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the antenna for $560, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; Councilor Skyler Breitenstein friendly amend that we don’t work with that contractor anymore. All in favor, motion carried.
- Rhino gas driver: $2951.20for sign installation; this was not budgeted for. Councilor Trish Shields asked if there is a cushionthat would cover it. Council does not know. Table for next meeting after clarification.
- Hydrant Buddy: $4500;this was not budgeted for. Table for next meeting. Engineer Joe Palen said it’s an ease of use type of thing. Councilor Beau Hanenberger asked if it was necessary.Councilor Trish Shields wonder if we can justify that kind of expense with our small community. Does the Fire Department have one that we can us? Mayor Kevin McDermott said he didn’t think so. I think they want it for ease of use. Let’s table it and get the reasoning behind this.
- DNR Water Supply Workshop: March 29th, 10am – noon. In Rochester. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to let Cain go to that or a Council Member in place of Cain, Councilor Ryland Eichhorst second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Publish Snowplow bid 2016 -17. Mayor Kevin McDermott made a motion to approve publishing the 2016 snow plow bid, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second, (discussion on changes – changes are worked out with contractor.) all in favor, motion carried.
- Lake Shady Ave: turn on additional light. (Just south of solar garden). Mayor Kevin McDermott explained the reasoning. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst made a motion to turn on the light, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second, (discussion about every other light being turned on.) Friendly amendment to turn on every other light instead, from corner of 12th up to County 12,alternating on and off – after Casey’s to Mom’s Antiques, if Peoples Co-Op approves, (discussion on if other lights would be turned off and if peoples would be ok with that.)Mayor Kevin McDermott abstain for conflict of interest; all in favor, motion carried.
- Street Sweeping: request estimates.The estimates will be brought to April meeting.
- Street Repair Reviews: set drive through.It was discussed last fall that Mayor Kevin McDermott and Engineer Joe Palen would do a spring review of roads that need repair. Mayor Kevin McDermott will schedule it with Councilor Ryland Eichhorst and Engineer Joe Palen.
- Meeting Minutes:March 10, 2016
- Lot Split: Sorenson.The vote on Resolution2016-4 discussed above in section F.
- Quam public hearing is set for the April P&Z meeting
- Meeting Minutes: March 8, 2016. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst went over the Water and Sewer meetings.
- St. Paul session notes: March 3, 2016. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst and Sheila Craig attended this at the Senate Capital. Discussing investments. Listened to and spoke with Jeff Freemen, who is very much aware of our project. It was a good discussion.
- Senate Capital Investment Meeting: March 17, 2016.Ryland: Right now Brian Breider, myself, Terry Lee and Sheila Craig are attending this meeting.We are scheduled for 10 minutes at 6pm to present our presentation but we will be going at 4pm to listen to previous presentations.Councilor Trish Shields made a motion to cover reimbursement and meeting pay for the previous 2 meetings, for the 3rd and 17th, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; (discussion: Councilor Skyler Breitenstein - the 3rd one does not get covered,)Councilor Beau Hanenberger friendly amend to not include the 3rd ; all in favor, motion carried.
- Upcoming meetings:possible 2 more with house and one with senate? Maybe another $500 to cover. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst made a motion requesting approval for future meetings for $500, Mayor Kevin McDermott second, (discussion: Mayor Kevin McDermott - appreciate all the meetings you attend and I know some of these are important. It would be nice to know ahead of time what we are up against. I know we paid for a lobbyist and some of this is to help our cause. I struggle with what helps and what doesn’t for the cost of these. Will $500 cover through? Councilor Ryland Eichhorst said it should work for a couple house meetings and maybe one more? Councilor Beau Hanenberger feels that if it’s a request, I think it’s worth the money to go. Councilor Trish Shields said that she wants them to feel we care, that we just didn’t hire a lobbyist pretending to care. All in favor, motion carried.Ryland: You can follow the House bill (2734 HF 2734) and Senate bill (SF 2367) under My Bill.
- Meeting with Rochester Council Members: March 4, 2016 / Rochester CC & Pine Island request for letter of support.Councilor Ryland Eichhorst: This was a request from Senator Senjem for support at a council level. One will be sent to Pine Island as well as Rochester. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst requested to approve the support letters to be sent to Pine Island Council and Rochester Council with a change in the title head, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second. (Discussion: Attorney Fred Suhler - typically communications between governments are handled from a particular person, it’s odd to have council sending a letter, it should be sent by a city official and addressed to the appropriate city official, it’s basically a communication handled between officials. The letter is worded awkward right now. Councilor Ryland Eichhorst said that that’s the intent. Fred: Governments don’t send letters, people do.) Friendly amend letter to read from Mayor Kevin McDermott to Mayor Rod Steele and from Mayor Kevin McDermott to Mayor Ardell F. Brede; all in favor, motion carried.
- Wastewater bill language.FYI
- River Park Subdivision: (moved up to right after EOC.) Councilor Skyler Breitenstein stated: Addressing public comment, so it’s on public record, we’ll touch base on a prior meeting first. We had a meeting with Mr. Jech last year, there is a question on the date, but it was months before the association/ homeowners meeting with Mayor Kevin McDermott, Sandy and myself, in our recollection we don’t have quite the same memory as to what transpired. It was a meeting to work on finishing punch list items that was part of the Developer’s Agreement. It was to work on the second lift of the road. The well, in our mind, was not part of that at the time. Cliff notes is that he stormed out and said it was his last meeting ever with the City.
Trish and Skyler went over how to best handle the new meeting. City Clerk Sandy Jessen attempted to schedule a meeting and after several attempts, got through to Shelly Jech and she turned it over to Steve Jech. He said that if we don’t talk about the well, then he doesn’t want a meeting. Sandy explained that the request and concern is coming from the residents and that the City wants to discuss options that help the residents; so we got a meeting scheduled. Part of me gets that with business, there are times things get clicking along. We, as a City, move at a snail’s pace and things move slower because of laws, meetings, and statues. We tried to encourage a meeting to happen for lines of communication. Everyone wants a positive solution, for us, for them and for the residents. Trish did a nice job bringing herself in, asking questions and getting up to speed. Mr. Jech brought up the well multiple times. We stated that we could not bring up, discuss, or negotiate the well, that it would have to be taken back to Council for discussion. I think it is too big of an issue to solve tonight. I encourage Council to set a special meeting for the well itself. Mr. Jech made it clear at the meeting last year that if we were not purchasing the well, that he would be done with all roads and road maintenance.He claims that when the calls started coming this year about no snow plowing, he wasn’t surprised. As for my part, having been at the meeting, I sincerely don’t remember him mentioning that, and after speaking with the others, they do not remember that being said as well. It’snot worth fighting about that at this point.