Bishkek, June 16, 1999 № 53;
as amended by the Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 4, 2002 № 22, June 11, 2003 № 101 passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 13, 1999
On Environmental Protection

Section I. - General Provisions
Section II. - Normalization of Environmental Quality
Section III. - Nature
Section IV. - Environmental requirements for economic and other activities
Section V. - control in the field of environmental protection
Section VI. - Funding for the Environment
Section VII. - Zone of ecological trouble
Section VIII. - Competence of state bodies, public associations the powers, rights and duties of citizens, users of natural resources in the field of environmental protection
Section IX. - Education, training, research, information in the field of environmental protection
Section X. - responsible for environmental offenses. Dispute resolution in the field of environmental protection
Section XI. - International relations in the field of environmental protection
Section XII. - Final provisions
Nature and its components are national property of the Kyrgyz Republic, one of the main factors of its sustainable social and economic development.
This Law determines the policy and regulates legal relations in the field of natural resources and environmental protection in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Section I.
General provisions
Article 1. Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on Environmental Protection
Relations in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources are regulated by the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law and other laws adopted in accordance with them other normative legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Law
In the present Law the following basic concepts:
reproduction of natural resources - a set of scientific, organizational, economic and technical measures aimed at replenishing and increasing natural resources or an increase in the useful properties of natural objects;
restoration of natural resources - organizational and technical, economic and other natural resources to fill the measure or enhance the useful properties of natural objects lost as a result of anthropogenic impacts or forces of nature;
environmental damage - adverse changes in the environment caused by human activity, as a result of pollution, depletion of natural resources, damage, destruction of natural environmental systems, creating a real threat to human health and life, flora and fauna, material values;
emission, discharge of harmful substances - the output to the external environment (in air, water bodies, land) contaminants from any source of contamination;
wildlife - legally protected natural site (resource), including insects, reptiles, animals, birds, fish and other animals in a state of natural freedom, and performing environmental, economic, and cultural and recreational functions;
protective zone (Environment) - part of the natural (land, water, nedrennogo) space, endowed by law to special protection in order to prevent the harmful effects of economic activities or forces of nature;
Green Zone - a kind of buffer zones, part of the land area occupied by forest, the planting protective vegetation, located around the cities, industrial centers, endowed by law to special protection in order to prevent the harmful effects of economic activity on the human environment;
resort area - a kind of buffer zones, part of the land, water area, which includes the territory of the resort, its county sanitary protection, endowed by law to special protection in order to ensure the resort respective sanitary, health, recreational conditions;
therapeutic areas - see safety, holiday, green, recreational areas;.
security zone (in the field of environmental protection) - a kind of buffer zones, part of the space formed in the manner prescribed by law for the protection of nature reserves, national parks by introducing certain restrictions on environmental management for the protection of protected objects;
zone sanitary protection - areas intended to ensure the required hygiene standards of content in the surface layer of the atmosphere pollutants, reduce the negative impact of enterprises, transport, communications, power lines on the surrounding population, physical impacts - noise, high vibration, infrasound, electromagnetic waves and static electricity;
recreational zone - part of the space environment is used for recreation and tourism, including green, spa, therapeutic area;
Zone of ecological emergency - officially declared the state of the area (city, state, region), which are clearly marked signs of the process of destruction of ecological systems of nature, pollution, depletion of water, land, plant and animal resources, which found a dramatic increase in morbidity and mortality exceeding by many times the average;
zone of ecological disaster - officially declared a State of the territory (city, state, region), which marked signs of complete destruction of the ecological systems of nature, air pollution, water, soil, complete depletion of water, plant, animal resources and set a high level of morbidity and mortality population;
environmental information - information about the state of water, air, soil, subsoil, flora and fauna, activities that may affect their status and measures for their protection;
inventories of natural resources - a set of information on the quantitative and qualitative state of natural resources and their environmental, economic (including medical and health) evaluation. There are inventories: land, water, forest, mineral resources, wildlife (separately for fish and land animals), natural and protected sites, therapeutic resources of nature. The structure and procedure of conducting inventories establish competent authorities of the state;
The Red Book - a set of information about rare, threatened or endangered species of plants and animals to be approved in the manner prescribed by law, in order to introduce the regime of special protection and the subsequent reproduction (International Red Book, Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic);
limit (in the field of environmental protection), - the maximum amount of withdrawals, consumption, natural resources, emissions and discharges of hazardous substances into the environment. Set for conservation, sustainable use of its resources, prevention of harmful impacts on it;
Environmental monitoring - conducting observations of the environmental parameters, assessment of its status and the forecast of expected changes;
valuation of environmental quality - to establish the quality of the system of indicators of the environment;
maximum permissible harmful effects on the environment - indicators of exposure limits of economic, recreational and other activities on the environment, protect the environment, natural resource management, environmental, public safety and human health;
environmental quality standards - indicators describing the criteria for quality of the environment: norms of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants, emissions and discharges of harmful substances maximum allowable levels (MAL) radiation exposure, noise, vibration, magnetic fields, the maximum permissible limits chemicals (PDHV) used in agriculture, forestry, the maximum allowable residues of chemical substances in food, the maximum permissible load norms of human activities on the environment;
improvement of the environment - a set of sanitary, economic and legal measures aimed at the prevention and elimination of harmful environmental impacts of economic activities and improving the quality of the human environment;
Ozone layer - the layer of the atmosphere at an altitude of 7-8 km at the poles, 17-18 km - on the equator of the planet's surface with a high concentration of ozone molecules absorbing detrimental to living organisms ultraviolet radiation from space;
environment - the human environment, the biosphere, employee conditions, means and the place of human life and other living organisms; It includes nature as a system of natural ecological systems and the part of the natural environment, which is transformed by human activities;
protected areas - areas of land, water (water areas), including natural complexes or individual nature of the objects, which establishes a special regime of protection and use. For protected areas can be attributed to natural or artificial by natural systems and natural objects of special ecological, environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic and recreational value;
waste - the remnants of raw materials, semi-finished products and other products produced in the course of economic activity;
Environmental protection - a system of state and public measures aimed at ensuring the harmonious interaction between society and nature, based on conservation and restoration of natural resources, sustainable use of natural resources, improve the human living environment quality;
environmental impact assessment (EIA) - the identification, analysis, evaluation and accounting in project decisions expected impact of the planned economic and other activity, it caused changes in the environment;
natural resources - natural sources of human consumption of nature (land, water, forest resources, mineral resources, mineral reserves, radioactive materials, flora and fauna, their components, and other natural goods);
natural resources - the totality of all forms of exploitation of natural resources potential and conservation measures;
environmental laws - a set of regulations, establishing the order of nature protection, sustainable use of natural resources, protection of the environment in order to provide a science-based combination of economic interests, and to achieve optimal quality of the environment;
special nature - all kinds of use of natural resources, carried out their withdrawal (hunting, gathering, sampling and so on.) from the environment;
damage to the environment - calculated in monetary terms, the economic and non-economic losses to society, resulting from changes in the environment and its pollution;
Conservation Foundation - funds set up by payments for natural resources, penalties, voluntary contributions and other sources to solve environmental problems, loss reduction and improvement of the environment;
environmental audit - review (testing, evaluation) the ecological state of the enterprise, property or activity to identify past or present problematic issues, potential environmental risks and liabilities;
environmental security - the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, protection of the environment as the conditions and means of human existence and society from threats arising from man-made and natural impacts on them;
environmental impact assessment - to determine the level of environmental risk and danger of proposed solutions, the implementation of which directly or indirectly have an impact on the environment and natural resources;
environmental certification - the activities of conformity assessment of certification object set environmental requirements;
Environmental Certificate - an official document, developed in accordance with the requirements of the environmental certification system, confirming the level of environmental safety certification facilities, issued by accredited authorities for environmental protection in the established order;
ecological systems - unified, stable, interlocking, self-developing, self-regulating combination of natural components of the environment, carrying out metabolism and energy process. There are natural (primordial), modified (changed), transformed (converted) ecological systems;
environmental monitoring - verification of compliance by enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens with environmental requirements on environmental protection and ecological safety. There are state, departmental and public ecological control;
environmental crime - culpable, unlawful act violating environmental laws and causing damage to the environment and human health;
environmental crime - socially dangerous culpable act infringing on the rule of law established by the ecological, environmental, public safety, causing harm to the environment and human health.
(In edition of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 4, 2002 № 22, June 11, 2003 № 101)

Article 3. Basic principles of environmental protection
Every citizen has the right to a healthy life and healthy environment and to compensation for damage caused to health or property of the adverse effects on the environment, as a result of economic or other activities.
The basic principles of environmental protection are:
- The principle of priority: to ensure real guarantees of human rights to a healthy life, work and leisure environment that provides life and health;
- The principle of balance: preserving the stability of ecological systems, compliance with environmental regulations in the implementation of economic and other activities, reproduction of natural resources, avoiding irreversible consequences for the environment and human health;
- The principle by the complex: a harmonious blend of science-based environmental, economic and social interests of society, the complexity of addressing issues of resource saving and environmental protection;
- The principle of deterrence: rationing, mandatory environmental impact assessment, feasibility and limiting the influence of economic activity and other environmental impacts;
- The principle of responsibility: the strict observance of the environmental protection requirements of the legislation of the medium, the inevitability of responsibility for the breach, damages caused to the environment by enterprises, institutions, organizations, households and individuals;
- The principle of openness: openness in addressing environmental problems in the economic and other activities with environmental implications, a close relationship with civil society organizations and the public, to encourage and stimulate measures for the protection and rational use of natural resources, the combination of national, regional and international interests in the field of environmental protection.
(As amended by the Law of 4 February 2002 № 22)

Article 4. Objects of protection
Protection from contamination, spoilage, damage, depletion, destruction, destruction and other negative impacts are subject to the land and its subsoil, soil cover, water, forests, flora, fauna and their genetic fund, atmospheric air, and other natural objects, systems and environmental systems as well as the climate and the ozone layer of the Earth and the whole Earth as a planet.

Article 5 Protected Objects
Special protection shall be natural or man-made natural complexes and objects of nature, having special ecological, environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic and recreational value of rare or endangered species of plants, animals and their habitats. To this end, in the Kyrgyz Republic are protected areas: national parks, biosphere reserves, national nature reserves, national parks, natural monuments, resorts and recreational areas, botanical gardens, dendrological and zoological parks.
The order of creation and legal status of protected areas established by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Specially Protected Natural Areas" and other laws of the Kyrgyz Republic.
In order special protection of rare or endangered plant and animal species in the Kyrgyz Republic established Red Book. The list of rare or endangered plant and animal species to be listed in the Red Book, and the order of protection defined by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 6. Measures to ensure the protection of the environment
In the Kyrgyz Republic, the following measures are carried out in order to protect the environment:
- State accounting and socio-economic assessment of natural resources;
- Regulation of environmental quality (maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air, water, soil, subsoil and other natural objects);
- Integrated management of economic and ecological relationships;
- The establishment of environmental requirements for economic or other activities related to the impact on nature;
- The establishment of fees for the use of standards for natural resources, discharges, and emissions of pollutants and other harmful physical impacts, waste disposal in the environment;
- State support in the implementation of natural resource-waste and low-waste technologies;
- Implementation of environmental entrepreneurship;
- Conducting environmental impact assessment in the design and implementation of economic and other activities in order to prevent possible adverse effects of these activities on the environment;
- Special protection of nature reserves, game reserves, national parks, rare species of animals, plants and other objects, for these purposes, special environmental enforcement services;
- The establishment of funds for nature protection;
- Reimbursement of guilty damage caused to the environment, and implementation of measures to restore the disturbed state of the environment;
- Establishing environmental offenses and sanctions for their commission;
- Involvement of offenders in the area of ​​environmental protection;
- The preservation and reproduction of forests;
- Restoring the purity of natural waters;
- For the prevention of air pollution;
- The use of wind and solar energy, as well as other non-traditional sources of energy resource;
- The integration of environmental aspects in the construction of hydroelectric power plants (anthropogenic pressures on the fragile mountain ecosystems, the rise of the groundwater level, provoking landslides and earthquakes, etc.).
The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, decisions of local state administrations and local self-government bodies may be established for other environmental protection measures.
(As amended by the Law of 4 February 2002 № 22)

Section II.
Normalization of Environmental Quality
Article 7. Standardization of environmental quality
In order to establish the maximum allowable impact on the environment produced a valuation of environmental quality.
Rationing of environmental quality is a system of standards and environmental quality standards, developed on the basis of international conventions and agreements, taking into account the latest scientific achievements.
Environmental quality standards, the maximum permissible harmful effects, as well as methods for their determination are approved by republican state bodies of environmental protection and health of the Kyrgyz Republic in coordination with other specially authorized state bodies in accordance with their competence.

Article 8. Types of environmental quality standards
standards and environmental quality standards system includes:
- Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air, water, soil and subsoil;
- Maximum permissible emissions and discharges of hazardous substances;
- Maximum permissible levels of radiation exposure;
- Maximum permissible levels of loading on the environment;
- Norms of sanitary and protection zones;
- Standards for the use of natural resources;
- Maximum permissible levels of noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields and other harmful physical impacts;
- The maximum permissible limits use of chemicals in agriculture;
- Maximum permissible concentration of chemical, toxic, carcinogenic substances and biological additives in food.
The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic may establish other types of environmental quality standards.

Article 9. Procedure for the approval of the environmental quality standards
The standards of maximum permissible emissions and discharges of hazardous substances, the maximum permissible level of radiation safety, maximum permissible levels of loading on the environment, health and safety zones, maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air, water, soil, subsoil and other natural objects, as well as standards environmentally dangerous products are approved in the order established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.