Barents 2020 Working Group RN01
Phase IV:
Draft 2011-11-30
1.3Working method
2Mandate Task No.1 – Recommendation for deliverables
2.1Alternatives for reporting
2.2Format of deliverables
2.3Summary of initial recommendations
3Mandate Task No. 2 – Implementation of deliverables
3.1RN02 – Ice Loads
3.1.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
3.2RN-03 Risk Management
3.2.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
3.3RN-04 Evacuation and Rescue
3.3.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
3.4RN-05 Human Factors
3.4.2Deliverables (to be updated)
3.4.3Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
3.5RN-06 Ice Management
3.5.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
3.6RN-07 Operational Emissions and Discharges
3.6.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
4Mandate Task No. 3 – AwARENESS
5Mandate Task No. 4 – ISO Arctic Long Term Initiative
5.2New Work Item Recommendations
6Summary of recommendations for implementation of deliverables
RN01 was given following mandate for phase IV of the Barents 2020 project:
- Recommend how Phase 3 recommendations and Phase 4 deliverables should be structured, edited and published to fit well into the collection of existing standards
- Review deliverables from working groups for compliance with the recommendations report of RN01, and prepare roadmaps for implementation of deliverables
- Create awareness among the potential recipients (e.g. standards organisations) as to what is coming and acting as an intermediary as necessary and appropriate
- Provide proposal for an Arctic long term international standards program (ref. ISO/TC67 MC Ad-hoc group Arctic Operations) and including potentially missing international standards for the broader Arctic environment
The members of the work group have been:
Name / Company / E-MailVladimir Vernikovskij / GAZPROM / TC23 /
Dennis Thikomirov / VNIIGAZ /
Alexander Ermakov / S-DAG /
Annie Audibert-Hayet / TOTAL /
Jan Gustaf Eriksson / STANDARDS NORWAY /
Alf Reidar Johansen / OGP /
Per Eirik Fosen / STATOIL /
Morten Bøhlerengen / Moss Maritime /
Anatoly Baryshnikov / ENI E&P /
Tore Sildnes / DNV /
Mr. Vernikovskij has acted as Russian co-ordinator, and Mr. Sildnes as work group co-ordinator.
1.3Working method
The group has met for 5 workshops during 2010/11.Three workshops have been held at VNIIGAZ premises in Moscow, and two workshops have been arranged at DNV Head Office in Oslo, Norway.
The work group has communicated by E-mail in between the workshops.
2Mandate Task No.1 – Recommendation for deliverables
Task 1 was given as: “Recommend how phase 3 recommendations and phase 4 deliverables should be structured, edited and published to fit well into the collection of existing standards”
2.1Alternatives for reporting
The group identified the following possible options (in no particular order) for formats and labels of final reporting:
1 Barents 2020 technical report (similar to B2020 phase 3)
2. Proposal for industry Guideline(s) or Recommended Practice(s), These could come from:
- Gazprom (STO)
- DNV (RP)
- OGP (Guideline or RP)
3. Proposal for identical Russian/Norwegian national supplementary standard to an ISO
- GOST R Standard, Recommendation or “set of rules”
- NS or NORSOK standard
4. Proposal for national annex to adopted ISO or EN-ISO standard
5. Proposal for an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS)
6. Proposal for an ISO Technical Report (ISO/TR)
7. Proposal for an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS)
8. Proposal for an ISO International Workshop Agreement (ISO/IWA)
9. Proposal for an ISO Amendment to existing standard (ISO/Amd)
As it was realised that the different working groups would have differing needs and target groups for their deliverables, recommendations on most suitable format had to be concluded individually for each group.
The main purpose for considering other than DNV Barents 2020 reports for the deliverables from the different work groups, was to facilitate the next steps in this process (following Barents 2020 project termination) of providing good standards and guidelines for use in oil and gas exploration and production activities in the Barents Sea and other Arctic areas.
2.2Format of deliverables
Format for deliverables was recommended to be structured and edited as far as reasonably practical in conformance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, “Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards”. This applied irrespective of type document produced.
Adherence to this principle would assure best possible harmonisation of language and formats used of the Barents 2020 deliverables as seen together with the many international standards references in this project.
2.3Summary of initial recommendations
No / Task / Project / RN 01 Proposed deliverableRN02 / Prepare Guidance to ISO 19906 for design of installations against ice-loads / Russia: National annex to GOST R ISO 19906
Norway: National annex to NS-EN -ISO 19906
RN03 / Conduct workshops on practical use of risk assessment, based for Barents Sea Installations / B2020 report –Introduction/conclusions and Conference/seminar proceedings as a separate reports
(Include contents from phase 3 report)
RN04 / Prepare guidance document to ISO 19906 on Escape, Evacuation and Rescue for the Barents Sea / 1) Russia: National annex to GOST R ISO 19906
Norway: National annex to NS-EN -ISO 19906
2) & 3) : B2020 report
RN05 / Prepare Guidance to ISO 19906 for safe working environment for offshore activities in the Barents Sea / STO Gazprom
DNV RP initially
Long term strategy as stand-alone ISO standard
RN06 / Prepare Guidance for Ice management based on ISO 19906 for Barents Sea operations / Russia: National annex to GOST R ISO 19906
Norway: National annex to NS-EN -ISO 19906
Long term: ISO 19906 revision or new ISO std.
RN07 / Develop a regional environmental standard for the Barents Sea to reflect MARPOL Special Area (SA) requirements for discharges and emissions from oil and gas related ship traffic and offshore units / National Russian (GOST R and SanPin) and Norwegian Standard (NS)
Draft to be issued as Barents 2020 Report
3Mandate Task No. 2 – Implementation of deliverables
RN01 task no.2 was given as: “Review deliverables from working groups for compliance with the recommendations report of RN01, and prepare roadmaps for implementation of deliverables”.
Based on review of draft deliverables as available by 2011-12-01 the recommendations of RN02 for implementation for the individual working groups are given in the following sub-sections.
3.1RN02 – IceLoads
The deliverables of RN02 will be:
- A compilation of suggested changes to ISO 19906 as received from members of the group
- This report which consists of four parts:
- Introduction
- The Gap Analysis
- Background for the suggested changes and some additional information
- A Guidance Document with the suggested amendments and changes, written in ISO format and ready for submission to the relevant ISO panel for consideration at the first update of ISO 19906.
3.1.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
It is recommended that the Barents 2020 Steering Committee takes following actions:
- Submit Part 4 – Guidance Document – of the report to the national standardisation organizations in Russia and Norway for approval as a regional amendment to ISO 19906:2010(E) until a new edition of the international standard is issued.
- Submit the amendments and changes suggested in Part 4 of the report – the Guidance Document – to the ISO editing panel for consideration by the relevant ISO technical panels when they reconvene to start work on a new edition of ISO 19906.
- Takes immediate action to have the definition of stationary structures suggested by RN02 adpoted in all Russian regulations and standards
3.2RN-03 Risk Management
RN03’s task for phase IV was the arrangement of two seminars about risk management and risk assessment in the offshore design process for the Barents Sea, and application of functional safety standards.
The deliverables will be limited to seminar proceedings on Risk Management.
3.2.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
It is recommended that the seminar proceedings are made generally available as B2020 papers.
3.3RN-04 Evacuation and Rescue
The deliverables of RN04 will be a report containing:
-1) A commentary on the EER provisions in ISO 19906
-2) A functional specification guidance for Arctic evacuation methods
-3) A functional specification guide for arctic emergency response vessel
3.3.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
It is recommended that the Barents 2020 Steering Committee takes following actions:
- Submit Part 6 - Commentary on ISO 19906 Chapter 18 and Appendix A18 of the report to the ISO editing panel for consideration by the relevant ISO technical panels when they reconvene to start work on a new edition of ISO 19906.
Alternatively, the new iSO Arctic Operations sub-committee should use the document as input for a new ISO standard within the area of arctic evacuation and rescue standard.
Contrary to initial recommendations, the deliverables are not recommended used for national annexes to the national adoptions of the ISO 19906 standard (GOST R ISO 19906 and NS-EN-ISO 19906), or as a separate, harmonised national standard in Norway and Russia.
- The functional specifications were initially recommended to be issued as Barents 2020 technical reports, and, depending on the maturity of the outcome, considered for issue as DNV RPs.
Based on review of draft deliverables, the deliverables are not considered to have reached a level of maturity to be able to be issued as separate reports or DNV-RPs.
3.4RN-05 Human Factors
RN05’s task for phase IV was defined as: “To provide industry guidance for safe working environment for personnel on board ships and offshore installations operating in the Barents Sea.”.
3.4.2Deliverables(to be updated)
The deliverables of RN05 will be a report containing:
Tech. report with proposals to ISO19906,
Guideline on Working Environment in the Barents Sea
3.4.3Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
The deliverable is recommended to be issued initially as a corporate standard of Gazprom
(STO) and a DNV RP. As a longer term strategy a new stand-alone ISO standard should be developed within this area.
3.5RN-06Ice Management
The deliverable of RN06 will be a Tech. report describing state-of-the-art on Ice Management
3.5.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
Input to the relevant ISO panel for consideration at the first update of ISO 19906 has been given by RN06 to RN02, and input is given in the deliverables from RN02.
3.6RN-07Operational Emissions and Discharges
Technical Report containing a proposal for “Regional guidance document for regular emissions and discharges from offshore oil and gas activities in the Barents Sea including associated shipping”
3.6.2Recommendations for implementation of deliverables
It is recommended that the Barents 2020 Steering Committee takes following actions:
- Submit the guidance document to TK23 for publication as a GOST R and SanPin standard in Russia, and to OLF in Norway for publication as an OLF guideline.
- Submit the guidance to ISO TC 67 SC8 for proposal as a ISO environmental standard.
Note : Possible as an OGP Arctic Environmental Guideline ?
4Mandate Task No. 3 – AwARENESS
RN01 task no. 3 was given as: “Create awareness among the potential recipients (e.g. standards organisations) as to what is coming and acting as an intermediary as necessary and appropriate”.
Most of the deliverables of Barents 2020 are related to ISO/TC67 standardization activities. ISO 19906 which is the major standard for E&P in arctic regions was developed under responsibility of SC7.
The following specific activities have been undertaken:
- Participation in the plenary meeting of SC7 (in Singapore, January 2011) with presentation (Thikomirov)
- Participation in ISO/TC67/Management Committee Meeting meeting in San-Francisco on 27th June (where the formation of ISO/TC67 MC AHG “Arctic Operations” were discussed)
- Participation in Norwegian Sector Board for Petroleum Standardisation meetings with presentations (Fosen, Sildnes)
- ++++
5Mandate Task No. 4 – ISO Arctic Long Term Initiative
RN01 task no. 3 was given as: ”Provide proposal for an Arctic long term international standards program (ref. ISO/TC67 MC Ad-hoc group Arctic Operations) and including potentially missing international standards for the broader Arctic environment
RN01 delivered a proposal for an Arctic long term international standards program by memo to ISO TC67 Management Committee on 2011-06-21. The proposal was intended as an input to the recently formed ISO Ad-hoc group on Arctic Operations within the Technical Committee 67 Management Committee.
The memo provided a list of suggested work items for a potential new Arctic Operations Sub-Committee or Working Group under ISO TC67.
The proposal was based upon evaluation of existing standards’ suitability for arctic application (ref. Barents 2020 phase 3 report) and identification of potential missing standards.
5.2New Work Item Recommendations
A total of 11 new work item proposals (NWIP) were suggested. These are listed below and described in further detail in the enclosed NWIP tables.
NWIP proposals for Arctic Operation:
- NWIP 1: New ISO Standard: Arctic Operations – Ice Loads in Structural Design
- NWIP 2: Arctic Operations – Topside Facilities (including among other items):
- NWIP 2a: Updating/Amendment to ISO 13702 “Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations”
- NWIP 2b: Amendment of “ISO 15138 Offshore Production Installations – Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”
- NWIP 2c: Amendment to “IEC60079 – Electrical equipment, Explosive atmospheres and IEC/ISO 80079 Non-electrical equipment - Explosive atmosphere.”
- NWIP 2d: Amendment of: “IEC 61892-7 – Mobile and fixed offshore units, electrical installations , Part 7 – Hazardous areas”
- NWIP 3: New ISO Standard: Arctic Operations – Escape, Evacuation and Rescue for Arctic conditions
- NWIP 4: New ISO Standard: Arctic Operations – Working Environment for Arctic Operations
- NWIP 5: New group of ISO standards: Arctic Operations – Ice Management, including 5 standards, covering:
- Data collection;
- Oceanological, hydrological and geological survey information supply
- Ice conditions, monitoring and forecasting
- Quality standards of IM training companies
- Ice management training. Specific requirements
- NWIP 6: New ISO standard: Arctic Operations – Onshore logistics
- Specific requirements for loading and unloading operations oftransportation of personnel,bulk cargo, liquids, containers, raw materials, crude oil and LNG
- NWIP 7: New ISO standard: Arctic Operations – Offshore logistics
- Specific requirements for loading & unloading operations of transportation of personnel,bulk cargo, liquids, containers, raw materials, crude oil and LNG
- NWIP 8: New ISO standard: Arctic Operations – Maintenance service
- NWIP 9: New ISO standard: Arctic Operations – Staff management
- NWIP 10: New ISO standard: Arctic Operations – Offshore structures corrosion protection
- NWIP 11: New ISO standard: Arctic operations – Plant security
On 2011-09-15 ISO SC8 “Arctic Operations” was established. The envisaged SC 8 work programme will start with about 15 work items. The new subcommittee should include the next subjects and/or standards:
-Working environment in connection with cold-climate conditions (1 standard ready in late 2014);
-Escape, evacuation and rescue (1 standard ready in early 2014));
-Maintenance of onshore and offshore structures (2 standards ready in late 2014);
-Ice management (6 standards ready in 2015);
-Onshore and offshore logistics (2 standards ready in late 2014);
-Plant security (1 standard ready in early 2014).
The detailed new work item proposals are being prepared.
6Summary of recommendations for implementation of deliverables
Table to be inserted