Greetings OCPS Family and Community,

On behalf of the Oglethorpe County Primary School, it is truly my pleasure to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you as we begin the2014-2015 school year at OCPS. August is the time of year to reconnect with old friends after a few months of fun in the sun and to welcome new friends. I am very pleased to welcome everyone to the 2014-2015 school year! To those students and parents who are new to Oglethorpe County Primary School I would like to extend an especially warm welcome and best wishes for an exciting and productive year in your new school. The faculty, staff, and I hope that you will quickly feel at home and become involved in the activities of our school through the PTO and your child’s classroom.

I am delighted to be the principal of one of the greatest primary schools in the state! I am increasingly grateful to be surrounded by such motivated, smart, and caring students and staff. How do we make OCPS such as great school? Look in the mirror and you will find the answer. Together with you the parents and community members, we work hard to strengthen OCPS’ reputation as an Open Hearted, Curriculum-Based, Progressive, and Structured school.

As I begin my 4th year as principal of OCPS, I will continue to work diligently with you, the stakeholders to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child centered instruction and decisions, academic excellence, trust, respect, community involvement, excellent communication, and student and staff recognition. I am committed to working in collaboration with you to continue to develop and implement this shared vision. Working together as a team we will move forward in our mission this new school year to accept all students as individuals and to provide a varied and challenging program that guides each child towards success. We have so much to be proud of as a faculty, staff, family, and community!