Grade Expectation Sheet – Senior High Orchestra

Teacher: Mr. Krajci

Music Department Phone: (516) 539-5116


Student Name:______

Class Goal: Senior High Orchestra at H. Frank Carey High School is designed to provide string students with a higher understanding of string techniques, musicianship, and performance through creative experiences in the art of music.

Classroom Rules:

  • Be on time to class every day
  • Come prepared to class every day with the required materials.
  • Respect one another, your stand partner, and yourself
  • Take proper care of your instrument, music, and other equipment.
  • Raise your hand when you have a question
  • Only write in music with pencil

Required Materials:

  • Instrument, bow, shoulder rest (violin/viola), rock stop (cello/bass)
  • Music stand (to be kept at home)
  • Folder with all appropriate repertoire (kept in classroom)
  • Photocopies of repertoire for home practicing
  • Pencil
  • Enrollment in Schoology online course (
  • Access Code: VMZ3G-H8P95
  • Enrollment in Remind 101 for class updates
  • Open a new text message; enter “81010” as the recipient; write “@hfcsrorch” in the message; send message; follow instructions

Course Requirements:

  • Students are required to come to class and participate actively. A lack of participation will result in a lower Class Participation grade.
  • Students are required to bring their instruments home and practice regularly for the best results. At the Senior High level, it is suggested that students practice 4 days per week for 45 minutes.
  • Students must perform in the Senior High Winter and Spring Concert, which takes place in December and May, respectively. Families will be notified with more information as the event approaches. Failure to perform in the concert will result in a failing grade for that marking period.
  • Students are required to attend sectionals, which take place during the school day. Failure to attend these sectionals will result in a lower Sectional Attendance grade. If the students cannot attend the assigned sectional, a make-up is scheduled and must be attended in lieu of the regular sectional.

Grading Policy: The following sections are averaged together to come up with a marking period grade:

  • Class Participation: 20%
  • Playing Tests/Homework: 50%
  • Sectional Attendance: 30%

Extra Curricular Activities: Students in Senior High Orchestra are eligible for participation in extra curricular musical activities. These activities are encouraged and do take extra time and effort on the part of the student. Please see me for additional information or if you’re interested:

  • Chamber Orchestra (weekly rehearsals TBD)
  • NYSSMA Solo Festival (in March)
  • All-District Music Festival (by audition in January; festival in March-April)
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society (eligibility based on extra criteria)
  • All-County Music Festival and Long Island String Festival (based on recommendation and previous years’ NYSSMA scores)

Extra Help: Extra help is offered by appointment. I am available almost every morning from 7:30 – 7:55 and after school from 3:00 – 3:30. I may also be available during other periods of the day depending upon each student’s schedule.



Student Signature


Parent Signature