Discipline R. Jones Sixth Grade
Students will be expected to follow the Coosa County Code of Conduct (dress code, cell phones, language, fighting, theft, cheating, dishonesty, etc.) in addition to the following classroom rules:
Be Respectful
Students will be expected to be respectful to all school employees as well as classmates during the school year. This is demonstrated through positive behavior, positive attitude and consideration of others.
Be Responsibility
Students will be expected to demonstrate responsibility during the school year. Responsibility is coming to class on time and being prepared(paper, pencils, pens, books, assignments, etc.). Students will not return to lockers or call home to retrieve forgotten items.
Food and Drinks
Students will not bring food items or drinks in the classroom unless permitted by the teacher. These items must remain in the locker. Students are not allowed to bring food items from the lunchroom. Chewing gum is not allowed.
- Carbonated beverages, caffeine or energy drinks, candy are not allowed in middle schools due to federal nutrition guidelines. Snacks may be purchased from school vending machines or brought from home. Again…no carbonated beverages, caffeine or energy drinks, candy.
Class Dojo and Coupons
Class Dojo is an online system used to document students’ positive and negative class behavior. Parents will receive an access code where they may view students’ weekly behavior. Each Friday, students will receive a coupon based on positive behavior. These coupons may be redeemed for the following: free snack, free pencils, free time, free books, sit at my desk, etc.
Office Referrals
Depending on the seriousness of the classroom behavior, most minor issues will be handled through the following: 1st offense—Teacher/Student Conference; 2nd offense --- Parent Contact; 3rd offense-Office referral. Fighting, profanity, excessive disruptive behavior is an automatic office referral.
- Each nine week grading period begins a new beginning for the student.
Discipline Form R. Jones Sixth Grade
Name ______Class ______
1st Offense: Student-Teacher Conference
Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
2nd Offense: Teacher-Parent Contact (email/phone/letter/conference)
Date: ______
Student / Parent Signature: ______
3rd Offense: Office Referral
Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
Administrator Signature: ______