This is a list of all the planning applications which The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week. The Gardens Trust is the statutory consultee in England for registered parks and gardens, plays a key conservation role, and more widely supports the County and Country Gardens Trusts in protecting and conserving our landscape heritage. The Gardens Trust was formed in 2015 from the merger of the Garden History Society (GHS) and the Association of Gardens Trusts (AGT). Further details can be found on our website
If you have concerns about any of the applications and wish to discuss, please contact your local County Gardens Trust in the first instance via the contact details given on the Gardens Trust website. Contact details for each Trust can be found at
Ickwell Bury / Bedfordshire / Central Bedfordshire BC / CB/17/03459/LB / E17/0747 / 14/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Erection of two automated gates on both driveway entrances height start at 1.8m at the sides rising to 2.25m at the centre. Erection of estate style fencing at 1.25m high. 29 Bedford Road, Northill, Biggleswade SG18 9AN. ACCESS/GATES, BOUNDARY / 05/10/2017
Lyme Park / Cheshire / Peak District NPA / NP/CEC/0917/0921 / E17/0746 / 14/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Improvement works to the existing entrance path at Lyme Park that links the main car park to the front entrance to Lyme Hall. Lyme Park, Disley. FOOTPATH/CYCLEWAY / 12/10/2017
Rousdon / Devon / East Devon DC / 17/2158/FUL / E17/0726 / 10/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Single storey extension. 6 Old Home Farm, Rousdon, Lyme Regis DT7 3YL. BUILDING ALTERATION
/ 29/09/2017
Plympton House / Devon / Plymouth CC / 17/01676/S73 / E17/0737 / 12/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Variation of condition 2 of application application 15/02229/FUL to allow internal and external changes to plot 9 and 10 and the felling of tree TG6 and raising of crowns of trees next plots 9 and 10. Condition Number(s): 2 Conditions(s) Removal: . Plot 9 - Internal and external amendments - pedestrian access through garden from north below trees . Plot 10 - Internal and external amendments - pedestrian access through garden from north below trees
. Fell tree (left hand side of TG6) and raise crowns to trees north of plots 9 & 10 (TG6 generally) - note Aspect arboricultural report not available until 16th/17th August so supply as supplementary info? Variation of condition drawing numbers to enable substitution of additional drawings. St Peters Convent, George Lane, Plymouth PL7 2LL TREES, MISCELLANEOUS / 03/10/2017
Upper, Central and Lower Pleasure Gardens, and Coy Pond Gardens / Dorset / Bournemouth BC / 7-2017-1273-AY / E17/0741 / 13/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Outline planning application for demolition of existing buildings & construction of a mixed use scheme comprising 352 residential apartments (use class C3) in buildings between 3 storeys & 15 storeys, up to 5284sq.m. of leisure (use class D2), up to 1162sq.m. of convenience retail (use class A1), up to 2017sq.m. of restaurant/cafe (use class A3), up to 799sq.m. of mixed use restaurant/bar (use class A3/A4), up to 370sq.m. of offices (use class B1), associated servicing & loading areas, 225 public car parking spaces, 369 private car parking spaces, public open space, public realm enhancements & associated engineering works. Former Winter Gardens site, Keystone House and 20, 20a and 20b Exeter Road. MAJOR HYBRID / 18/10/2017
Stanmer Park / East Sussex / Brighton and Hove CC / BH2017/02863 / E17/0724 / 10/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission BH2013/04337 for approval of appearance, landscaping and layout relating to new access road between Boiler House Hill and Science Park Road. University Of Sussex, Refectory Road, Brighton. ROAD / 29/09/2017
South Gloucestershire Local Planning Application Requirements / Gloucester-shire / South Gloucester-shire DC / - / E17/0739 / 12/09/2017 / n/a / GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Consultation on the proposed changes to South Gloucestershire Council’s Local Planning Application Requirements 2017
/ 16/10/2017
Royal Hospital, Chelsea and Ranelagh Gardens / Greater London / City of Westminster LB / 17/07176/OUT / E17/0727 / 11/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Variation of Conditions 1, 26, 53, 54 and 55 of planning permission dated 27 September 2016 (RN: 16/04998/OUT) for the demolition of existing former barracks buildings and warehouse (Dove Walk) in connection with the redevelopment of the site for mixed use purposes comprising residential (a maximum of 448 units), sports centre (Class D2), retail (Flexible use within Class A1/A2/A3), health centre (Class D1), non-residential institution/leisure uses (flexible us within classes D1 and/or D2); hard and soft landscaping and open space; reconfigured and new vehicular and pedestrian accesses and works including the construction of basement to provide ancillary vehicular and cycle parking, circulation, servicing and plant areas and alterations to perimeter railings; namely, to allow minor material amendments to the parameter plans for Plots 18, 19 and 20 (Phase 6a). MAJOR HYBRID / 24/09/2017
Hyde Park / Greater London / City of Westminster LB / 17/06253/ADV / E17/0733 / 12/09/2017 / I / PLANNING APPLICATION Display of internally illuminated hoarding sign measuring 6.00m X 41.00, 3.00m X 42.00m, non-illuminated hoarding sign measuring 3.00m X 28.30. 3.00m X 18.00m, 3.00m X 9.00m and 3.00m X 13.30m. Marble Arch At, Marble Arch, London W1H 7DX. ADVERTISING/SIGNAGE / 07/10/2017
Pillory Down Stables / Greater London / Sutton LB / C2017/77881/FUL / E17/0735 / 12/09/2017 / N / PLANNING APPLICATION Change of use of building from equestrian to residential (C3), to create a 3-bedroom dwelling. Alteration to internal layout, windows and doors to be added/removed, three roof lights to be added to the existing roof slope, creation of outdoor seating area and three parking spaces. Pillory Down Stables, 3 Fairlawn Road, BANSTEAD SM7 3AU. CHANGE OF USE, BUILDING ALTERATION, RESIDENTIAL / 02/10/2017
Rivendell Cottage, Plaistow Green / Hampshire / Basingstoke and Deane BC / 17/03012/LBC / E17/0743 / 14/09/2017 / N / PLANNING APPLICATION Rebuild the 1960's extension to rear and the 1990's extension to front elevation (Amended plan to that approved under 17/00013/LBC). Rivendell Cottage, Plastow Green, Headley RG19 8LP. BUILDING ALTERATION / 05/10/2017
Moccas Court / Hereford and Worcester / Herefordshire / 173139 / E17/0732 / 11/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Proposed repair, alteration and re-servicing of Moccas Court as a private family home, with new swimming pool building and glass house in sunken garden and biomass boiler and woodchip storage in existing building by stable yard. Moccas Court, Moccas, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9LH. HYBRID / 02/10/2017
Holme Lacy / Hereford and Worcester / Herefordshire / 173200 / E17/0733 / 11/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Proposed part change of use and subdivision of Wilsley House to create four apartments. Partial demolition of failed wing and rebuild to same footprint like for like. Construction of a pair of semi-detached dwellings within grounds of house. Wilsley House, Holme Lacy, Herefordshire HR2 6LU. RESIDENTIAL, BUILDING ALTERATION / 03/10/2017
Waldershare Park / Kent / Dover DC / DOV/17/00862 / E17/0729 / 09/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Erection of a single storey extension and detached garage. Garden Cottage, Waldershare Park, Waldershare CT15 5BB. BUILDING ALTERATION, MAINTENANCE/STORAGE/OUTBUILDING / 29/09/2017
Melton Mowbray Distributor Road / Leicestershire / Leicestershire CC / - / E17/0738 / 12/09/2017 / n/a / GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Melton Mowbray Distributor Road Consultation
/ 15/10/2017
Boughton Hall / Northamptonshire / Daventry DC / DA/2011/0666 / E17/0740
(11/0600) / 13/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Mixed use development comprising of up to 1050 dwellings (C3), B1 employment, residential care home (C2), park and ride facility of up to 500 spaces, local centre (A1/A2/A3/A5), primary school, public open space and associated highways and drainage infrastructure. All matters reserved except access, internal spine road and development (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) within the site area as defined on plan ref: P16-0295_17 (Revised scheme). Land At Brampton Lane, Boughton, Northamptonshire. MAJOR HYBRID
Cragside / Northumber-land / Northumber-land CC / 17/03061/LBC / E17/0734 / 12/09/2017 / I / PLANNING APPLICATION Fire compartmentation works. Refer to drawings for detail. Cragside House, Cragside, Morpeth, Northumberland NE65 7PX. MISCELLANEOUS / 03/10/2017
Rufford Abbey / Nottingham-shire / Newark and Sherwood DC / 17/01592/LBC / E17/0745 / 14/09/2017 / II / PLANNING APPLICATION Re-roof the rear slope only, removing the concrete plain tiles and replacing with reclaimed natural clay plain tiles. Garden House, May Lodge Drive, Rufford NG22 9DE. MISCELLANEOUS / 05/10/2017
Stoneleigh Abbey / Warwickshire / Warwick DC / W/17/1578 / E17/0742 / 13/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Replacement of RFM (sui generis), 9525m sq of floorspace, together with associated access arrangements, circulation, parking spaces and landscaping. Land at junction of A46 and Stonleigh Road, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth CV8 2lZ. RETAIL / 04/10/2017
West Dean / West Sussex / South Downs NPA Chichester DC / SDNP/17/03514/LIS / E17/0728 / 08/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Repairs to glass roof, windows and alterations to doors. West Dean College, A286 Vicarage Lane To The Grinch, West Dean PO18 0RA. REPAIR/RESTORATION, BUILDING ALTERATION / 29/09/2017
Corsham Court / Wiltshire / Wiltshire / 17/08330/LBC / E17/0736 / 12/09/2017 / II* / PLANNING APPLICATION Replacement of the existing internal reception door. Corsham Court, High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0BZ. MISCELLANEOUS / 15/10/2017
Powys Local Development Plan / Powys / Powys CBC / - / W17/0013 / 11/09/2017 / n/a / LOCAL PLAN Notice of Matters Arising Changes Public Consultation
/ 30/10/2017