York County’s beautiful landscapes are some of the state’s most precious natural resources. Not only that, with many tourists coming into our communities each year, our scenic beauty is also an important economic resource--one we need to protect.

In 2002, the Adopt-A-Road program began in York County, and hopes to be one of the most successful programs in combating litter along our roadways. We at York County believe the citizens who genuinely care about the beauty of their community and want to take responsibility for enhancing that beauty will make this a successful program. If you want to be one of those people, this brochure can help get you started by showing you how your organization can“be a part of something beautiful,” too.

Safety First!

As much as we value our county’s beauty, we value our citizens even more. Volunteer groups must follow very strict safety guidelines. We can’t afford to lose anyone who cares so much about our county!

Questions and Answers

“So how do Adopt-a-Road Groups work?”

A Group that wants to adopt a county road must agree to adopt at least two miles of roadway and participate in four cleanups per year. A group leader must be chosen and a York County Adopt-A-Road Agreement Form must be submitted and approved.

The group is committed for a two-year period, then can either renew for another two years, or choose another section of highway if it wants to continue with the program.

The group’s designated leader will work with the York County Adopt-A-Road Coordinator. Along with the clean up responsibilities, the groups must complete safety training and fill out “report cards” that help us keep track on how well the program is working.

“What kinds of groups can Adopt Roads?”

Families, neighborhoods, businesses, churches, schools, civic organizations and any other community groups, who are willing to commit to the responsibilities and see that they are carried out, can be a part of this program. York County’s Adopt-A-Road Coordinator can assist you with this.

“What kinds of roads should we consider?”

Choose county roads that have fairly low traffic volumes. The Coordinator can help you find out whether your desired section of roadway qualifies. If the road(s) you are interested in are located in a neighborhood/subdivision then it will be suitable to “Adopt-A-Neighborhood” or “Adopt-A-Subdivision”.

“What does the cleanup involve?”

At a pre-scheduled time, the group will get together at the site. First, there will be a review of the safety rules, and then the members of the group will pick up the litter along the right of way and place it in bags. York County will provide litterbags and safety vests. Collected litterbags are left on the roadside for pick up. York County will then pick up the bagged litter once the coordinator has been notified that a clean up was performed.

It is important at all times to follow safety rules, and do not try to handle any hazardous materials you may find. Remember a landmark nearby and report where the item is located so it can be collected by the County staff.

After each cleanup, the group leader must fill out and submit a brief “report card” so your group can get credit for its work. There are annual awards for groups that have done outstanding work. After the safety training, York County will post a sign recognizing your organization’s efforts to keep York County beautiful.

“So how do we get started?”

If you feel your group might be interested in being part of an effort to beautify York County, talk with them to be sure enough people are willing to take on this important task. Choose a leader for your group who can take on the responsibilities of working with the Adopt-A-Road Coordinator to handle the details involved in working with this program. Then contact the York County Adopt-A-Road Coordinator.

Come be a part of

something beautiful with us.

The York County

Adopt-A-Road Program

is coordinated by

York County Solid Waste

Collection & Recycling

and funded in part by

York County

Adopt-A-County Road

PO Box 120

York SC 29745

(803) 628-3181

Printed on recycled paper

York County


