TF/Linked Grp
/ Lead / Headlines / Progress / Problems / IssuesHA01 / NSF
Ch4 / Emotional Health, Well-being and counselling t&f group (formerly CAMHS)
Dates of meetings
16.12.08 / AR /
- Reviewing of CAMHS NSF Action Plan
- 2 PMHW in Education in place.
- LSB LDP produced for CAMHS.
- All new service posts in place
- CAMHS newsletter to be produced by 2nd week in May.
- Suicide prevention strategy group.
- Community Paeds have asked for us to consider a T&F group for paeds / eating disorders development.
- Training Strategy to be consulted upon (attached)
- EMARS due to report April.
- Group had difficulty reviewing NSF actions as the CAMHS agenda is full.
HA02 / NSF
Ch 5 / Integrated Children’s Disability Service (ICDS)
17.4.08 / YH / JointSiteBuilding
Delayed . No decision yet approved between the 3 agencies (Wrexham and Flintshire LA and NEWT)
Childrens Equipment
An audit of children’s equipment in stores has been undertaken. Serviceable equipment has been bar coded and logged on the system
Special patient services and stores working more closely.
Assessment and decision making protocols are being developed by therapy services.
Children’s equipment is still on line to be included in the joint stores. Wrexham had asked that this be in phase 2 due to the demands of reconfiguring children’s services within the LA 2 years ago. As timeframes have slipped YH has asked that this be reviewed as a priority.
Special Patient Funding
Prior to 31/03/08 all outstanding equipment was ordered for children.
In 08/09 priority status should be applied to children’s equipment due to need and growth issues.
Community Equipment
Additional beds have been purchased via finance from Wrexham and Flintshire LHB’s this will support children within their communities. / Complete audit and bar coding of equipment in stores add input data into the shared IT system
Agree the process for special patient funding of equipment
HA03 / NSF
Ch3 / Young Carers
Dates of meetings
10.12.08 / MS / Next meeting has been re arranged to the 18th April, verbal update will be provided.
HA04 / SP02
Local / CYP Substance Misuse
Date of meetings
30th April 2008 / VJ / First Meeting held on 12th March where membership, purpose and aims discussed to form draft terms of reference.
Discussed group operation and how this will fit into the bigger structure.
Discussed need to take an overview of funding streams available to C and YP substance misuse provision in order to take coordinated approach. / Terms of Reference to be circulated to group for consultation and agreement / None / None at present- the group requires further development and this will be established over time.
HA07 / SP08
NSF Ch2 / Health Alliance
YP Focused sexual health project
Healthy lifestyle strategy / J.O’K
DD / Buisness case amended
Awaiting review of Health Alliance / Awaiting response from SCoG
Meeting arrangements to be confirmed
Speech and Language / KA / Official date of end of pilot 31st March 08.
Consultant aiming to finalise report by 18th April.
A number of recommendations have been included in the report based on the interviews and questionnaires. / Proforma for WAG due beginning of April delayed until mid April.
Final report aimed for a submission date to Steering Group in mid April.
Final meeting of Steering Group at end of April / beg of May.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder TF group / GE / Meeting 11.4.08 position statement to be developed then.