Education Department
Regulations for preschools, other pedagogical activities and leisure-time centres in
Älmhult municipality
Applicable as of October 1, 2017
Table of contents
Regulations for preschools and leisure-time centres
1. Applying for a place
2. Being offered a place
3. Attendance hours
4. Leaving a place
5. Fees
6. Fees for preschools, other pedagogical activities
and leisure-time centres in Älmhult municipality
Appendix 1
Fee calculation based on maximum fee (from Jan 1, 2017)
Regulations for preschools and leisure-time centres
Each municipality is responsible for offering preschool education for children resident in the municipality.
From the age of one, children shall be offered a place at preschool to the extent necessary, taking into consideration whether the child’s parents are gainfully employed or studying, the child requires extra support in its development, or it has its own need to attend due to the family’s situation in some other respect. Universal preschool is offered to children from August of the year the child turns 3.
Preschool is to encourage children’s development and learning and offer them care in a secure environment. The activities of the preschool shall take a holistic approach – consisting of care, development and learning – to the child and its needs.
Each municipality shall offer education at leisure-time centres to students in the municipality’s preschool classes, compulsory schools and special schools. Education at leisure-time centres shall be offered to the extent necessary, taking into consideration whether the child’s parents are gainfully employed or studying, the child requires extra support in the form of a leisure-time centre, or it has its own need to attend due to the family’s situation in some other respect.
Leisure-time centres supplement the education provided in preschool classes, compulsory schools and special schools. Leisure-time centres are to encourage children’s development and learning and offer them meaningful leisure time.
Preschool and other pedagogical activities are offered to
- children from the age of one whose parents are gainfully employed or studying, or if the child has its own need to attend due to the family’s situation in some other respect; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 8, section 5
- children in need of special support; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 8, section 7
- children whose parents are looking for work; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 8, section 6
- children whose parents are on parental leave to care for another child; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 8, section 6
Universal preschool is offered
- from the autumn term of the year in which the child turns three; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 8, section 4
Leisure-time centres are available for
- students whose parents are gainfully employed or studying, or if the child has its own need to attend due to the family’s situation in some other respect; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 14, section 5
- students in need of special support; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 14, section 6
- students up until the spring term of the year they turn 13; Swedish Education Act, Chap. 14, section 7
1. Applying for a place
1.1Applications for places at preschools, other pedagogical activities or leisure-time centres are submitted through a digital service or (if no access to the digital service) are submitted to the front desk at kommunhuset (the municipality building) at least four months before a place is required.
1.2Älmhult municipality has a joint queue for municipal preschools, other pedagogical activities and leisure-time centres.
The child is given a place in the queue based on its date of birth. Children with older siblings at preschool or other pedagogical activities are assigned places prior to children without siblings at such units.
1.3The application for a place at an independent preschool or leisure-time centre is submitted directly to the facility.
2. Being offered a place
2.1A child is offered a place at preschool on the day it turns one at the earliest.
2.2Children requiring special support in their development are given priority when assigning places at preschools or leisure-time centres.
Swedish Education Act, Chap 8, section 7.
2.3The main principle when allocating places is that the wishes of parents, needs of the child and composition of the group of children are taken into account.
2.4Children receive their place in the queue based on their date of birth. Children with older siblings at preschool or other pedagogical activities are assigned places prior to children without siblings at such units.
2.5When an older sibling has a place at preschool or other pedagogical activities, the younger child in the family is given priority when assigning places at that unit, to the extent that places are available and the parent or guardian wishes it.
2.6A parent or guardian whose child is offered a place must notify through the digital service or to the administrator within 10 days as to whether or not they require the place.
2.7A parent or guardian who has accepted a place is permitted to postpone the introductory period for a maximum of three weeks. If the parent or guardian requests to further postpone introduction, the child returns to the queue and may have to wait four months for a new place in one of the municipality’s preschools.
2.8If the child does not attend during the introductory period without informing the municipality, the fee is charged.
2.9If the parent or guardian declines a place, the municipality has done its duty and the child is not included in the statistics regarding children who have waited over four months for their place at preschool. Swedish Education Act, Chap 8, section 14.
2.10Applications for placement at a different preschool or other pedagogicalcare (known as a transfer) are made by submitting a new written application through the digital service or to the front desk at kommunhuset (the municipality building) prior to each term.
2.11Parents or guardians who choose not to take up the offer of 15 hours per week for older siblings during parental leave are guaranteed a place for their child at the same preschool as previously in August or in January the following year.
2.12Children of parents or guardians who choose not to take up the offer of 15 hours a week for older siblings during parental leave are offered guaranteed contact at the preschool. This means that the child and parent or guardian are welcome to visit the preschool during parental leave (in consultation with preschool staff).
3. Attendance hours
3.1Preschools and leisure-time centres are open between 06:30 and 18:30.
If it is necessary for the child to stay at a preschool or leisure-time centre outside regular opening hours (from 6:00), a written application is madeto the preschool director (preschool) or compulsory school director (leisure-time centre).
3.2How long the child attends on each occasion is determined based on the attendance schedule submitted by the parent or guardian through the digital service or to the administrator. Attendance hours concern the parent or guardian’s working hours or study hours, travel time and reasonable time for dropping off and collecting the child. This means that the child is not left at preschool or a leisure-time centre when the parent or guardian is not working or studying, unless the child has its own need to attend due to the family’s situation in some other respect.
3.3In the event of a change in attendance hours, a new schedule is filled in and sent through the digital service or by filling in a form available at the front desk at kommunhuset (the municipality building). Changes should be submitted at least 10 days before the changes are to take effect. Temporary changes in the schedule are discussed with staff at the unit concerned.
3.4Children whose parents or guardians are on parental leave to carefor another child and children of jobseeking or redundant
parents or guardians are entitled to a place on ordinary working days as follows:
Preschool children, aged 1–5: 15 hours/week due to parent on parental leave or looking for work
Children with parents looking for work or on parental leave can attend preschool for 15 hours a week. The preschool director decides which days and time will be offered following dialogue with the parents. The decision of the preschool director is made based on the best interests of the child and preschool.
As of August of the year the child turns three, the child’s schedule follows the school year where holidays and study days are concerned as they are then included in universal preschool.
During study days for staff and during summer and Christmas holidays all children with parents on parental leave or looking for work are not attending preschool. This also applies for children 1-3 years.
Children in preschool class/School children, aged 6–12: Two afternoons/week
Parents or guardians on parental leave or unemployed are offered the chance for their child to attend a leisure-time centre on two scheduled afternoons per week, but must collect them no later than 4 pm.
The schedule for the place follows the school year, which means that children have study days off.
In the autumn and winter half-term holidays and during the Christmas and Easter holidays, the child has the opportunity to attend a leisure-time centre for two half-days or one full day.
Attendance during the summer holidays is agreed in consultation between
the parent or guardian, teacher and headteacher based on the needs of the centre and child.
3.5Preschool children aged 3–5, universal preschool
Universal preschool is offered free of charge to all children aged three to five as of August of the year of the child turns three. Preschool hours shall extend to at least
525 hours per year. The schedule for the place follows the school year, which means that children have study days and holidays off.
A reduction of the fee for children in universal preschool is made from August of the year the child turns three.
3.6Children of parents and guardians paid hourly for work as substitutes are invited to attend preschool from 8 am to 11 am on the days they do not work, provided that they have not attended for more than 15 hours earlier the same week.
3.7 Where necessary, children of jobseeking parents or guardians are offered temporarily extended hours at preschool. These hours are determined in consultation between the parent or guardian and teacher.
3.8 During summer holidays the child’s preschool, other pedagogical activities or leisure-time centre may close for four weeks. If this period does not coincide with the parent or guardian’s holiday, the child is offered a place at another preschool or leisure-time centre. This may also be the case during the Christmas holidays.
3.9In order to develop the skills of the teachers and improve the quality of the unit, the preschool director and headteacher
have the opportunity to close the preschool, other pedagogical activities or leisure-time centre on four days per year. Information on the days allocated for this purpose shall be provided to the parent or guardian at least two months in advance.
To the greatest extent possible, the parent or guardian is encouraged to arrange for childcare themselves on these days. As compensation, the child of the parent or guardian is offered the chance to attend the unit on any other four additional days per year, after consultation with staff.
Childcare is offered at another preschool or leisure-time centre to those unable to make alternative arrangements.
3.10A child of a parent or guardian who is at home due to pregnancy, illness or illness of the child’s sibling may attend as scheduled or when necessary. When the parent or guardian is ill on a ‘day off’ in the schedule and is unable to take care of the child at home, the child is permitted to attend during the hours required. If the parent or guardian is off sick for more than three months, an agreement is made with the unit’s preschool director or headteacher regarding attendance hours.
3.11In certain special circumstances, the issue of making an exception regarding
rule 3.1 may be assessed by the director of the preschool or compulsory school.
In certain special circumstances, the issue of making an exception regarding
rules 3.2 – 3.10 may be assessed by the preschool director or headteacher.
4. Leaving a place
4.1The period of notice for leaving a place is 10 weeks, and notice is given through the digital service or in writing to the administrator at the Education Department.
4.2When switching preschools, other pedagogical activities or leisure-time centres
within Älmult municipality, no period of notice applies when there is no interruption in the placement.
4.3Giving notice of leaving a place for the period June – August
does not discharge the parent or guardian from liability for payment if the child returns to
the preschool, other pedagogical activities or leisure-time centre during the autumn term of the same year.
4.4Unless otherwise agreed, the placement
at the preschool or other pedagogical activities ceases
on 31 July of the year when the child starts preschool class or compulsory school and the child is automatically allocated a place at a leisure-time centre.
5. Fees
5.1A fixed monthly fee is charged for each child with a place at preschool, other pedagogical activities or a leisure-time centre. An invoice is sent at the beginning of each month (12 months of the year) and must be paid by the last banking day of the month. The fee is charged as of the placement date and during the period of notice (10 weeks).
5.2The fee is calculated in accordance with the maximum fee. See appendix.
5.3Information on the income of parents or guardians shall be submitted through the digital service or on a form available at the front desk of kommunhuset (the municipality building) when the child is offered a place at preschool, other pedagogical activities or a leisure-time centre.
5.4In the event of a change in the income of parents or guardians, this should be submitted through the digital service or on a form available at the front desk of kommunhuset (the municipality building). The change in fee comes into effect as of the month when the change in income began to apply.
5.5When parents or guardians have joint custody and do not live together but both apply for a place, the estimated fee is shared equally between the parents or guardians.
5.6When the child’s parent or guardian lives with a person other than the biological parent of the child for whom the fee is to be determined, the incomes of both parties still form the basis for the fee.
5.7Fees for places at preschool and other pedagogical activities for
children who for physical, mental or other reasons require
special support in their development are only charged for the part of the child’s attendance that exceeds 15 hours per week.
Swedish Education Act, Chap 8, section 16.
5.8For those with their own business, individual testing is performed which attempts to make a standard assessment in comparison with an equivalent profession.
5.9A decision on expulsion from a place is made when the fee has not been paid despite a final demand being issued.
The following forms of remuneration and grants/benefits are included in income on which the fee is based:
- income from employment
- professional fees
- income from business activities
- unearned income
- income from other gainful activity
- sickness benefit (sjukpenning)
- parental benefit (föräldrapenning)
- unemployment benefit (arbetslöshetsersättning)
- study grants (utbildningsbidrag – for example, for doctoral students)
- pension benefits (gross)
- care allowance (vårdbidrag – taxable portion)
- family allowance (familjebidrag) in the form of family credit (familjepenning – gross)
- remuneration for foster children (fee portion)
- payment from a trade union conflict fund (konfliktersättning)
- occupational injury annuity (livränta – taxable portion)
- company car benefit
The following grants/benefits are not included in income on which the fee is based:
- child allowance (barnbidrag)
- government student aid (statligt studiestöd) in the form of extended child allowance (förlängt barnbidrag) and study allowance (studiehjälp)
- housing supplement (bostadstillägg) for families
- various forms of disability benefit (handikappersättning)
- care allowance (vårdnadsbidrag) for disabled children
- municipal housing supplement (kommunalt bostadstillägg) for the disabled
- income support (socialbidrag)
- maintenance allowance (underhållsbidrag)/benefit advance (bidragsförskott)
- government student aid (statligt studiestöd) in the form of post-secondary student aid (studiemedel)
- introductions benefits
6. Fees for preschools, other pedagogical activities and leisure-time centres in Älmhult municipality
6.1The maximum fee for childcare applies in Älmhult mmunicipality. The fee is charged 12months per year.
6.2The fee applies to children with places at
preschools, other pedagogical activities and leisure-time centres.
Fees are calculated without taking into consideration attendance hours as apercentage of the total gross income of the family. The number of children in the family with a place at preschool, other pedagogical activities or a leisure-time centre, along with the child’s age, affects the percentage.
The fee is limited to a fixed maximum amount. See appendix.
6.3As of August of the year that the child turns three,
the child is entitled to universal preschool free of charge for
15 hours a week.
Hours in addition to the free portion are charged for in
accordance with“Fee calculation based on maximum fee”.
See appendix.
Appendix 1
Fee calculation based on maximum fee from Jan 1, 2018
The family’s total gross income per month (max. SEK 45,390)
x set percentage (per child) = monthly fee
Preschool child, aged 1–3 / Percentage / Highest feeOnly or youngest child / 3% / SEK 1382
Second child / 2% / SEK 922
Third child / 1% / SEK 461
Fourth child / No fee
Preschool child, aged 1–3
Parent on parental leave or unemployed / Percentage / Highest fee
Only or youngest child / 1.5 % / SEK 691
Second child / 1% / SEK 461
Third child / 0.5 % / SEK 230
Fourth child / No fee
Preschool child, aged 3–6, and Child at leisure-time centre / Percentage / Highest fee
Only or youngest child / 2 % / SEK 922
Second child / 1% / SEK 461
Third child / 1% / SEK 461
Fourth child / No fee