Erskine PTA Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2016 6:30 p.m.
Call to order
Reading and approval of minutes from February meeting
*Approved by Angel West and Trisha Kalb
Principal’s Report (Mrs. Zimmerman)
*The 2016-2017 school calendar is available to view online
*2016-2017 school start time will be 8:45 am
*Kindergarten open house will be yet this spring- late summer, decided upon soon
Counselor’s Report (Mrs. Hall)
*Iowa Assessments-testing is now complete and make-ups will be completed as of March 11th
*PBIS-Kids really enjoyed “beach day” last month! Keep up the great work students!
*School store is closed. It will re-open on April 1st.
Treasurer’s Report (Christine Shaw)
*Beginning balance:$30,760.85/Ending balance:$31,652.28
*Staff reimbursement: The board decided to reimburse staff up to $100 for their personal expenses for their classrooms since the district grant money is gone.
*Fieldtrips: Assisting with Kindergarten’s upcoming fieldtrips
Box Tops (Dena Aretz-Burian)
*Congratulations to Mrs. Dorman’s class as they collect 346 Box Tops in February
*Our school collected a total of 1,547 Box Tops in February
*We have earned around $860 for Erskine
*Keep collecting Box Tops!!
Hy-Vee Receipts (Tammy Millsap)
*Congratulations to Mrs. McElmeel’s class as they collected the most Hy-Vee receipts in February
*Our school collected over $321,000 in receipts
*We have earned around $1600 for Erskine
*Please keep collecting receipts and turn in by April 30th for this year’s collection.
Target (Jennifer Patterson)
*Erskine received a check for $934.42 for using your TargetRed cards
Pop Tabs – for Ronald McDonald House
*Ronald McDonald House receives money for the pop tabs based on pounds; generates over $14,000 per year
*Competition – school that brings in the most (in pounds) receives a visit/program by Ronald McDonald & an ice cream party
*Deadline is April 1st; we’ll participate in school competition next year
*Collection container in the lobby or in classrooms
Muffins with Mom (Rebecca LeVake & Jennifer Patterson): Thursday, March 10th (for 1st, 3rd and 5th grades)
*Volunteers needed for set up, serving and donations
*Sign up at:
Running Club (Rebecca LeVake)
*Monday and Thursday, April 4th through May 5th at 8:00; volunteers needed, please contact Rebecca for more info
Book Fair (Annette Rosendahl)
*March 7th-11th
*Need volunteers; sign up at:
Garden Grant (Jennifer Patterson)
*We did not get the approval of a grant we applied for from Hy-Vee for our garden
*We still have money left over in the budget from last year
Spring Fundraiser – Hy-Vee coupon books, $10 each, we earn $7 per book sold. Available now!!
*See Mrs. Whitney in the office or contact PTA at
*Selling at spring music concerts; need volunteer to sell books and t-shirts on April 5th
Enrichments (Andrea Lewerenz-Norris)
*More information to come
Walking School Bus (Mrs. Foxhoven)
*Every Wednesday starting April 6th, meet at 8:05 in US Bank parking lot; volunteers needed
*More information to come!
Field Day (Jennifer Peterson & Christine Engel)
*Scheduled for May 31st; more details to come
Family nights (Marcy Pease)
*Superskate (3/22); Swim & Gym at WASH (4/12); Planet X FUNraiser (4/28)
*Internet safety night?
PTA Appreciation (May 5th 5:00-6:30)
*Appreciation for the PTA-Parents and Teachers!!
*More information to come!
Upcoming Events:
PTA Meeting – March 3rd 6:30 p.m.
Muffins with Mom – March 10th No school – March 25th
Spring Break – March 14th – 18th Swim & Gym @ WASH – April 12th 5:00-7:30
Super Skate – March 22nd 6:00-8:00 p.m. Planet X night – April 28th 5:00-7:00