Minutesof the EventsCommittee meeting held Tuesday 1stDecember 2015 at 7pmin the Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln.
Present: Cllrs Jackman(Chair), Scott,Goldson., Cheeseman, R. Hauton D ScarboroughChristine Goldson (choir). Maureen Bunnage(Keep Fit) Dave Butler J Snedden M Samms
Clerks Lynda Skinner M Rouston
- Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Apologies had been received. Pat Robinson and Len and Marion Seviour
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no declarations of interest.
- Notes of the Events Committee on Tuesday 3rd November 2015 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.
Minutes Approved, - Proposed Cllr. Scott, seconded Cllr. Cheeseman
4.Children’sChristmas Event/Santa 12/ 13th December 2015
12 Dec Santa around village Christine Goldson advised the Vintage Fire Engine now cannot attend, due to other commitments. Confirmed Police can Escort Santa. Christine Goldson sourced Santa outfit.
13th DecChildren Christmas event Holt School/ St. Lawrence School choir have confirmed their attendance for the first 45mins Feet First Entertainment confirmed until the end at 4pm.
Tables from the Toddlers group confirmed to be able to use. Dave Butler confirmed Santa Sleigh will be ready, Clive okay to be Santa. Cllr Goldson requested attendance of Stewards for the afternoon,
Further biscuits to be bought with Squash , and also two tins of Celebrations, or the like, to be purchased for the biscuit table. Check in Pavilion for paper cups, if need buy some more. Clerk to Buy these
- Beer Festival
Councillor Jackman went through his costings spreadsheet with the councillors, he felt profit to be better than 2015. He has spoken to organisers of the Council operated Bar in Saxilby, who will advertise theevent, if we do the same for their Beer Festivals. Costings to be £3 a pint Programme £5 with a voucher for free half pint Times to be Friday 6.30-Midnight Saturday 1.30-Midnight. Asked about an unspecific banner to be used again at later events. Also wooden plaques to be placed on the roads into village Dave Butler will construct wooden plaques free of charge.
- Fun Run
Cllr. Scarborough advised all was booked. Risk Assessment done by herself and also St Johns Ambulance risk assessment done. Cllr Scarborough showed a poster she had produced, and for the new year she is working on a Facebook page and the on-line booking system. Details to go into Chat for spring.
- Village Gala
It had been suggested to ask the Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society to come along, Clerk reported they were putting the event into their magazine, but as yet not sure if they can attend due to lack of volunteers. Onyx Trophies to come along to show their wares. Clerk had rung Hill Holt Wood, they are to confirm attendance later .
Still awaiting an update on children’s marching bands or Morris dancers. Cllr Hauton reported that the VW club had a previous booking so not able to attend, but gave a contact card for other clubs to contact.
M Rouston to ask her nephew if his Car Club would like to attend.
Clerk gave information on Caravan Rallies held at Waddington Village and the costings
- CorrespondenceNone
- To Approve Submission to Chat Magazine.
Articles to be submitted to Chat Magazine will be , Report on Christmas Children’s Event, Beer Festival.
- To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.
Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
There were no matters to be raised under this heading.
The meeting ended at 7.32pm
Signed...... Date......