Manager’s Newsletter
Volume VI, Issue 1 – January 9, 2009
In this issue:
Council Highlights – January 5, 2009 Pages2-3
Public Input Meeting to Discuss an Infestation of Gypsy Moth in the AreaPages3-4
OBX Marathon Color Program WinnersPage 4
Christmas Tree Pick-UpPage 4
Dumping After Hours at the Recycling CenterPage 4
Public Works Staff Attends TrainingPage 4
Code Enforcement Activities for 2008 Year EndPage 5
Planning Board Summary – January 8, 2009Page 6
NovemberBuilding Permits ReportPage 6
News from Kitty Hawk Fire DepartmentPage 6-7
Police Officer Chad Pennell Receives PromotionPage 7
Opportunities to ParticipatePage 7
Highlights from Town Council Meeting – January 5, 2009
- Council voted to delay action until the February 2, 2009 council meeting on the text amendment proposal to update Chapter 19, Subdivisions, with revisions to the application materials required, plat approval process, plat certification requirements, and development standards.
- Council adopted as amended during the council meeting the text amendment proposal to amend sections 20-66, 20-67, 20-68 & 20-69 to establish and clarify standards for the repair and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed nonconforming structures and uses.
- Council adopted the text amendment proposal to amend section 20-465 with provisions permitting temporary costumed wavers/mascots advertising a business on N. Croatan Highway subject to certain conditions.
- Council voted to send back to the Planning Board the text amendment proposal to amend section 20-437(8) by setting minimum width standards for drive aisles within parking lots.
- Council voted to receive more consultation and revision on the text amendment proposal to add a new section 20-426 setting minimum standards for on-site stormwater retention for office, commercial, multi-family residential and institutional uses requiring site plan review under Section 20-55(a)(3).
- Council approved with the conditions the Lighthouse Church Subdivision final plat.
- Council voted to table the call for public hearing text amendment on the proposal to add a new section 20-427 to the Kitty Hawk Town Code outlining standards for the establishment of wind turbines and other wind energy facilities. The public hearing was requested to be scheduled for the February 2, 2009 Town Council meeting.
- Council discussed Chapter 5, Building and Building Regulations, Article II, Division 3 – Land Disturbance Permit, Sec. 5-40 Lot Disturbance and voted to amend the ordinance by deleting the words, “cutting of trees over 6 inches in diameter” in section 5-40.
- Council voted to discontinue further work on the Land Disturbance Permit Ordinance, Chapter 5, Sections 5-41 through 5-45 and made a motion for the Town Attorney to pursue language for a policy to address filling of lots.
- Joey Monroe was appointed to the Planning Board and his term will expire June 30, 2010.
- Council approved the first reading of the ordinance granting an exclusive franchise to Bay Disposal, Inc. d/b/a Outer Banks Hauling for the collection of recycling materials from residential units in the Town of Kitty Hawk and disposal of same by delivery to recycling centers of Buy-Back Facilities.
- Council approved an ordinance to amend Town Code Chapter 11, Section 17, Speed Limits on State Roads. The Town received a request from NCDOT on December 17, 2008 to adopt a 50 mile per hour speed limit beginning at 0.60 mile west of the northern intersection of SR 1206 (The Woods Road) and extend eastward to the southern corporate limit. This is a modification of paper work only; no signing changes are needed in the field. A 35 mile per hour speed zone will stay in effect at Kitty HawkElementary School.
Public Input Meeting to Discuss an Infestation of Gypsy Moth in the Area
Wednesday, February 4th at 7 PM.
The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ (NCDA&CS) Plant Industry Division has scheduled a public meeting on Wednesday, February 4th, 7:00 PM at Kitty HawkElementary School. The purpose of the meeting is to permit NCDA&CS staff to provide information on a gypsy moth infestation that has been detected in your area, review treatment alternatives for these infestations, and to receive input from residents in the area. The meeting format will provide adequate time for questions and public comments.
No decision will be made on the treatment alternative for this gypsy month infestation until residents of the area have an opportunity to express their comments at this public meeting. Residents of the area are encouraged to attend, hear the information presented, and express their comments. Individuals wishing to speak at the public meeting will be able to sign up at Kitty HawkElementary School when they arrive for the meeting.
If you are not able to attend the meeting and you need additional information on this gypsy moth infestation, please contact the NCDA&CS, Plant Industry Division at 1.800.206.9333 or 919.733.6932. Resources are also online at:
OBX Marathon Announces Color Program Winners
The OBX Marathon Color Program winners have been announced and three of the four are from the Town of Kitty Hawk. Each winner received a $25 check. The judging was based upon the use of the color green and the marathon theme. In 2008 the theme was Pirates.
- The Martone’s –The Woods Road had Pirate Scarecrows
- The Gantt’s –W. Kitty Hawk Road had a yard full of green decorations
- Glen Perry and Family – W. Kitty Hawk Road had a yard full of green decoration and a large green turtle that said “slow and steady wins the race”.
Christmas Tree Pick-up
The Town will pick up old Christmas trees from the right of way between now and the 14th of January. After the 14th, you will need to dispose of your tree through the DareCounty land fill.
Dumping after Hours at the Recycling Center
Residents are reminded that it is illegal to leave items outside of the RecyclingCenter after hours. This could warrant a citation and fine. Thank you for your cooperation. The center operates from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday. It is closed on Town Holidays. For questions or comments please contact Public Works at 261-1367.
Public Works Training
Public Works Technician Robbie Hamrick recently attended training for asphalt maintenance, utility cuts, and soils. These classes assist Public Works personnel in the maintenance of Town streets.
Public Works Technician Lavelle Jenkins recently attended 2 classes on the proper use and administration of pesticides and herbicides. Lavelle is State of North Carolina certified for the use of these chemicals.
Public Works Director Willie Midgett recently attended 2 Management and Supervisory Skills training at NC State University.
Proper training in all aspects of Public Works functions leads to time and financial savings for the Department and the Town. Congratulations to those that attended classes and earned their certificate.
Code Enforcement Activities
ForYear End 2008
CODE VIOLATIONSNotice of Violations Issued / 9
Civil Citations Issued / 4
Land Disturbance Activity
Public Nuisance / 9
Abandon/Junk Vehicles / 6
Right of Way Encroachments / 2
Lighting Violations / 3
Site Plan Violations / 13
No Building Permit / 6
Home Occupations / 1
Signs / 30
Noise Violations / 1
Minor Permits / 7
Exemption Letters / 22
Beach Push Permits / 33
CAMA Violations Issued / 2
Assembly / 23 / 48 Violations
Business / 33 / 56 Violations
Mercantile / 11 / 53 Violations
Educational / 5 / 24 Violations
Residential / 13 / 41 Violations
Industrial / 5 / 3 Violations
Manufacturing / 3 / 6 Violations
Hood System / 2 / 1 Violations
Storage / 1 / 17 Violations
Sprinkler Systems / 6 / 6 Violations
First / 41 / 31 Violations Corrected
16 Violations Not Corrected
Second / 8 / 14 Violations Corrected
TOTALS / 151
Planning Board Meeting Summary
January 8th, 2009
At its meeting on January 8th, the Kitty Hawk Planning Board reviewed two important items, and Chairman Oscar Northen introduced Joey Monroe, who was recently appointed as an alternate member of the Planning Board.
158 Surf & Skate Indoor Skateboard Park located at 3701 N. Croatan Highway requested approval of a conditional use permit to establish an indoor skateboard ramp in Unit H of the existing multi-tenant building at the Dunes Shops. Under the Beach Commercial (BC-1) zoning district, an “indoor ramp park” is listed as a conditional use subject to conditions. The applicant agreed to the conditions as proposed. The Planning Board recommended approval with the proposed conditions.
The Planning Board reheard an application from a local designer to amend the manner in which the Town measures building height. Vicki Broadus-Wright with Dare Designs presented information about buildings that are required to be elevated in AE and VE flood zones have greater limitations on usable height, because the Town presently measures total building height from the existing grade of the lot to the peak of the roof. She asked for a provision that would permit buildings in an A or V flood hazard area to have the total height measured from the regulatory flood protection elevation or existing grade, whichever is higher, to the horizontal plane of the highest point of the structure. The Planning Board recommended approval.
Any questions about the applications considered by the Planning Board can be
directed to Planning Director Joe Heard at (252)261-3552 or .
DecemberBuilding Permit Report
The Town’s Planning and Inspections Department issued eighteen (18) building permits totaling $573,865 in December 2008.
Three (3) commercial permits were issued valued at $54,300.
Fifteen (15) residential building permits were issued valued at $519,565.
The full report for December can be viewed at the Monthly Building Permit Report found on the Town Website.
Kitty Hawk Fire Department
In 2008, the Kitty Hawk Fire Department responded to a total of 624 calls for emergency service, and members of the department completed an aggregate of 4,935 hours of training.
New Rescue Boat
In August, a 2008 Tracker Marine was added to our fleet of emergency vehicles. The purpose of the boat is to provide safer sound side rescues. Our new boat is capable of accessing canals and creeks in the Kitty HawkVillage area and the surrounding area, if needed. It is also versatile enough for rescues in open waters.
We are grateful to Mr. Hershel Read who was instrumental in the procurement of a navigation system for our boat and to Mr. Howard Rock, Marine Electronics of the Outer Banks, L.L.C., in Nags Head, who donated a Garmin GPS system.
All full-time firefighters and several of our part-time firefighters are now certified by the State of North Carolina after completing the State’s Boater Safety course.
Police Officer Chad Pennell Receives Promotion
Police Officer Chad Pennell has been promoted to Police Officer II with the Kitty Hawk Police Department. Officer Pennell has been a certified police officer since December 2006 and since then has proven himself as a very competent and motivated police officer. He has shown a real passion for law enforcement during the last two years and backed that up with outstanding work in every realm of the job. The promotion comes after completing necessary schools such as RADAR, Intoxilizer, and several others.
Opportunities to Participate
Town Council Budget Workshop
Monday, January 19, 2009 at 9 a.m.
Town Council Meeting
Monday, February 2, 2009 at 6 p.m.
Planning Board Meeting
Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 6 p.m.
(All Meetings to be held at Kitty HawkTown Hall unless otherwise noted.)