2014-2015 School Year –
Focused Action Plans for
Greystone Elementary School
Building the Capacity of Districts and Schools
to Improve Learning and Teaching
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015
District Parental Engagement Goal: Parents/Guardians are welcome in the school and their support and assistance are sought.
School: Greystone Elementary School
Ensure that communication between home and school is regular and two way / RESULT STATEMENT: Parents/Guardians will play an integral role in assisting student learning.Target: To improve electronic communication. To improve parent outreach. To promote parent engagement opportunities. To provide multiple opportunities to become informed of all academic programs.
Improve electronic and written communication / Activities:
- Maintain school website linked to district site
- Principal’s monthly newsletter added to website and hard copy
- Create list serv for Greystone parents
- Provide planners for Grade 3-5 students and homework folders for PreK-2 students
- Parent Portal and electronic grading (available 2nd half of year) / Responsibility:
Technology Director/Principal
Classroom Teachers / Cost:
Elementary Sites funded through district
Skyward Program
PTA Budget &/or School Budget
Funded through District Skyward Program
Promote parent engagement opportunities / - Encourage parent participation to assist with various activities
- Provide parents with opportunities to assist from home (i.e. record books on CDs, create newsletters, etc.) / Title I Coordinator/Reading Specialists/ Principal/PTA/ Teachers
Principal/School Improvement Team/Teachers / Material costs – TBD
Material costs - TBD
Provide parent/guardians with multiple opportunities to become informed of all academic programs / - Conduct community outreach activities to inform the public of academic programs offered at Greystone
- Provide enrichment/ remedial opportunities within the school day &/or to extend student learning beyond the school day
- Prepare all summer work packets in June to send home with students for the following year / Title I Coordinator/Reading Specialists/Principal/Teachers District Expo/Title I Nights
Principal/GLM Teachers/ HS Department Chair/ HS Students/Teachers
Principal/Teachers/Reading Specialists/Title I Coordinator / Material costs – TBD
No cost
District Expense for Copies/Greystone expense for Incentive Prizes
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015
District ELA Goal: Students will improve their ability to analyze text in all content areas.
School: Greystone Elementary School
Students will demonstrate proficiency in analyzing text in all content areas / RESULT STATEMENT: Students will demonstrate an improved ability to analyze text in all content areasTarget: Students will improve in the area of ELA proficiency as demonstrated by common assessments and or state testing
Changes in student learning behavior: What will students do to reach the identified results? What new things will they do to learn? What things will they do more of? / Changing instruction: What will teachers do to ensure students learn and develop the learning behaviors identified in the first column? (Be sure that the instructional practices you identify will address every student learning behavior) / Monitoring progress with timelines and adjustments: How will we measure progress towards the changes in learning behavior and teaching that we want? How often will this occur? How will we keep the principal, parents, and SIT informed and involved? / Collaboration and support: When will we use the information we get from monitoring to improve learning and teaching? When will we discuss the progress we are making? / Resources, school and district: What support and resources will the school and district provide in order to achieve the results of this action plan? / Evaluation of success/reporting to families and community: How will the school know if their students reach the intended results? In light of what we have learned, how will we revise the plan for next year? Reporting to families and the community: How will we share results of the plan with the entire school community?
Students will:
CCSS#1 cite key ideas and details of text in all content areas / Teachers will:
Provide opportunities for students to analyze how and why individuals, events and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text / Teachers will:
Measure progress at benchmarking periods using AIMSweb 3 times per year (September, January, and May) Measure end of year progress using F & P in May / Time to meet and plan:
At grade level meetings, SIT meetings, RTI, parent conferences, and faculty PD sessions / Supports and resources necessary:
District approved materials - EBEC Science, Being a Writer, Sch. Nws Utilize AIMSweb benchmark and progress monitor data, GLMs, data committee, data walls / Evaluation Results/Reporting to Families and Community: * Benchmarking results * Progress Monitoring results * Report Cards *School Report Night *RTI Meetings *SIT meetings
CCSS #2 understand writers craft and structure of text / Provide opportunities for students to analyze the structure of text including how specific sentences and paragraphs relate to each other and the whole / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #3 integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats / Provide opportunities for students to delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text including validity and relevance of evidence / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #4 read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently / Provide opportunities for students to have the opportunity to read and respond to a complex text / “ / “ / “ / “
School Improvement Plan 2014-2015
District Math Goal: Students will improve in the area of mathematical practices to apply strategies learned to solve real world problems.
School: Greystone Elementary School
Students will demonstrate proficiency in concepts and application as a tool for successfully solving math problems / RESULT STATEMENT: Students will have demonstrated an understanding of how to apply strategies and solve real world problems using mathematical practicesTarget: Students will make progress in mathematical proficiency as demonstrated by common assessments and or state testing
Changes in student learning behavior: What will students do to reach the identified results? What new things will they do to learn? What things will they do more of? / Changing instruction: What will teachers do to ensure students learn and develop the learning behaviors identified in the first column? (Be sure that the instructional practices you identify will address every student learning behavior) / Monitoring progress with timelines and adjustments: How will we measure progress towards the changes in learning behavior and teaching that we want? How often will this occur? How will we keep the principal, parents, and SIT informed and involved? / Collaboration and support: When will we use the information we get from monitoring to improve learning and teaching? When will we discuss the progress we are making? / Resources, school and district: What support and resources will the school and district provide in order to achieve the results of this action plan? / Evaluation of success/reporting to families and community: How will the school know if their students reach the intended results? In light of what we have learned, how will we revise the plan for next year? Reporting to families and the community: How will we share results of the plan with the entire school community?
Students will: Show proficiency in solving math problems and improve in using mathematical practices to: CCSS#1 make sense of problems / Teachers will:
Provide opportunities for students to complete a math problem of the day / Teachers will:
Collect data to analyze on a monthly basis for public accountability / Time to meet and plan:
At grade level meetings, PD days, classroom coaching, common planning time, RTI, voluntary faculty meetings & SIT meetings / Supports and resources necessary:
* My Math series * Technology * Scope and sequence * PD opportunities * Materials/ manipulatives *Math Coach / Evaluation Results/Reporting to Families and Community:
* School Report Night * Display student work * AIMSweb Data * Report Cards * Website * Newsletter * SIT Meetings
CCSS #2 reason abstractly and quantitatively / Provide opportunities for students to represent math problems abstractly and numerically / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #3 construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others / Provide opportunities for students to construct arguments using concrete objects, drawing graphs, using various strategies, be able to participate in shared discussion, be able to explain strategies shared by others / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #4 model with mathematics / Provide opportunities for students to use graphs and to reflect on whether the results make sense / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #5 use appropriate tools strategically / Provide opportunities to use tools such as calculators, spreadsheets, manipulatives, etc. / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #6 attend to precision in communicating math / Provide opportunities for students to clearly communicate math concepts, measurements, explanations, calculations, etc. / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #7 look for and make use of structure / Provide opportunities for students to generalize what they have learned about structure / “ / “ / “ / “
CCSS #8 look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning / Provide opportunities for students to maintain oversight of the process while attending to details (see what the whole picture is) / “ / “ / “ / “