Disability Equality Scheme 2008 - 2011
Disability Equality Statement
MeareVillagePrimary School is committed to the inclusive principles of the Disability Equality Duty and the proactive supporting of disabled people within the school community in order that they can achieve their full potential.
The school welcomes the statutory duties of the Disability Discrimination Act (2005) detailed below:
- Promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school;
- Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the DDA
- Eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disabilities;
- Promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons;
- Encourage participation by disabled persons in public life;
- Take steps to meet disabled people’s needs which may require more additional support
The school readily accepts its responsibility to implement these duties for any disabled individual by making reasonable adjustments in its provision where it is practical to do so.
This scheme incorporates the school’s Accessibility Plan.
Definition of Disability
The school subscribes to the broader definition of disability contained in the DDA (2005). This includes all students with statements and members of the school community with serious medical conditions.
‘A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ (DDA, Part 1, Paragraph 1.1)
A disabled person will be substantially affected by their disability for at least 12 months in one or more of the following ways:
- Memory or ability to learn, concentrate or understand
- Speech, hearing or eyesight
- Mobility
- Physical Co-ordination
- Manual dexterity
- Continence
- Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects
- Perception of risk or physical danger
The school’s SEN and Medical registers will be used to identify students who meet the broadened criteria of disability whilst personnel records will provide the same information about staff.
Suggested Overlap of SEN and DDA disability definition for young people
Key Features of the Disability Equality Scheme
- The involvement of disabled students, staff and parents
In the production of this scheme, the school has consulted with disabled pupils, parents and staff via questionnaires and annual review/IEP meetings in order to ascertain the strengths of its current provision and identify priorities for development. This process will be repeated yearly.
It is the school’s intention, wherever possible, to continue engaging disabled people in the reviewing, planning and development of provision for disabled people by the establishment of a working party including the headteacher, a governor and a disabled representative or parent of a disabled child when possible in order to monitor the implementation of the DES.
- Information gathering
The school will continue to include the monitoring of disabled pupils’ academic progress as part of its assessment policies and will respond with appropriate intervention strategies if they are needed.
The social development of disabled pupils will continue to be monitored discretely by staff and the Special Needs Coordinator. Any perceived inequalities will be addressed accordingly.
In addition, the school will improve the quality of the information it currently holds and provides about disabled pupils, staff and parents so that any necessary adjustments can be made. This information will provide an accurate profile of the disabled members of the school community and their participation across all aspects ofschool life so that they can be supported in achieving their full potential.
A yearly questionnaire will gather parent and pupil views and take into account any concerns or suggestions as part of the ongoing monitoring of the plan.
- Action Plan
The DES Action Plan is included at the end of this Scheme and will run from April 2008 until July 2011. This will be reviewed annually in the Summer term by the working party and the Governing Body.
- Impact Assessment
The school will annually review the impact of its DES upon disabled pupils including the tracking of academic and social development above with appropriate consultation with disabled members of the school community. This process will include the Headteacher, Senco and SEN Governor and findings will be incorporated into the reviewed action plan and whole school development plan. This information will be summarised in an Annual Report.
- Publication
The school will formally announce the publication of its DES via the normal communication channels in April 2008. The DES will be available to all members of the school community in an appropriate format on request. It will be published on the school website.
Action Plan April 2008 – July 2011
Elements / Target Strategies / Respons-ible / Completion / OutcomesPupil Achievement / Close monitoring of disabled pupils’ achievement in termly test analysis and at Pupil Progress meetings and Annual Review meetings
Ensure that all teaching staff of disabled students are informed of the pupil’s needs and that parents are informed of adjustments being made. / All Class teachers, SENCo
Class teachers SENCo / Ongoing
Ongoing / Disabled students achieving full potential
Intervention strategies as needed
Remedial actions are taken
Effective communication
Pupil and parent involvement
Disability in the Curriculum / Review current curriculum to ensure that pupils experience positive role models of disabled people / NB / July 2008 / Diversity of curriculum includes positive perceptions of disability as part of the school’s active citizenship
Teaching and Learning / IEP delivery monitored and evaluated. / SENCo/
Classteachers / Ongoing / Appropriate provision in place
A voice for disabled pupils / Include disability issues in the School Council’s agenda / NB / April 2008 / Pupils empowered in decisions about school life. All pupils aware of possible issues.
Removing Barriers / Improving the school environment to facilitate reasonable access
- Extension at rear of building to facilitate a disabled toilet and changing area.
- Identify areas to be improved with signage andinvestigate of fitting electric doors in key locations.
Disabled access for all members of school community and visitors.
Access for all
Community Use / Ways to gather information on disabled parents and carers will be explored
All community use will take into account access for disabled people / DES working party
LWY / July 2008
Ongoing / Access to parents’ evenings and school events will be provided
Disabled people are able to access community events taking place within school
Harassment and Bullying / Ensure that there is no harassment or bullying of disabled people that relates to their disability / Include in Anti-bullying policy t / Ongoing / Respect and understanding towards disabled people across all areas of the school community
Disabled Staff / Adjustments as necessary will be made to allow disabled staff to pursue employment in line with County guidelines
All job applicants will be treated equally
Keep confidential records of staff disclosures regarding disability
Annual DES consultation with staff / Headteacher/ Governors / Ongoing
Summer Term / Accurate and confidential records allow adjustments to be made and provide equality of opportunity within the application process
Necessary support and adjustments made where possible for staff
As above
Governance / The school will welcome disabled representation on the Governing body
The annual review of the DES will include the Governing body / Governors / Annually in the Summer Term / DES evaluation and priorities for development are shared with governors.
Extra-curricular / Ensure that opportunities for disabled pupils to be involved in extra-curricular activities and clubs exist. / All staff / Ongoing and included in the annual DES review / Disabled pupils are provided with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities where it is reasonable and practical to do so.