Name of Parish:_St. Theresa City:_Perry
In 50 words describe the uniqueness of your parish, highlighting important historical or cultural aspects which the Regional Planning Commission would want to know.
St. Theresa parish has existed for 134 years and ministers to seven communities and is a well functioning and supported parish community. St. Theresa is a community of believers whose mission is to make God’s presence visible, to proclaim God’s presence in our world. At a time when many organizations are forced into cutbacks, our parish pulled together and built a beautiful new Parish Center to help better serve our church family and community.
After evaluating your parish based on the Criteria for Planning, what do you consider your three greatest strengths?
1. Liturgy and Music
2. Current Volunteers Are Dedicated and Willing
3. Financially Sound
Based on the Criteria for Planning, what are three areas where you hope to improve?
1. Greater Overall Parishioner Involvement/Stewardship Committee
2. Greater Outreach Through Additional Modes of Communication and Events
3. More Evangelization Efforts and Opportunities
4. Religious Education
Please list all paid positions and check if they are full or part time.
Paid Ministry Positions (List Principal by name and the number of teachers in Catholic School)
Name of Position Full/Part time Check, if shared with another
Youth Minister Full time X
1. Pastor Full time X
2. DRE PK-5th Part time
3. DRE 6-12 Part time
Paid Support Positions (i.e. Secretary, Bookkeeper, Maintenance, etc.)
Name of Position Full/Part time Check, if shared with another
Secretary Religious Ed. Part time
1. Secretary/Bookkeeper Part time
2. House Cleaner Part time
Non-paid Ministry Positions
Name of Position Full/Part time Check, if shared with another
Organist Part-time Youth Minister Part-time
1. Organist Part time
2. Catechists Part time
3. Liturgy Chairperson Part time
4. Family Life Chairpersons Part time
5. Vacation Bible School Part time
6. Pastoral Council Part time
7. Finance Council Part time
Non-paid Support Positions
Name of Position Full/Part time Check…as above…
Secretary Religious Ed. Part time
1. Maintenance & Grounds Part time
2. Cemetery Part time
3. Arts & Environment Part time
4. Tech Support Part time
5. Church Cleaners Part time
6. Funeral Dinner Directors Part time
7. Collection Counters Part time
Is there anything else you want the Regional Planning Commission to know about your parish that impacts long term planning for you and/or the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas?
Our parishioners are willing to reach out and grow, however we cannot hope to offer all services (trainings, retreats, etc.) with such limited resources. If there are opportunities available elsewhere, there should be a bit more communication among Churches in the Topeka Region so that smaller parishes could avail the services offered. St. Theresa (Perry) and St. Aloysius (Meriden) Churches have shared the same priest for over 20 years, with the pastor residing in Perry the majority of that time, and so have combined many activities through the years.
PARISH: St. Theresa CITY: Perry
1. Bulletin Inserts X How Often? weekly
2. Bulletin Article X How Often? 8 weeks
3. Pastor/Administrator or Core Team LetterX How Often? 1 week
4. Prayers of the Faithful X How Often? 3 weeks
5. Parish Website X How Often? 8 weeks
6. Town Hall Meetings ___ How Often? ___
7. Small Group Meetings X How Often? monthly
(other than the Core Team)
8. Sub-Committee Meetings X How Often? once
9. Parish Surveys X How Often? 3 weeks
10. Other X How Often? 3 weeks
Which approach or approaches were most effective and why?
Mailing, Email Push, Facebook Posts
Paper and Online Surveys Equally Effective
Is there any approach you would consider a “Best Practice?”
Personal Appeal - Email Communication
Parish Survey “Best Practice”
Is there anything else you want to say?
The blue evaluation form did not align well with the survey questions that were provided. It was not as easy as it should have been to transfer the survey responses to the evaluation form.
Thank You! Please send your feedback to Rose Hammes @ with your Cluster Suggestion Form.
Please use the pages that follow to do two things:
· To initiate prayer and faith-sharing experiences based on the major topics of the Criteria for the Regional Planning Process.
· To evaluate your parish’s experience of Conversion - Sacramental Life of the Parish; Evangelization – Go and Make Disciples; Catholic Education in all its Forms; Serving Those in Need – Justice, Advocacy, Prolife and Outreach; Stewardship and Effective Administration. Your evaluations will be used for Cluster planning.
Name of your parish: St. Theresa City: Perry
Names of other parishes in cluster to which your
Parish belongs:
Name of your cluster parish: St. Aloysius City: Meriden
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Table of Contents
Conversion - Sacramental Life of the Parish 7
Prayerful Reflection—Conversion - Sacramental Life of the Parish 8
Sacramental Life 9
Sacramental Celebrations 10
Sacramental Ministries 12
Music as Part of Liturgy 14
Evangelization – Go and Make Disciples 15
Prayerful Reflection—Evangelization – Go and Make Disciples 16
Evangelization 17
Catholic Education in all its Forms 19
Prayerful Reflection—Catholic Education in all its Forms 20
Catechesis 21
Catholic Schools 22
Serving Those in Need – Justice, Advocacy, ProLife and Outreach 25
Prayerful Reflection—Serving Those in Need - Justice, Advocacy, Prolife and Outreach 26
Justice, Advocacy and Outreach 27
Stewardship - Effective Administration 30
Prayerful Reflection—Stewardship - Effective Administration 31
Financial Stability 34
Diminishing Number of Priests 36
Geographic Proximity 37
Parish Staff 38
Parish Evaluation of Criteria for Planning
Conversion - Sacramental Life of the Parish
· Eucharist as Source and Summit of Life
· Sacrament of Penance opportunities
· Sacramental Celebrations and Devotional Practices
· Parishioners Well Trained
· Music is Seen as an Integral Part of Liturgy
The Christian faithful are those who have been incorporated in Christ through baptism and, thus, constituted as the people of God. As sharers in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and royal office in their own manner, they are called to exercise the mission which God has entrusted to the Church. The Christian is called to fulfill the mission in the world, according to each one’s state in life. (Canon 204)
Basic to the mission is the spiritual foundation of each Christian. The individual Christian finds oneself in a parish community where that person is nourished, supported, and formed especially by the Eucharist. These elements are found in prayer and worship, as well as in the formation for discipleship which takes place in communion with other parishioners, the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the universal Church.
The spirituality of communion is reflected in a leadership style that promotes co-responsibility inmission and is respectful of the contributions of all.
As you evaluate your parish, please consider the use of the word parish to include support for schools as well as all parish ministries.
Name of your parish: St. Theresa City: Perry
Names of other parishes in cluster to which your
Parish belongs:
Name of your cluster parish:
Name of your cluster parish: St. Aloysius City: Meriden
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Name of your cluster parish: City:
Prayerful Reflection—Conversion - Sacramental Life of the Parish
We are on a faith journey as we begin to plan how we will reflect the mission of Jesus Christ in the future. Each parish is an expression of the mission and ministry of Jesus. We gather to further His mission and to continue to prepare for the reign of God on earth.
Begin the session by inviting each person to bless him or herself, making the Sign of the Cross with the Holy Water at the table.
We gather in the name of Christ. We remember his life, death and resurrection and his sending the Spirit to be with us until the end of time.
Planning is about seeing. It is about seeing all the good we have done. It is about seeing how God’s grace has been present in our lives and in our parish. Read and reflect on the following Gospel passage:
“When they arrived at Bethsaida, they brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him.
He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. Putting spittle on his eyes he laid his hands on him and asked, ‘Do you see anything?’
Looking up he replied, ‘I see people looking like trees and walking.’
Then he laid hands on his eyes a second time and he saw clearly; his sight was restored and he could see everything distinctly.
Then he sent him home and said, ‘Do not even go into the village.’” (Mark 8:22-26)
For reflection and sharing: Choose one or two questions which particularly speak to you.
1. On your faith journey when were you blind to God’s presence? As you look back when were you most aware of God’s presence? Who or what helped you to see?
2. What role has the parish community played in your faith journey? When have you felt most connected to others on your journey?
3. What do you think are the core values of your parish community?
4. What collaborative projects have happened in your parish?
5. What do you think are the “blind spots” in your parish?
6. What three hopes do you have for your parish in the future?
7. What gifts do you bring to your parish community?
Pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Write any notes you want to keep from your reflection and sharing.
Sacramental Life
Criterion 1The Eucharist is the source and summit of the life and mission of the parish / Present Activity / 1=going strong
3=needs help
4=let’s begin / Notes for Planning
a. Eucharist and all sacraments are celebrated with prayerfulness and according to Liturgical Law, and archdiocesan directives. / Sunday Mass
Two Weekday Masses / Select one1234
1 / Continue Current
· Increase Children’s Masses
b. Homilies speak to the lives of the people. / Currently Based On
Scripture / Select one1234
2 / Continue Practical
c. All sacramental celebrations involve well prepared sacramental ministers. / Trained Ministers / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· Yearly Renewal/
Training Programs
d. The people have been prepared for the changes in The New Roman Missal. / Everyone Prepared
Response Cards / Select one1234
1 / Continue
e. Parents are involved in quality theological and sound sacramental preparation programs that speak to the needs of today’s families. / Opportunities Offered / Select one1234
3 / Encourage More Parental Involvement
Sacramental Celebrations
Parishes should offer ample opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance, as well as retreats and parish missions. / Present Activity / 1=going strong
3=needs help
4=let’s begin / Notes for Planning
a. The Sacrament of Penance is encouraged with adequate times available. / Weekly Opportunities / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· More Communal Opportunities
b. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated communally and when requested individually. / Individual Opportunities / Select one1234
3 / More Communal Opportunities After Mass
c. Enriching sacramental preparation is available for all sacraments. / Currently Have Opportunities/Program / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· Greater Communication
Criterion 3
Sacramental celebrations and devotional practices reflect the cultural heritage of the people assembled. / Present Activity / 1=going strong
3=needs help
4=let’s begin / Notes for Planning
a. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated communally and when requested individually. / Individual Opportunities / Select one1234
3 / Continue
· More Opportunities After Mass
b. RCIA is the formation experience for those adults seeking the Sacraments of Initiation. / Available But No Current Inquirers / Select one1234
2 / Continue
· Increase Outreach and Communication
c. Enriching sacramental preparation is available for all sacraments. / Currently Have Programs Available / Select one1234
1 / Continue
d. Various forms of devotional prayer are fostered in your parish, which reflect the cultural heritage of the assembly. / Currently Have Weekly Rosary
Lenten Devotions / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· Consideration of Additional Opportunities
e. Funerals are celebrated with compassion and understanding. / Yes They Are Celebrated with Compassion and Understanding / Select one1234
1 / Continue
Sacramental Ministries
Parishioners are well trained for sacramental ministries. / Present Activity / 1=going strong
3=needs help
4=let’s begin / Notes for Planning
a. Ministers of hospitality are trained and regularly receive opportunities to grow in their understanding of the power and value of Liturgy. / Minimal Training / Select one1234
3 / Offer Yearly Training Opportunities
b. Ministers of the Word (Lectors) are trained and regularly receive opportunities to grow in their understanding of the power and value of Liturgy. / Ministers are Currently Trained / Select one1234
2 / Continue
· Offer Yearly Training and Renewal
c. Ministers of the Eucharist are trained and regularly receive opportunities to grow in their understanding of the power and value of Liturgy. / Ministers are Currently Trained / Select one1234
2 / Continue
· Offer Yearly Training and Renewal
d. Sacristans are trained and regularly receive opportunities to grow in their understanding of the power and value of Liturgy. / Sacristans are Currently Trained / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· Encourage More Participants
e. The Liturgy Committee is trained and regularly receives opportunities to grow in their understanding of the power and value of Liturgy. / Committee is Currently Trained / Select one1234
1 / Continue
· Encourage More Participants
Music as Part of Liturgy