Warning Prophecies From Unusual Places

I went out walking this morning around the lake. It was such a gorgeous morning, sun shining, clear skies, cool breeze. I was walking back to the house, along the edge of the street of course --a habit from my 8 years in Jordan, but also because the sidewalks slope and hurt my back -- and the cartilage holding my right knee in place shifted out of place, causing the left knee, which stays bandaged, to turn out of place at the same time, pulling ligaments, and I fell into the street. No one was around, so I rolled over to the nearby curb. My first concern was that my left knee was still out of place and seriously damaged as so many times before. But, I saw it was not seriously damaged, for I could straighten out my leg.Still it was injured. I had tightened the brace around my left knee during the walk, or it could have been far worse. It was hard getting back up, but I did, and walked about ½ mile back to the house, with both knees weak and sore, a bruised left hand where I fell, and a skinned right knee. I came in and told my daughter: “I’m sorry I took so long on my walk, but I took out time to lie down in the street for a few minutes”. Her reaction: “Oh NO!” I was smiling.I do have a great sense of humor! We’ve got to keep our joy!

For at least two years, every time I stand up it takes a few seconds to lock my left knee back in place so that I can begin walking again. It is because the cartilage on both knees is not holding firmly. The cartilage slips occasionally. But, I refuse to stop walking!

SO, having said that, I greatly thank you who pray for me when Abba brings me before you, for we won’t know until eternity what things your prayers may have saved me from! For those obedient to pray for Abba’s servants as He leads: You will have your reward. He will have others pray for you, just when you need it! He will have others give to you, just when you need it!

As I lay there in the street, my life-time of “why” (?) came into my mind for a split second. But, He had taught me an invaluable lesson while in Israel beginning last Passover, lying in bed with my left knee so damaged I could not leave the apartment for a month, and the severe pains that had gone on for over two years in my lower right side coming at the same time.

I noticed that for the most part, when I would be in really bad shape He would stand near me with arms folded, while I did my “why?” routine. I was in great pain last Passover, and there He was standing by my bed with His arms folded. His Presence was with me but He was silent. I asked Him “why, when I need You the most, are You silent”. He remained silent. Then I just gave in and began to tell Him how good He was to me as my Abba. He unfolded His arms and began to talk.

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He cannot and will not talk amidst negative emotions, which cancels faith and dims the light within us--emotionsfilled with self-pity, whining, complaining, and self-centeredness. I’ve always had to learn my lessons the hard way – that is why I try to warn you so you don’t have to go through all the things I’ve been through. We just don’t have time for that anymore.

Lying there, He asked me this question: “If I intervened to help you during a test it wouldn’t be a fair test, now would it?” Hum… of course not! After a life-time of “why” I finally got it. If I just kept praising Abba when the Devil had me pinned down, what would happen? Negative emotions are simply praises to the Devil anyway.

Well, I’ll tell you what happened – those horrible pains I sustained for over two years, so mysterious that doctors could not find out what was wrong, that led to the ambulance event January 22, 2011, just mysteriously disappeared, because every time a pain would begin to come, I’d start praising Abba, and it would leave.

I do have to say of Him, however, that there are times when I have been so attacked by the enemy that I was being overpowered, and then, as in Psalm 18, He came down in power and might and miraculously lifted me out of the attack, filling with peace and joy that is not natural in this world.

Yahushua said to us: “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give peace to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”. (John 14:27)

We are dealing with spiritual forces that attack the mind, the emotions, the body, and try to manipulate the will. We’re in serious warfare! And, and it will only get worse as the days progress, and more fierce. We’re in a battle to the death!

As I have written, the most powerful weapon of spiritual warfare is praise. Abba spoke this to me years ago: “Praise is the confession of faith”.

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him”. (Hebrews 11:6)

Faith is not head “belief” – it is action corresponding to what we believe. If we believe we are healed, then we should act healed. If we believe He will provide for us, then we should be rejoicing before we see the provision.

A pastor friend once said: “If you don’t have the victory before you have the victory, you don’t have the victory”.

Believing and acting on what we believe is the victory, before we see anything manifest. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his own son, because he believed that somehow the seed of Isaac would be as the stars of the heavens and the sand of the sea. (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:17-25) His faith was counted to him as righteousness.

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Unless He sees faith in action, He cannot help us! So many are sitting around waiting for Him to speak to them, or to do something for them, but that’s the opposite of His nature. That’s Greco/Roman thinking. The Greco/Roman world says: “Seeing is believing”; hearing is believing. Yahuweh says: “Believe first and act on it, THEN you will see My action!”

Faith takes you out of the realm where the enemy can take over your mind and get you into self-pity, anger, hate, or depression and despair, which the enemy feeds on for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks. The goal of the enemy’s intervention in negative emotions is to get you so down, you want to die, and even try to die. Praise gets you out from under the control of your “soul” – your mind/reasoning intellect, emotions, and will that contact the natural realm through the five senses and cannot contact His eternal realm. Praise gets you into His realm of eternity where He can finally do something for you! I learned!

I applied it today and it worked. I was as cheerful after the street situation as before. But, it is because I opened the portal to His realm, and closed the portal to the enemy’s realm! PLEASE! -- LEARN FROM ME!!!

I caught my natural inclination to ask “why” and said:I am going to praise Abba, and I will continue to do what He has asked me to do. So, I addressed any outside forces that may have been happy that I fell:“Rejoice not over me, oh my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise …” (Micah 7:8)

Having a super flexible joint and vertebrae problem all my life, keeping nerves pinched, and joints going out of place, having fallen more than 100 times since age 10, getting up and falling again, playing sports of all types, falling, and getting up … it has taught me that I have to get up, heal, and keep going forward. I cannot afford the human “luxury” of self-pity.None of us can. We can’t afford to waste time! If you are in pain, you have two choices: Be in pain miserable, or be in pain happy and at peace!

Afterwards, I thought of Isaiah 59:14: “Truth has fallen in the street…”

The forces of the dark kingdom are doing all they can to stop the servants of Yahuweh. The agents of the evil ones have made the use of His Name illegal. [Refer to: “Hated For My Name’s Sake], and will soon make the guarding of His Torah illegal, and round up and persecute His set-apart ones in a return of the Inquisition. Guillotines by the thousands are stored and waiting.

Truth is being thrown into the street and trampled on, so that it cannot rise – so they think. But, surprise, surprise! Truth will arise and conquer! I got up--Truth won’t stay down either!

Just as I wrote about Li de Xian recently, he was beaten almost to death, but was able to return home to heal, and when healed he went right back to GuangDong to take Bibles and got beaten up again, and again, but he kept

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going back because taking the Word to those desperate people under persecution was more important than not getting his ribs broken. We have to think like Li if we expect His help!!!

I wrote the wisdom I’ve learned in many articles, like “On Assignment” and “Forward March”. My favorite verse in the Bible is Exodus 14:15 “…speak to the children of Israel, and tell them to go forward”. Hey, they say! “The Red Sea is out there … and we can’t swim”. And Yahuweh yells back:


The rest of my children learned about what happened to me from the

daughter I stay with. The youngest one e-mailed me: “You have to always get up and keep going. That is what you taught us kids – and we’re all like you. We all get down, but get up and keep going”. She, like my other children, are my cheering section!” We all need to be cheered on!

So, that’s how I learned to live. He told me in 1985 that I would walk on water from then on, spiritually of course, doing things that are considered impossible in the natural. He told me in a very fascinating dream: “What others only dream of, you will do”. It is because I am willing to do.

He taught me to obey without questions or excuses. He has toughened me up considerably, while showing me how to maintain His love and peace and joy. The most dangerous thing we can do is turn inward – and let the mind and emotions rule. Then the enemy will capture us and take us away. To stay free, we must stay free of negative emotions, and the dictates of the carnal reasoning soul. Discipline your mind and emotions to bow to the mind of the mind of the re-born spirit. If you are filled with the Spirit, and the portal of your re-born spirit is opened to His eternal realm, then you are a “temple” of the living Elohim. So, why live out of the carnal mind that can only touch this realm, and fights the control of the Spirit? That is insanity!

Abba is once again telling me to do what seems impossible – go back to Israel, as He told me this last March. I learned that if He tells me to do something, He will remove all the obstacles.

There are still watchmen on the wall. Below I give you the words of three. But, as He told me over a year ago: “It is time for the watchman to come down from the wall, for the battle is at the gate”.

I personally sense in my spirit that, for the most part, the time of warning is over. I feel the “pull-back” of the Spirit. He is withdrawing from everyone who is not acting on His Word. He won’t work with people who hold back at His commands.

During the early 1990s, I taught a class in end-time prophecy every Sunday

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evening for two years. I had given my class every subject in the news as related to the Scriptures. As I was kneeling in my church during a very precious communion service, I was in tears. I said to Abba: “I’ve given these people everything I know to teach them about these end times. Now, what more do I teach them?” I did not expect an audible voice. But, it was Abba speaking to me in a very booming audible voice: “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”. I understood that I was to prepare the people for the millennial reign of Messiah on earth. That was my mandate, and I’ve done that since.

He made me a watchman, warning His people for many years to wake up to

reality and prepare for coming tribulation and the coming Kingdom of Messiah. He has raised up many watchmen to plead with His people. But, few have listened, and fewer still have taken action. Those that have taken action are now going on to level II or III or IV or V etc. – in their relationship and obedience to the Master.

He is not calling His people to get out of end-time Babylon so they can take Babylon/Nineveh with them into other countries--western Greco/Roman attitudes and actions that are opposite of His nature. He gave me a strong prophecy for those getting out of America. Burn your bridges – leave Babylon behind. Get Babylon out of your mind and your heart. If you’d like that prophecy, I will send it to you.

The ones who will “endure to the end” and overcome are His true servants,

His true prophets,and His true disciple-warriors. But, the feware few, and scattered. Per Amos 3:7, their message is the same. They’ve all been Spirit-taught! They have the nature of Elohim.

The mind of the religious rejects input from the Spirit. That’s written in I Corinthians 1:14: “But, the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, and he is unable to know them, because they are spiritually discerned”. I had to learn that no matter what a good act of false spirituality is deceiving the majority, those who live from the natural mind of the flesh are INCAPABLE of understanding! Only submission to the Spirit would open their understanding.

Thus, once again, Daniel 2:21-22: “He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those of understanding. He reveals deep and secret things. He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him”. Couple that with Mark 4:15 in context: “Whosoever possesses to him more shall be given. But, whosoever does not possess, even that which he possesses shall be taken away from him”. Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does NOTHING unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”.

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You see unless someone possesses His Spirit, His nature, and knowledge of

Him, there is no wisdom. There is no understanding. All they have is their head reasoning, which does not understand anything about the Spirit, for He can only be spiritually discerned in the re-born spirit.

Abba wants to talk to His people but His people put up loads of barriers, and He can’t talk to them. They won’t obey Him. They are INCAPABLE of understanding, so they have no wisdom.

What is so traumatic to me is that most all of His people that I have had contact with in the western world do not understand what it means to live out of their eternal spirit, which resides in the “loins” area of our body. It is the place of His Temple. But, they choose to live out of their soulish head that can’t go higher than the ceiling, except into the dimension of Lucifer by His trickery. Most have intellectual knowledge, theology, philosophy, concepts of “God”, most of it wrong because they have the wrong “God”.

But, neither is a spooky spirit giving spooky experiences of Him either!

Many are attributing the works of Lucifer to “the Holy Spirit”. This is the great deception that “will deceive, if possible, the very elect”.

So few will allow Him to teach them His own Word! It is so deeply grieving to me. I heard of a lady who said she refused to read Revelation because her God wouldn’t punish anyone like it says in Revelation. Isn’t that preposterous! It is spiritually suicidal!

Everyone can live in His Presence and know Him if they would only take the time and effort to obey His guidelines for communication! But, now, we’re turning very fast towards the coming of Lucifer and his plans for takeover. We’re at a critical turning point!

If every detail of what you believe is not rooted throughout the whole Word, as taught by the Spirit to you, you’re in big trouble! If all you can do is trace your beliefs to a church, a denomination, a pastor, a teacher, a rabbi, you’re in huge trouble! If one thing that you believe is not backed by Yahuweh 100%, it could lead you into damnation!

There’s no time left for self-centeredness or hidden agendas and selfish ambitions, or self-centered, manipulating and controlling emotions. It is time to mature and “put away childish things”.

I don’t tell you to do anything that I don’t do. I am no hypocrite! Elohim doesn’t make it easy. Messiah made it very difficult for anyone who wanted to follow Him – and so He was left with a few--a very few. But, the few, like Gideon’s 300, “turned the world upside down”. This two billion member religion, Christianity, is not what Messiah died for or left us. It is not what the Apostles taught us. Yahuweh and Yahushua are NOT a religion!