Ms. Meister

English III Procedures and Expectations

Choctawhatchee High School 2017-2018


Welcome to my English III class. I look forward to getting to know each one of you and to helping you succeed in English III. A major focus in the course will be on improving writing and analysis skills. At the end of the year, students will prepare for the AICE General Paper, a writing exam in May that could result in earning college credit. In addition, juniors are moving quickly toward college and the work force. Consequently, we will target enhancing our abilities in reading (with a focus on American literature), listening, speaking, and media literacy as well as SAT/ACT strategies for success.

*College Ruled Loose Leaf Notebook Paper *Pencils
*2 Packages of 3x5 Note Cards for Research *Markers

*2 two-pocket folders with brads *Highlighters

*Donations of paper towels, tissues, and hand sanitizer are HIGHLY valued and appreciated!!


The English Department uses a total point grading system in which assignments are given different point values based on the amount of material/effort involved. Generally, you can expect these point values to fall within the ranges given below.

- Classwork/Homework: 10-30 pts

- Quizzes: 30-50 pts

- Informal/Timed Writing: 30-50 pts

- Formal Writing/Tests: 100-200 pts


The Choctaw High School English Department adheres to the district grading policy concerning absentee work. Please see your handbook. Students are responsible for getting assignments missed due to absences and scheduling time for tutorials if necessary. Assignments will be accepted for full points (minus points for errors) on the date due. Late work turned in after the due date without an excused absence will be docked as follows:

*One day late—20 points or 20% of total points

*Two days late---50 points or 50% of total points

*Three days late—student receives a zero


Students will have weekly homework assignments which will be a part of their daily grades. Having an extra pocket folder for homework would be a helpful organizational tool for students. Also, you may receive reminders about due dates and testing if you join my group. Summer Reading due______.

Students will have one week to complete reassessments for a failing grade. The highest grade a student can earn on a reassessment is 70. Reassessments will NOT occur during class time. You may reassess during tutorial times or by appointment. Reassessments are not given if the initial assignment was never turned in. Reassessments can not be used to raise the points of a late assignment.


Cheating will not be tolerated. Students will receive a zero for any such work and will be referred to the office.


I am available for tutoring after school from 2:00-2:40 on Wednesdays. However, I realize everyone has a very busy schedule (including me!), so I am also available by appointment.


We will annotate texts provided in class. As a result, you do not need textbooks for English unless you would like to have them.


1.  Arrive on time and be prepared.

2.  Treat each other with respect.

3.  Handle school property with care.

4.  All food and drinks (except water) will be consumed and stored outside the classroom.

5.  Cell phones/electronic devices must be turned off and kept out of sight except during times of appropriate instructional use.

6.  Backpacks, purses, lunch boxes and other personal items should remain hanging on the back of the student’s desk or lying underneath the student’s desk during class.

High school students have been in the education system long enough to understand appropriate and inappropriate classroom behavior. If a student is disrespectful (such as classroom disruptions, foul language, discourteous or rude comments) the following actions will be used:

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Student conference

3.  Parent contact

4.  Teacher/student/administrator conference

5.  Teacher/student/administrator/parent conference

If at any time inappropriate behavior is of a nature that requires the intervention of a third party in order for the class the continue with the least amount of disruption, the instructor reserves the right to immediately remove the student via referral to the office.


A student's presence in class is paramount to their success. Therefore, restroom trips and other errands should be limited to times when students are independently working. Only one student will be allowed out of class at a time. Students who abuse the bathroom pass (are gone for extended periods of time on more than one occasion, are reported to have been in an area other than the bathroom or water fountain, etc.) will LOSE THEIR PASS PRIVILEGES!


I am looking forward to a great year, and I hope to see you at open house. Please feel free to contact me at school 850-833-3614. You can leave a message, or if you prefer a faster response, email me at You may also join my group to receive reminders about homework and other important information regarding your child’s English III class (SEE THE ATTACHED FLYER).


Shannon Meister