Texas A&M University

Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications

Teaching Assignments for Student Teachers

Turn in on first day of student teaching block

Student Teacher:

Supervising Teacher: School:

Phone Number: Block Schedule ( ) Yes ( ) No

Semester of Student Teaching: ( ) Fall ( X ) Spring Year 2010

Number of Agricultural Science Teachers:

Generally, the first few days of student teaching are spent observing the teacher and getting to know the names of students. The beginning of the second week or end of the first week, the student teacher may begin teaching one course with additional courses being added as the student teacher develops confidence. By week 7 or so, the student teacher should be accepting a full teaching load. During weeks 10 and 11, the cooperating teacher should begin re-assuming responsibility for classes in order to provide an easier transition for students and allow the student teacher time to complete final assignments and provide reflection for the holistic experience. The information provided below, in addition to the “Weekly Teaching Schedule” sheets, are intended as a guide for the student teacher so expectations are clear from the beginning and time may be spent preparing during the on-campus portion of student teaching.

Classes (to be taught by student teacher) # of Weeks # in class Time of Class

For each class listed above, write the weekly plan of topics to be taught, indicating topics you would like the student teacher to prepare lessons. If you would rather attach your course outline or scope and sequence, please do so. This information will serve as the student’s guide toward preparing units and topics you would like for him/her to take responsibility for while student teaching.

List the school and community activities this semester that the student teacher will be expected to be involved (Ex: FFA contests, teacher meetings, county fairs, etc.). Use the space below or attach a calendar of activities.

Date Activity

IEPs of AGSC Students

If they are available, review the IEPs of students that will be in the student teacher’s classes and make note of types of modifications that should be included as lessons, tests, and activities are prepared on-campus.

For questions or comments, please call Dr. Harlin (979) 862-3014.