Memorandum DRAFT
To: All Councilmembers
From: Evan Cash, Committee Director
Date: December 19, 2017
Subject: Minutes of the Additional Committee of the Whole Meeting – December 5, 2017
Chairman Mendelson called to order an additional meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 11:17 a.m., on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 in the Council Chamber of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Committee Members Present / Committee Members AbsentChairman Phil Mendelson
Councilmember Charles Allen
Councilmember Anita Bonds
Councilmember Mary Cheh
Councilmember Jack Evans
Councilmember Vincent Gray
Councilmember David Grosso
Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie
Councilmember Brianne Nadeau
Councilmember Elissa Silverman
Councilmember Robert White
Councilmember Trayon White / Councilmember Brandon Todd
Without objection, Chairman Mendelson moved out of order to move presentation of ceremonial resolution from the Legislative Meeting agenda.
A. CER 22-228, “Myrna Sislen Recognition and Appreciation Resolution of 2017”
Councilmember Cheh presented the ceremonial resolution.
A. Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Regular Meeting
A. Bill 22-464, “Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Board of Directors Appointment Amendment Act of 2017”
Committee on Finance and Revenue
Chairperson Jack Evans
Committee of the Whole
Chairman Phil Mendelson
Councilmember Evans, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Revenue, presented the measure as adopted by the Committee on Finance and Revenue.
Chairman Mendelson presented the measure proposed to be adopted by the Committee of the Whole and moved the Committee Print, with leave for staff to make technical and conforming changes. After an opportunity for discussion, the Committee Print was approved unanimously by voice vote with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
Chairman Mendelson moved the Committee Report with leave for staff to make technical, conforming and editorial changes. After an opportunity for discussion, the Committee Report was approved unanimously by voice vote with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete for the Committee on Finance and Revenue and upon the filing of the Committee Report and record for the Committee of the Whole; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Additional Legislative Meeting.
B. PR 22-557, “Child Support Guideline Commission Meridel Bulle-Vu Appointment Resolution of 2017”
C. PR 22-558, “Child Support Guideline Commission Charles Allen Appointment Resolution of 2017”
D. PR 22-559, “Child Support Guideline Commission Tiana Gibbs Appointment Resolution of 2017”
Chairman Mendelson presented the measures, en bloc, and moved the Committee Prints and Committee Reports, with leave for staff to make technical, conforming, and editorial changes. After an opportunity for discussion, the Committee Print and Committee Report were approved by voice vote with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measures were legally and technically sufficient; the Secretary stated that the records on the measures were complete upon the filing of the Committee Report and record; and the Budget Director stated that the measures’ fiscal impact statements complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
E. PR 22-563, “District of Columbia Corrections Information Council Board Katherine Aiken Huffman Reappointment Resolution of 2017”
Chairman Mendelson presented the measure and moved the Committee Print and Committee Report, with leave for staff to make technical, conforming, and editorial changes. After an opportunity for discussion, the Committee Print and Committee Report were approved by voice vote with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete upon the filing of the Committee Report and record; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the next Legislative Meeting after the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
F. PR 22-612, “Commission on Aging Councilmember Anita Bonds Appointment Resolution of 2017”
Chairman Mendelson presented the measure and moved the Committee Print and Committee Report, with leave for staff to make technical, conforming, and editorial changes. After an opportunity for discussion, the Committee Print and Committee Report were approved by voice vote with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete upon the filing of the Committee Report and record; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the next Legislative Meeting after the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
A. PR 22-455, “MLK Gateway Surplus Property Declaration Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Chairperson Mary Cheh
Councilmember Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, presented the measure.
B. PR 22-456, “MLK Gateway Disposition Approval Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Business and Economic Development
Chairperson Kenyan McDuffie
Councilmember McDuffie, Chairperson of the Committee on Business and Economic Development, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the General Counsel stated that the measures were legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measures were complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measures’ fiscal impact statements complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measures were placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
C. PR 22-555, “Truxton Circle Parcel Surplus Property Declaration Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Government Operations
Chairperson Mary Cheh
Councilmember Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, presented the measure.
D. PR 22-556, “Truxton Circle Parcel Disposition Approval Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Business and Economic Development
Chairperson Kenyan McDuffie
Councilmember McDuffie, Chairperson of the Committee on Business and Economic Development, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the General Counsel stated that the measures were legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measures were complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measures’ fiscal impact statements complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measures were placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
E. Bill 22-13, “Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Clarification Amendment Act of 2017”
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Chairperson Mary Cheh
Councilmember Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements, noting that the measure is subject to appropriations. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
F. Bill 22-96, “Electric Vehicle Public Infrastructure Expansion Act of 2017”
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Chairperson Mary Cheh
Councilmember Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements, noting that the measure is subject to appropriations. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
G. PR 22-356, “ Sense of the Council Regarding the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Chairperson Mary Cheh
Councilmember Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
H. Bill 22-148, “Jackson School Lease Renewal Authorization Act of 2017”
Committee on Business and Economic Development
Chairperson Kenyan McDuffie
Councilmember McDuffie, Chairperson of the Committee on Business and Economic Development, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
I. PR 22-571, “District of Columbia State Athletics Commission Mrs. Diana Parente Resolution of 2017”
Committee on Education
Chairperson David Grosso
Councilmember Grosso, Chairperson of the Committee on Education, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
J. Bill 22-43, “East End Commercial Real Property Tax Rate Reduction Amendment Act of 2017”
Committee on Finance and Revenue
Chairperson Jack Evans
Councilmember Evans, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Revenue, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements, noting that the measure is subject to appropriations. Without objection, the measure was placed on the non-consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
K. Bill 22-202, “East End Grocery and Retail Incentive Program Tax Abatement Act of 2017”
Committee on Finance and Revenue
Chairperson Jack Evans
Councilmember Evans, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Revenue, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements, noting that the measure is subject to appropriations. Without objection, the measure was placed on the consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.
Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Bonds Cheh, Evans, Gray, Grosso, McDuffie, Nadeau, Silverman, R. White, and T. White present; Councilmember Todd absent.
L. Bill 22-218, “Relieve High Unemployment Tax Incentives Act of 2017”
Committee on Finance and Revenue
Chairperson Jack Evans
Councilmember Evans, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Revenue, presented the measure. Chairman Mendelson asked if there were any questions.
In response to questions from Chairman Mendelson, the Deputy General Counsel stated that the measure was legally and technically sufficient; the Assistant Secretary stated that the record on the measure was complete; and the Budget Director stated that the measure’s fiscal impact statement complied with Council requirements. Without objection, the measure was placed on the non-consent agenda for the December 5, 2017 Regular Legislative Meeting.