Reading Syllabus (6th, 7th, 8th)

Mrs. Dobbs’ Achieve 3000 Reading Program

Franklin-Simpson Middle School

Achieve 3000 is an online reading program designed to increase student’s reading ability and comprehension. The students will read non-fiction/real-world articles culled from the Associated Press. The articles that they read will be on THEIR reading level as determined by an initial placement test.

All students will find success with this program and can log-on after school hours as well!

Daily Required Materials: (should be brought to class EVERY day)

·  Binder or folder with paper

·  Pencil/pens

·  Agenda

·  Achieve 3000 tracking sheet

Common Assessment Points:

·  Achieve 3000 article quizzes (late work will result in ½ credit )

·  Thought questions (electronic responses/firm due dates on these)

·  Bell ringers (daily assignment; late work will result in ½ credit )

·  Daily graphic organizers (in class assignments)

Students needing extra time to complete work can either log on at home to OR secure a pass from me to work in my room during Enrichment time.

Grading Scale:

·  90-100 A

·  80-89 B

·  70-79 C

·  60-69 D

·  59 and below F

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

·  No Food/Drink in the Computer Lab

·  Be on time (tardy with no note = T3 card)

·  Be respectful

·  Be prepared (binder, paper, pencil, tracking sheet and agenda) unprepared = T3 card

·  Follow rules of computer usage noted in student handbook


If you are absent from class (for any reason) it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to…

·  Get missed bell work from a classmate

·  Check the bulletin board for assigned articles

·  Check the “What Did I Miss” folder for any worksheets you may have missed

·  Turn in missed assignments within 3 days for full credit; after 3 days, only half-credit is available

Late Work:

Due dates are very important. Any article quizzes submitted after the due date will receive ½ credit. Thought Questions carry a FIRM due date….if they aren’t submitted on the due date, a zero will be entered as your grade. Thought Questions are electronically submitted and can only be remitted with an excused absence.

Improve Your Grade:

Students have the opportunity to improve their grade every single day. All they have to do is read extra Achieve 3000 articles, take the quizzes, and record it on their tracking sheet. These articles can be used throughout the semester to replace lower grades. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to meet with Mrs. Dobbs to show her the work and replace the low grade.

Core Content: (Informational Reading)

·  Annotate/formulate questions to guide reading

·  Annotate/Summarize information to guide reading

·  Identify Facts/Opinions within informational text

·  Identify the explain Main Idea of a passage and Supporting Details

·  Organizational patterns: Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution,

Sequence of facts and/or events, and Summarizing information

·  Connect information from: text-to-self, text-to-world, and text-to-text

If you have any questions or concerns, you may email me at: or you can call and leave a message at the front office of FSMS (270-586-4401).

Let’s work together to insure that your child has great success this year!

-Heidi H. Dobbs


*If you would like to donate a box of Kleenex and/or a bottle of Germ-X 25pts. per item will be added to your grade

(Travel size not accepted)

*Limit of 2 donations per student*

Related Arts Team

Discipline Policy

Failure to follow the classroom expectations/rules/CHAMPS procedures (i.e. off task, logging-on early, not logging out of your account at the end of class, not following directions, wrong voice level, disrespect, blurting out, being unprepared, having food or drink, not upholding other rules/expectations, etc.) will result in a T3 Card.

T3 Card (Time To Think)

Name ______

Period ______Date ______

1. What happened? (Be specific & give details)

2. When you did that, what did you want?

3. What are 2 things you should have done instead?

1. 2.

4. What can I do to make sure this does not happen again?

·  You will fill out your own card without talking or further disruption. When you are finished, you may give it back to the teacher. Each T3 Card you receive deducts three points from your daily grade, as well as your conduct grade.

·  If you receive 3 cards from a teacher, you will be placed into TIP (Team Isolation Program) for an entire class period. If you receive more than two, the consequences are as follows:

·  3 cards = TIP

·  4 cards = team conference + TIP

·  5 cards = parent contact + TIP

·  6 cards & above = trip to the office

Rules for TIP will be posted in the TIP area. They are as follows:

1. Zero voice level (no noises, talking, asking questions)

2. Stay seated

3. Stay on task (each teacher will give you work to be completed)

4. Complete assigned work

5. You are not dismissed until the teacher dismisses you

REWARD!!! Students who have ZERO T3 CARDS at the end of the 9 weeks will receive free time in the gym!



Student Name (please print): ______Grade/ Period: ______

***I have read the information about Mrs. Dobbs’ reading class. I understand the daily materials required, the classroom rules and expectations, the grading scale, and the related arts discipline policy. I have discussed “Mrs. Dobbs’ Classroom Expectations” with my child and I understand that a copy is kept in their Related Arts binder and can be viewed on Mrs. Dobbs’ website.

* ______(parent/guardian signature)

______(student signature)

How to Access

Mrs. Dobbs’ Website

§  Go to

§  Click “Schools” on the top blue bar

§  Scroll down, click Middle School

§  Click “teacher Website” located on the left column

§  You’ll now see an alphabetical listing of teachers, click “Dobbs”

This website is updated weekly with information that will help you succeed and will keep you informed of the happenings in our class.