Introduction to Archaeology F 2002 / Owen: Archaeobotany and Bioarchaeology p. 1

Introduction to Archaeology: Class 14

Archaeobotany and Bioarchaeology

 Copyright Bruce Owen 2002

Today we once again cover two basically unrelated topics: archaeobotany (also called paleoethnobotany) and an introduction to bioarchaeology

do the readings to get more of the story!


two terms for the field with different emphases, but generally covering work done by the same experts

archaeobotany: study of ancient plant remains

usually focuses on reconstructing environment, climate, resource availability, etc.

paleoethnobotany: study of ancient plant-human relationships and their changes over time

diet and food preparation (cuisine)
implications about farming and gathering practices
determining if a site was occupied year-round, or only during certain seasons ("seasonality")
craft uses of plants (fibers for textiles, gourds for net floats, reeds for mats or house construction, basketry, etc.)
uses of plants for fuels
can have implications about ethnic, occupational, status, etc. relationships

macrobotanical remains (what Thomas calls "plant macrofossils", even though they are not fossils): pieces of plant material that are big enough to pick out while excavating, or that turn up in the screen

a related kind of macrobotanical find: casts or impressions in ceramics, bricks, etc.

example of wheat and barley impressions from Mehrgarh, Baluchistan, early Neolithic (7000 - 4500 BC)

macrobotanical remains are often used to help to reconstruct diet

Peruvian examples:
kinds of corn and cobs
guavas, peppers, beans, etc.

macrobotanical remains are sometimes found in coprolites, also very useful for reconstructing diet

coprolites: dried feces (human, dog, etc.)
only preserved in special circumstances
usually very dry environments
often contain macrobotanical remains
also small bone fragments, microscopic botanical material, parasites that reflect general health status
a very direct, specific source of data on diet, even specific meals and cuisine
analysis requires specialists!
Peruvian example of coprolites

macrobotanical remains also often help to indicate non-dietary activities, crafts, architecture, etc.

farming for fibers:
cotton bolls, fiber, etc. indicate farming of cotton for textiles and/or seed oil
finding the non-fiber parts of cotton indicates that people at the site were involved in farming it, rather than trading for fibers or textiles made elsewhere
collecting for mats, cordage, etc
reeds, grasses, etc.
along with basketry, these artifacts are often studied by specialists who are not botanists
but they often will have a paleoethnobotanist identify the plants that provided the raw materials

collecting architectural building materials

in the area where I work, two different cultures used different kinds of reeds to build their houses

ritual behavior involving plants

example: "offerings" of whole food or craft items in pits
example: layers of reeds in burial mounds
where did they come from?
what did they "mean"?

Thomas's example of "reading the fuel" from the Mantaro Valley, Peru

this is a project that I worked on

Chris Hastorf and Sissel Johannessen

looked at charcoal from flotation samples

compared proportions of wood chunks, stem (twig) pieces, and grass fragments

found gradual decline in proportion of wood chunks, rise in proportion of twigs during Pancan periods

then shift to more wood in Wanka II and Wanka III (Inka) periods

they saw this as a decline in availability of wood through the Pancan periods, then the rise of tree farming with the appearance of local chiefdoms

they argued tree farming may have had symbolic as well as economic value for emerging elites

there are many reasons to be skeptical, but this does show how far some people may push paleoethnobotanical data

methodological point: note that this is all based on percentage data, which has problems that we talked about last time

bringing in less grass and twigs would automatically make it look like they used more wood, even if no tree farming occurred

we have no way to tell whether the total amount of wood actually increased, as tree farming would suggest

and since the WII and WIII sites are on hilltops, versus Pancan on a reedy lakeshore, it is quite possible that the difference is really less stems and grass, rather than more wood.

what if there was another fuel that is not considered here, like dried camelid dung?

say it became common in WII and WIII

then the shift in the mixture of wood, twig, and grass might be a very small part of the overall fuel picture

point: be very wary of percentage data!

in faunal, botanical, or any other analysis

smaller remains are identified by various terms:

flotation samples, light fraction

phytoliths: silica (opal) deposits that form mostly in the stems of arid-adapted grassy plants, but in some other cases as well

some can be identified as to what species of plant they come from

others are ambiguous

they are microscopic, but durable

must be laboriously extracted from

soil samples

the surfaces of grinding stones

sometimes identifiable ones remain embedded in "sickle gloss" on stone blades used to cut thatch, harvest grain, etc.

example: reconstructing what crops were grown on prehistoric agricultural terraces in the Osmore valley, Peru

work by Tony Ribiero

soil samples contained maize phytoliths (and some others; not yet published)

a different project is currently attempting to do the same at a coastal site

pollen: the male gametes of flowering plants

often commonly included here: spores, which are "packaged" cells that disperse and later grow into plants

microscopic, but durable

can be identified as to what species they come from

extracted from soil samples

also from "pollen washes" from the surface of some artifacts

have evolved specifically to blow around easily, so contamination is a constant worry

soil samples collect the "pollen rain" at the time the soil was at or near the surface

this reflects the plant mix in a fairly large surrounding area, depending on prevailing winds, etc.

good for general climatic and ecological reconstruction

Thomas's example of mesolithic Star Carr, ~7500 BC

pollen indicated a forested environment

and little or no reduction of trees until just when the site was abandoned… or does it?

pollen found in specific contexts like burials or storage rooms is sometimes taken to reflect the activities that happened there, rather than just the general environment

Shanidar cave example

not as bad as Thomas makes it out

there were samples from other areas of the cave deposits that had much less flower pollen in them, making the original claim fairly likely

Pampa de la Llamas, Huaca A example

were the rooms were for storage?

very little evidence of what would have been stored there

not surprising; if it had any value, it would have been removed

pollen from niches suggests cotton, beans, potatoes, peanuts

but it could have blown in on the wind

pollen comes from flowers; it is not typically plentiful on the parts of plants that would be stored, like peanuts or potatoes

lots of rodent bones also suggest storage


basically, the study of human remains

includes a huge range of different kinds of work

paleopathology: study of ancient diseases, injuries, health, and activity-related effects on bones

often based on observations of bone and teeth

but also on soft tissue and hair if present

chemical and isotopic composition of bone

DNA (often of disease organisms, not the victim!)

parasitology (lice in hair; parasites and eggs in coprolites, etc.)

tooth wear, loss, caries, abscesses, etc.

can tell a lot about diet

also cultural practices, like the use of front teeth as tools for preparing hides among Neanderthals

injuries such as parry fractures

characteristic kind of fracture in the forearm that often occurs when someone flings up their right arm in front of their face to deflect a blow

Tiffiny Tung's observations on females with head wounds mostly on the left front…

scarcity of ancient bone cancers compared to modern populations: what does that mean?

auditory exostoses: bony growths in the ear canal that seem to be associated with spending a lot of time in cold water

they probably indicate people who did a lot of diving for shellfish

Tuberculosis: Update to Thomas's account

bony evidence is common in some New World populations

characteristic holes in vertebral bodies and other bones

"collapsed" vertebral bodies that cause a permanent forward bend in the lower spine ("Potts syndrome")

but these might have been caused by other diseases

Buikstra even suggested some now-extinct disease, back when it was assumed that TB was introduced to the New World from the Old

this was a "bone of contention" for a long time

but more recent work on mummies from northern Chile has found the DNA of the TB bacterium in the lung tissues

proving beyond any doubt that TB also existed in the New World well before European contact

and making it very likely that the bone evidence really was caused by familiar TB

and many, many other interesting indicators of activities, accidents, violence, diet, etc.

diet reconstruction using stable isotopes

isotopes that are not radioactive; they do not decay away

the most commonly used are 13C and 15N; these are rarer isotopes that are found in small amounts in the environment along with the common 12C and 14N.

Remember "isotopic fractionation" from our discussion of radiocarbon dating

different plants take up the different isotopes of carbon at slightly different rates

so they are more or less "enriched" in the heavier isotopes

14C decays away, but the 13C and 12C are stable

so the ratio of 13C to 12C does not change, and it depends on the particular chemical pathway that the plant uses to extract carbon from air.

or, in animal tissues, it reflects the mix of plants that the animal ate - or that its prey ate.

there are three common chemical pathways for fixing carbon, called C3, C4, and CAM

C3 is used by most food plants in temperate environments

C3 plants are relatively enriched in 13C

C4 is used mostly by arid-adapted grasses, of which maize (corn), sorghum (a grain most used in sub-saharan Africa), and millet (another grain) are the main one of archaeological interest

C4 plants are "normal" in 13C

CAM is used by plants like cacti, which rarely form a large part of human diets.

CAM plants are in between, but fortunately we can usually ignore them

So, as a first approximation, we can estimate how much of the diet was from C4 plants versus C3 plants by measuring the 13C in ancient human bones

in practice, that means we can identify early farmers in the New World (they started eating maize) and parts of the Old World (they started eating millet or sorghum)

But… (there is always a "but")

seafood (fish and shellfish) is also enriched in 13C

so bone that is enriched in 13C could indicate a diet with a lot of maize, OR a diet with a lot of seafood

so 13C studies are ambiguous anywhere near a coastline where C4 plants were used

in some cases, this is not a problem

in the American midwest, there is no need to worry about seafood in the diet

in studies of Vikings on Greenland, there is no need to worry about maize, millet, or sorghum, since those plants don't grow that far north

but in many coastal regions, both could be present, so the 13C data alone don't allow us to reconstruct the diet

another "but" that people have not taken too seriously yet

many wild plants that foragers might have collected have not been characterized as to whether they are C3 or C4

especially in remote places like the desert coast of Peru

so it is possible that there might be C4 plants in the diet other than maize

that would really complicate things…

A partial solution: look at a different stable isotope: 15N

most nitrogen in the environment is 14N

a small amount of natural nitrogen is 15N, which is also stable

seafood (fish and shellfish) are relatively enriched in 15N compared to terrestrial plants and animals

so the 15N content of ancient bone can indicate the fraction of marine food in the diet

so if we measure both 13C and 15N, we can estimate the relative amounts of C3 vs C4 plants, and the relative amount of seafood vs. terrestrial plants

often done by plotting samples on a graph with 15N on the vertical axis, 13C on the horizontal axis, and boxes enclosing the areas where the bones of eaters of pure diets (all terrestrial C3, all terrestrial C4, and all marine) would fall

But… (as always)

terrestrial plants also vary a little in 15N content

particularly legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) vs. other plants

15N content in animal tissues varies with "trophic level"

trophic level describes how high up the food chain the organism is

plants are at the bottom

herbivores are at the next level

carnivores are above herbivores

carnivores are enriched in 15N relative to herbivores

so when people might have been eating legumes or carnivore meat, the reconstruction of diet gets complicated again

fortunately, both of these effects are smaller than the terrestrial vs. marine difference

but they are large enough to add a lot of error to the method

indicators of stress

porotic hyperostosis and general nutrition or parasite stress in infants

Harris lines

dental hypoplasias

paleodemography: reconstructing the age-sex structure of ancient populations and their changes over time

done by looking at various bony indicators


tooth eruption

fusion of symphyses (the growth zones between the head and shafts of various bones)

these eventually stop growing and the parts of the bone fuse together

this happens at different ages for different bones

so the combination of which symphyses are still open and which are fused indicates age up to adulthood

fusion of cranial sutures allows rough age estimate

shape of surface of pubic symphysis

the join at the front of the pelvis

wrinkles and other features change through adulthood, allowing rough age estimate

tooth wear allows rough age estimate

some microscopic methods also work, but are very labor intensive so less often employed


best by certain features of the pelvis

less well by differences in the cranium

the population-wide pattern of age at death of both sexes reflects differences in fertility, mortality, general health status, different causes of death

war vs. childbirth vs. childhood diseases, etc.

high infant mortality shows up clearly

in a highly stressed population, more people die younger

example using changing survivorship curves in the Upper Mantaro

survivorship curves show the fraction of the individuals born that survive to any given age

this highlights the mortality rate at different ages

makes infant mortality obvious

makes mortality of young adults vs. old adults obvious, etc.

suggests overall stress on population, particular kinds of causes of death, etc.

Infant and adult mortality declined strongly from Wanka II to Wanka III

that is, from when they lived in walled hilltop towns that were at constant war (Wanka II)

to when they were conquered by the Inka and resettled into lower, less dense, less defensible towns near farmland (Wanka III)

this was surely done to facilitate control by the Inka empire

and to increase crop production for imperial taxes or tribute

but it proved to be a very healthy change for the Wanka people

although they may not have appreciated it!

next time we will look at more things one can learn from human remains