Marketing for Diverse Communities
Spring, 2014
Portland State University
CRN 64079
University Pointe, 208
Syllabus is subject to change as necessary
Instructor:Kristin Teigen
(971) 998-7237
Community Partner Contact:Vivian Satterfield
Julia Delgado
503-280-2600, ext 622
Course Schedule:Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00-1:50
Office Hours: Tuesday, after class, by arrangement
Course Description:This Capstone partners with organizations working with communities of color to serve them and advance their work. These organizations are:
- Oregon Inclusionary Zoning Coalition is a grassroots coalition of public advocacy groups throughout the Pacific Northwest. Their mission is to repeal the 1999 statewide ban on Inclusionary Zoning, a land-use tool that could provide cities and counties across Oregon with the option of developing quality, affordable housing.
- The Urban League of Portland, founded in 1945, helps empower African Americans and other Oregonians to achieve equality in education, employment, and economic security. We are a non-profit, community-based organization headquartered in North Portland and an affiliate of the National Urban League.
Students will learn the history of race in Portland while engaging in creating and implementing marketing and development assets for our partner organizations, based upon an anti-oppression model. Students will thus ensure that these organizations can increase their capacity to advocate for local communities of color. This Capstone will help students develop expertise in fundraising, communications and marketing, which are vital skills necessary if pursuing a career in the nonprofit realm.
Student Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the history of communities of color in Portland, including that of specific communities, and the issues that most intimately affect them.
- Critical thinking, social and ethical responsibility, variety of human experience
- Identify and analyze the traditional barriers to full participation of communities of color, as well as the ways in which communities have developed the means to encourage success. The barriers addressed will include those that are economic, political, and those that are systemic in the education system.
- Critical thinking, social and ethical responsibility, variety of human experience
- Connect realities of communities of color to activism and processes for change.
- Critical thinking, social and ethical responsibility, variety of human experience
- Understand anti-oppression development/fundraising/marketing models.
- Critical thinking, variety of human experience
- Create and assist in implementing assets that are specifically appropriate empowering for communities of color.
- Critical thinking, social and ethical responsibility
Attendance Policy:
- Students may have two excused absences. Beyond that, your grade will be dropped by one completegrade per absence. Students are expected to be fully prepared, having read the required materials and be ready for discussion, prior to each class.
Grading Criteria:
- Quiz – No Blue Book Necessary (20%)
- Community Service –
- Assigned projects25%
- Completed hours25%
- Students are required to submit hours every Tuesday. We will have a discussion/time for teams every Tuesday about the projects.
Important Note: While project and hours each comprise 25%, you can’t have one without the other. Both are required for the grade.
- Class Participation10%
- An individual final paper that will document your knowledge and reflect upon the history of communities of color in Oregon, making connections to the current needs of these communities. A guide for the paper will be handed out mid-course, and students are highly encouraged to hand in a draft for review. 20%
NOTE: If there are questions about an assignment, please ask them before the due date. I am happy to be flexible about dates if there are concerns or confusion, but only if you contact me before the project is due. Otherwise, the assignment will not be accepted.
All of the Coalition’s Reports can be accessed at
Coalition of Communities of Color. Philanthropy and Communities of Color in Oregon. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011.
Coalition of Communities of Color. Asian and Pacific Islander Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011, pp. 12-18.
Coalition of Communities of Color. The Latino Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011, pp 2-9.
Coalition of Communities of Color. The Native American Communityin Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011, pp. 1-11.
Coalition of Communities of Color. African American Community in Multnomah County.Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2014, pp 2-14.
Curry-Stevens, A., Cross-Hemmer, A., and Coalition of Communities of Color. Communities of Colorin Multnomah County: An Unsettling Profile. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2010, All pages.
Housing Land Advocates, Inclusionary Zoning in Oregon. Housing Land Advocates. Portland, OR: Portland State University, no date.
Imarisha, Walidah. A Hidden History. Oregon Humanities Magazine. Portland, OR: Oregon Humanities, Summer, 2013.
Johnson, Daniel P. “Anti-Japanese Legislation in Oregon, 1917-1923.” Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 97, No. 2 (Summer, 1996). (Available on-line) pp. 176-210.(
Johnson, Ethan and Felicia Williams. “Desegregation and Multiculturalism in the Portland Public Schools.” Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 111, No. 1 (Spring 2010), (Available on-line) pp. 6-37.
Klein, Kim. Fundraising for Social Change. Oakland, CA: Chardon Press, 2000. Revised edition.This is the only book to be purchased!
Nusz, Nancy and Gabriella Ricciardi. “Oregon Voices: Our Ways: History and Culture of Mexicans in Oregon.” Oregon Historical Quarterly,Vol. 104, No. 1 (Spring, 2003), 110-123.(
Western States Center. Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book for Social Change Groups. Portland, OR: Western States Center, 2003, pp 12- 37. Available at
Additional Sources may be used throughout the course, to be provided by instructor
Community Service
Students are expected to complete 30 hours total of community service. Much of this work will be completed in, if appropriate, project-specific teams and on your own. This work will also be completed by helping with events and other projects with Community Partners. Opportunities will be discussed in depth in class.
All projects will be due on June 3.
Classroom Demeanor and Courtesy
The issues raised in this class may be deeply felt and controversial. Diversity of opinions and perspectives are encouraged, and disagreements may occur. It is expected that in learning about the history of race and privilege, some may feel uncomfortable – it’s part of the process. In order for this process to be fruitful, our conversations must be respectful. Disruptive, insulting or offensive behavior has no place in an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Students engaged in such behavior will be asked to leave.
What is asked most fundamentally in this class is that we all come with open hearts and open minds to the experiences of others.
Course Schedule
April 1
- Course Introduction
- Overview of the Community Organizations
- Discussion of Community Service Opportunities
Reading: Bring in a newspaper article on gentrification in Portland
Western States Center. Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book for Social Change Groups, pp 12- 37. Page numbers are different through the report – focus on the page numbers in
the table of contents.
April 3
- Community Partner Presentation – Vivian Satterfield
- Community Service Requirements
Reading: Coalition, Philanthropy and Communities of Color in Oregon, all pages
Housing Land Advocates. Inclusionary Zoning in Oregon.
April 8
- Writing an Effective Grant – Presentation by Scot Nakagawa
- What is Race – How did we get here?
Reading: Coalition, “An Unsettling Profile,” page 5-89
April 10
- Community Partner Presentation – Julia Delgado
- Discussion on Philanthropy/Money in Civic Affairs
Reading:Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Preface –Chapter 2, Chapter 15, Chapter 37, Chapter 45
April 15
- Discussion of Community Service
- Overview of Fundraising/Communications Programs
- Grants
Reading: Coalition, “An Unsettling Profile,” page 90-152
April 17
- Discussion of Readings
- Overview of Civil Rights in the United States and Oregon
Reading: Coalition of Communities of Color. African American Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2014, pp 2-14.
Imarisha, Walidah. A Hidden History. Oregon Humanities Magazine. Portland, OR: Oregon Humanities, Summer, 2013.
April 22
- Discussion of Community Service
- African American History in Oregon
Reading for Next Class:Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapter 3-5, Chapter 42
April 24
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading and Grants, continued
- African American History, continued (Urban Renewal and Removal)
Reading for the Next Class: Coalition of Communities of Color. The Latino Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011, pp 2-9.
Nusz and Ricciardi, “Oregon Voices: Our Ways: History and Culture of Mexicans in Oregon.” Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 104, No. 1 (Spring, 2003), pp. 110-123
April 29
- Report Back on Community Service
- Latino history and current issues in Oregon
Reading for Next Class: Reading: Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapter 6-10
May 1
- Review work completed thus far
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading – Focus on Personal Asks and Special Events
May 6
- “Deliberate Destruction” – Presentation by Felicia Williams
Reading: Coalition of Communities of Color. The Native American Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011, pp. 1-11.
May 8
- Report Back on Community Service
- Native American history and current issues in Oregon
Reading: Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapters 11-14
May 13
- Report Back on Community Service
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading – Focus on Direct Mail and Online Fundraising
- Guide to the Paper
Reading: Coalition of Communities of Color. Asian and Pacific Islander Community in Multnomah County. Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2011. (Available online) pp. 12-18.
Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapter 31
May 15
- Chinese American history and current issues in Oregon
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading – Focus on databases
Reading: Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapters 18 – 21, 23
May 20
- Discussion of Community Service
- Arab-American communities in Oregon and Hate Groups
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading – Focus on the thank you note and major donor programs
Reading: Johnson, Ethan and Felicia Williams. “Desegregation and Multiculturalism in the Portland Public Schools.” Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 111, No. 1 (Spring 2010), pp. 6-37.
Klein, “Fundraising for Social Change,” Chapters 22, 28-30
May 22
- History the School System in Oregon
- Discussion of Kim Klein reading – Focus on Legacy programs
- Guide to Quiz
PAPER DRAFT DUE – I highly recommend that you turn in a draft of your final paper for review. Paper drafts will not be accepted past this date.
Reading: None – study for the quiz!
May 27
- Japanese American communities in Oregon
- Quiz
Reading: Johnson. “Anti-Japanese Legislation in Oregon, 1917-1923.” Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol. 97, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 176-210
May 29
- Visit Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center
June 3
- Present your work!
June 5
- Summary of Course
Finals Week – Class will meet if necessary to make up days
June 12
- Final Paper Due via email () or in my box in Cramer 117. I will reply with a confirmation of receipt either via email or in my box. If you do not get a reply email, I didn’t get it.
Disability Access Information
If you require accommodations: (e.g. special seating, interpreter, note-taker, etc.) please inform me immediately. Students with disabilities should register with the PSU Disability Resource Center (503-725-4150), TTY or Relay 503-725-4178) to document their need for accommodations and obtain support services. I will work with you to arrange the support you need in this class.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to adhere to college policies. Please take special note of policies regarding plagiarism and course withdrawal. The University’s Code of Student Conduct may be found at
In the PSU Student Conduct Code #577-031-0136: Proscribed Conduct by Portland State University, the following will not be tolerated.
- Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or others University activities, including the University’s public service functions or other authorized activities on University-owned or –controlled property, or any other location where teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities take place.
- All forms of academic dishonesty, cheating, and fraud, including but not limited to: (a) plagiarism, (b) the buying and selling of course assignments and research papers, (c) performing academic assignments (including tests and examinations) for other persons, (d) unauthorized disclosure and receipt of academic information and (e) falsification of research data.
In this course, plagiarism of any kind will result in not only failing the assignment, but the course in entirety.