Date / Draft
May 12, 2009 / Amended & Approved
Meeting Type / May 2009 Chapter Board Meeting
Meeting Date / May 12, 2009
Meeting Time / 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Location / Cacharel, Arlington, Texas
Officers - 2009 / In
Attendance / Absent
President / Donna Harrison
Vice-President / Greg Cook
Treasurer / Craig Brandt
Secretary / Charles Stearman
Director-1 Year / Bill Stoll
Director-2 Year / Diane Burkhardt
Committee Chairs / In
Attendance / Absent
PDC – 1 Year / Cheryl Bennett
PDC – 2 Year / David McCarthy
PDC – 3 Year / Robert Duran
Education Chair / David Harry
Education Co-Chair / Karen Gnuse
Education Co-Chair / Ann Scruggs
Membership / Marcus Boyd
Program / Karen D’Angelo
Program / Robyn Vaughn
Newsletter / Denise Perez
Photographer / Lisa Roberts
Web Site Administrator / Lily Khan
Web Site Assistant / Stephanie Burkhardt
Social Director / Linda Burkett
Historian / Greg Althoff
By-Laws / Donnie Sherwood
Guests: None
Other Members in Attendance:
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May Chapter 36 Board Meeting Held on May 12, 2009
The meeting was called to order by President Donna Harrison at 10:02 AM.
Meeting Agenda previously distributed by Donna Harrison via e-mail.
President – Donna Harrison proceeded with the meeting agenda.
Vice President – Greg Cook, absent due to work.
Treasurer – Craig Brandt distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the period April 1 through April 30, 2009. The beginning balance was $46,025.46. The chapter had income of $34,863.20 and expenses of $5,739.44. Income exceeded expenses by $29,123.76. The ending balance was $75,149.22 (copy attached). David McCarthy motioned to approve. Robert Duran, second. Motion carries.
Secretary – Charles Stearman, absent due to work.
Director – Diane Burkhardt, absent due to illness.
Director – Bill Stoll, present, no report.
PDC – David McCarthy reported that three employers have submitted the majority of the recent certification and designation applications and would like to express gratitude to them for their support. The three employers are; Pyles Whatley Corporation, Oncor and Halff Associates. David also stated that Friday, May 15, is the projected due date for members getting their candidacy applications in to be able to participate in the current process of IRWA discipline certification or SR/WA designation.
Cheryl Bennett reports that plaques are slow in coming, but will be received soon. She also reports a new relocation certification will soon be available through some non-IRWA groups. When more news becomes available, she will pass it along. Cheryl also passed out a handout that shows the status of all recent submittals to the PDC for designation or certification. (See attached)
As of May 12, 2009 The Chapter 36 Professional Development Committee has reviewed and approved the following applications since the last report and Chapter Meeting on April 14, 009.
Completed Applications Submitted to HQ:
R/W-RAC Kathy Hall 4/29/09
R/W-RAC Carol Neugent 5/11/09
R/W-NAC Mark Thigpen 4/29/09
R/W-RAC Stacie Walton 5/11/09
Candidacy Applications Submitted to HQ:
SR/WA Greg Colvin 5/6/09
SR/WA Craig Brandt 4/25/09
SR/WA Eric Daniels 4/24/09
SR/WA Ronald Roark 4/27/09
SR/WA Karen D'Angelo 5/11/09
SR/WA Curt Sharp 5/6/09
SR/WA Richard McBride 5/1/09
SR/WA Mark Thigpen 5/1/09
SR/WA Ivan Gonzalo 4/27/09
R/W-AC Ivan Gonzalo 4/27/09
R/W-AC Richard McBride 5/1/09
R/W-AC Eric Daniels 4/24/09
R/W-RAC Michael Hale 4/23 /09
R/W-RAC Jill ChetTY 4/21 /09
R/W-RAC Cheryl Bennett 5/11/09
R/W-NAC Robert Duran 4/24/09
R/W-NAC Mary Brinkley 5/6/09
Certifications Approved by HQ (Date Letters Received)
R/W-NAC Kim Heibert 4/21/09
R/W-RAC James Smith 4/21/09
R/W-NAC Ray Kelley 5/11/09
Re-certifications Approved:
SR/WA Curtis Brownlow 5/5/09 Approved
Education – David Harry distributed a handout (attached) showing an overview of education classes for the chapter. Thus far the chapter courses have produced $13,387.50 in income, with expenses of $9,059.03. Net income is $4,328.47. David thanked Donna Harrison for donating her Instructor Fee to the chapter for the course she recently facilitated. David wants the board’s feedback on whether or not to add one more class, C-504: Computing Replacement Housing Payments, to this year’s schedule. The Board concurred with adding the class. Lisa Harrison has offered to facilitate it. Denise Perez suggested the DART facilities for this class.
President Donna Harrison stated she anticipated an influx of participants in IRWA education after July 1, 2009 due to new requirements to be published by IRWA HQ.
Greg Althoff suggested the Chapter pay for training the instructors if instructors agree to teach class in Chapter 36 and waive the instructor fee.
David Harry announced that a one-half off of course tuition drawing is going to be held today for three courses: C-402, C-200 and C-801. All three classes are in Chapter 36 and coming soon. David also mentioned that employers offering free use of facilities and the Chapter providing its own catering have helped the Chapter increase revenue when holding classes. He expressed appreciation to all that have helped.
Membership – Marcus Boyd circulated a list of new membership applicants. These are:
LaRue Green - unknown
AlbertThomasHall- Tex-CalLand Services
Brian C. Hardison - Piburn and Partners, LLC
Shawn Jackson - US ROW
Jerry R. Jones - Jerry R. Jones Real Estate Services
Kerry Kirksmith - TexasState Royalty, LLC
Dan Miller - Enlyte, Inc.
James R. Pennington - Pennington, Inc.
Priscilla Reid - DART
Micah H. Stewart - US ROW
Addison Terry - Gullett & Associates, Inc.
linda Grace Walston -linda Walston Company
Kelly D. Walton - Unknown
Jace C. Whatley - Pyles Whatley Corp.
John D. Young - Unknown
Robert Findley - RFJ Property Consulting
Gary D. Reinhardt - PBS&J - from Chapter 74 to Chapter 36
Marcus Boyd motioned to approve, Greg Althoff, second. Motion carries.
Program – Karen D’Angelo announced that Cacharel is a great central location and has agreed to host many more lunches for our chapter. The board discussed the positive experience of the restaurant and its location. Karen requested more names for possible speakers at lunches.
Denise Perez stated the AddisonEventCenter is a good location for our Christmas time social; Karen reports Cacharel has already agreed to host.
Newsletter- Denise Perez, distributed a handout on the IRWA Mapping contest and stated that a City of Irving employee had been selected as one of the four finalists. She asked to announce this today at the general membership luncheon.
Denise also provided the board with color copies of some of the sample newsletters from award winning IRWA chapters around the country for the board’s consideration.
Web Site - Lily Khan - Web Administrator, absent; Lily had reported via e-mail that she is working with Dellamark on their response time.
Social – Linda Burkett, present. Donna Harrison asked if we are having lunches every month this year. The Board replied yes.
Linda Burkett gave suggestions of three places we could have the summer function: dinner/murder mystery at Cacharel, a dude ranch event in Grapevine, or LoneStarPark. She explained each in detail and Donna Harrison asked Linda to put the information in writing and send it to the Board for consideration and a vote. Linda agreed to do so. Voting is delayed in lieu of further discussion until the information is received from Linda.
Historian – Greg Althoff; no report
Old Business
On April 21 Lisa Roberts resigned as chapter photographer, due to impending relocation. President Donna Harrison thanked Lisa for doing a wonderful job as our photographer. On April 26 Donna appointed Olga Estefes as chapter photographer. Olga’s e-mail address is .
Donna Harrison stated that the Dallas Cowboys football will be auctioned at the International Annual conference in Indianapolis. She requested suggestions for more items and the board had a few ideas. Donna stated that an e-mail blast would be forthcoming and asked if we would quickly submit any ideas to her as the conference is fast approaching.
New Business
President Donna Harrison brought the discussion of the proposed changes to the By-Laws before the Board. Bill Stoll and Greg Althoff stated some concerns with the verbiage, as did Donna. Donna asked the board to submit comments to her or one of the By-Law Committee members, Greg Althoff, Bill Stoll or Donnie Sherwood, prior to next IRWA luncheon in June. Voting was to take place after more discussion took place.
Greg Althoff stated that the Committee will need help gathering and compiling information needed from past board meetings to correctly analyze and interpret the policies and procedures that the Chapter operates under.
Bill Stoll stated it would be beneficial for the Chapter to seek IRWA HQ approval on any changes or new procedures to ensure we are in compliance with national policy and procedures prior to submitting requested changes. The board agreed.
Greg Althoff discussed the COMTO donation as a good way to advertise your firm. The organization is seeking sponsors for their conference to be held this summer starting July 11, 2009. Greg announced that he would say a few words on this opportunity at lunch today. A few board members mentioned their firms had already agreed to be a sponsor.
Greg Althoff also brought before the Board the news that he would like to form a team to organize and coordinate the Chapter’s 50 year celebration in 2010. He agreed to bring more information to next month’s meeting and start getting the word out for volunteers. President Donna Harrison suggested next year’s President Greg Cook be involved with the 50th Anniversary Committee.
Greg Althoff asked for all Board Members and Committee Chairs to submit to him a job description (in an electronic format) which will aid him in ensuring our success as we transition year to year, and to have on record for our policy and procedures.
Linda Burkett asked if we can allow members to bring resumes to lunches and display on a table. The Board agreed that this idea would be beneficial and acceptable. Linda will announce at lunch.
Meeting adjourned by President Donna Harrison at 11:30am.
Business By E-mail
April 16 Motion On April 16, 2009, Greg Althoff and Donna Harrison motioned by e-mail as follows: at the July luncheon the chapter give away three registrations to the annual conference at Texas A & M. Tickets could be collected at the prior meetings. Donna Harrisons proposed the following: Two 2009 Registrations to the A& M Seminar, value approximately $175 each = $350.00; one 2009 Registration to the A&M Seminar plus $100 towards hotel room, approximate value $275. The total contest expenditure would be approximately $625.00.
Since most members will have already registered for A & M by the time we have our luncheon meeting drawing in July, Donna suggests we give the award as cash rather than try and make registrations for yet to be determined members. The elected Board members are not eligible to win but the committee members can participate.
Karen D’Angelo, second. Motion carries, with majority approval. Greg Althoff will provide contest details to be posted in the chapter newsletter.
April 16 Motion – No. 2 On April 16, 2009, Karen D’Angelo motioned via e-mail to amend the Board approval to pay for a class for Sandi Foreman to pay registration to the A&M conference for Sandi Foreman. Greg Althoff, second. No votes received. Motion does not carry. Subsequently, Diane Burkhardt nominated Karen Gnuse, Pris Johnson, Lisa Roberts, Stephanie Burkhardt, and Lily Khan for a paid registration to the conference at Texas A & M. No further discussion via e-mail was received.
May 14 Motion On May 14, 2009, President Donna Harrison motioned to reimburse the Vice President’s expenses to the annual conference based upon the same reimbursement as the President and the two Directors. Discussion via e-mail followed.
May 17 Motion On May 17, 2009, President Donna Harrison motioned to reimburse the Chapter 36 Vice President for their expenses to attend the IRWA national conference and the sessions pertaining to the chapter leadership activities if the Vice President makes a commitment to run for the President’s position the following year. Robert Duran, second. On May 20 the votes were counted. The motion carried, with one abstention.
Notes for the Meeting Minutes taken by Craig Brandt, Treasurer, and recorded, reviewed and distributed by Charles Stearman, Secretary.
Charles Stearman
Chapter 36, International Right of Way Association
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