E&M Construction
Contents / Page1. Introduction
2. Objectives of the EMP
3. Scope Of Products And Facilities
4. Third Party Integrated SHEQ Management System Certification
5. Water Management
6. Land Management
7. Air Management
8. Waste Management
9. Resource Management
10. Environmental Reports
11. Closure Plans
12. MSDS
13. Environmental Training And Awareness / 3
1. Introduction
E&M Construction aim to support and protect the environment in which we operate. Striving to cause as little damage to the environment as possible.
Where applicable, international environmental performance guidelines are applied throughout the company, always striving to show continuous improvement.
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) addresses the management of the significant environmental impacts related to the processes on site.
2. Objectives of the EMP
This document provides information on the mitigation measures designed to minimize or eliminate the significant adverse impacts that may be caused as a result of all of the sites processes. The significant impacts are attached in Addendum 1.
The significant impacts are defined as any aspect that has a risk rating of 30 or over on the CURA system.
The primary objectives of the EMP is to:
· describe actions taken for achieving the mitigation measures,
· indicate responsibilities and target dates regarding the implementation or management of these action plans,
· Highlight procedures for environmental control, in the event of an incident.
Layout of the document
This EMP is divided into: -
· Scope Of Products And Facilities
· Third Party Integrated SHEQ Management System Certification
· Water Management
· Land Management
· Air Management
· Waste Management
· Resource Management
· Environmental Reports
· Closure Plans
· Storage Areas And MSDS
· Environmental Training And Awareness
· Community Involvement
3. Scope Of Products And Facilities
3.1 Products
E&M Construction do not supply any products
3.2 Markets and End-Users
We are contracted by Rotek Engineering and DWAF
3.3 Production Facilities
4. Third Party Integrated SHEQ Management System Certification
This year 2007/2008, we will be working towards attaining a certificate for the revised ISO 14001:2004 standard.
5. Water Management
All surface / storm water runoff within the process areas,
See on the Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan for a detailed description of the water management on site. (Copies can be obtained from the Q and E Specialist.)
5.1 Water Management - Action plans
5.1.1. Prevention of + contamination to ground and surface water on site.
Activities / Objectives / Targets / ResponsiblePerson
1. Collection of water / Ongoing / Superintendent
2. Sampling and analysis water / Ongoing / DWAF
3. Monitoring of boreholes water analysis / Ongoing / Q and E Specialist
4. Monitoring of dam levels. / Daily / Dam Superintendent
5. Recording and documenting water results onto a database. This is managed by DWAF / Ongoing / DWAF
5.1.2. Water consumption
1. Setting targets for water consumption: -a) Potable water / ongoing / Operations managers
6. Land management
In the progress
6.1 Land Management - Action plans
6.1.1. Prevention of contamination to surface and below ground.
Activities / Objectives / Targets / ResponsiblePerson
1. Excavation on site / Ongoing / Manager
2. Sampling of soil if required / Per project / Q and E Specialist
3. Sampling and monitoring of soil / If required / Q and E Specialist
4. Removal of general waste / Ongoing / Superintendent
5. Removal of hazardous dusts / Ongoing / Superintendent and Q and E Specialist
6. DWAF has requested that storm water runoff will be directed to the storm water Dams. / June 2005 / Superintendent and
Q and E Specialist
7. Air Quality Management
E&M Construction striving to reduce pollution, it is our policy to purchase raw materials that have the lowest possible damage to the environment
Using air monitoring ,Results recorded in the Environmental Management Report, indicated that national ambient air quality guidelines are been met.
7.1 Air Quality Management – Action plan
7.1.1. Reduction of air pollution
Activities / Objectives / Targets / ResponsiblePerson
Working in well ventilated areas / D/D / Forman
8. Waste Management
Waste management on site is divided into process and non-process waste.
Activities / Objectives / Targets / ResponsiblePerson
1. Construct a bunded area for the collection of solid and liquid oil waste / 2006/2007 / Stores Superintendent
9. Resource Management
The management of our natural resources is important in terms of sustainability. All raw materials are used sustainable to ensure minimum spillage.
10. Closure Plans
The need for accurate closure plans is an integral part of the processes.
11. Material Safety Data Sheets
See: The Material Safety Data Sheets are on the Intranet – SHEQ.
Activities / Objectives / Targets / ResponsiblePerson
1 These are been reviewed and updated through the Hazardous materials protocol. / 2006 / Q and E Specialist
13. Environmental Training and Awareness
Environmental training and awareness is provided to all employees in the form of Right to Knows, Toolbox talks,