4-H Builds Resilience
2017-2018Training Preparation Guide
The Iowa 4-H program relies on volunteers to be the caring adults that guide youth programming for4-H members and Clover Kids.Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program Specialists, in partnership with county staff, deliver campus developed training once a year in each county. Benefits for volunteers who completeannual training include:
- Consistent learning opportunities for4-H youth and families in Iowa
- Specific tools to help create great 4-H programs
- Information about how to create safe environments and how to manage risks
- Information and hands-on training on the best practices that strengthen youth understanding of leadership, citizenship, communications, and other positive youth development principle and practices
- A connection with a system that values, supports and recognizes the importance of volunteers by providing quality training opportunities
- The opportunity to serve as an Iowa 4-H Volunteer
Training Objectives for 4-H Builds Resilience:
- Volunteers will gain an understanding of resilience and the connection between youth-adult partnerships and increasing resilience in youth.
- Volunteers will learns skills that can be applied to promote and create opportunities for building resilience in youth.
- Volunteers will identify mindsets and strategies to promote growth mindset.
Staff Checklist
1 month prior to meeting (or earlier):
- Share meeting date/plans with4-H volunteers via newsletter/news release/website.Volunteer Training Marketing Resources,
- Download 4-H Builds Resilience “Volunteer version” video to the computer you will be using as a back-up
- Review –4-H Builds Resilience
- Lesson Plan
- Training Handouts (list at end of sheet and at
2 weeks prior to meeting:
- Send written invitations to 4-H volunteers – including County Youth Committee.See Volunteer Training Marketing Resources
1 week prior to meeting:
- Gather supplies (as listed below and on lesson plan)
- Copy handouts
- Determine snack needs/purchase
During training:
- Sign-in sheet & name tags for participants
- Have volunteerscomplete evaluations
- Take photos (if desired)
1 week following meeting:
- Compile evaluations for each county on 1 evaluation form
- Send compiled evaluation results to Shelly Ramus ()
- Utilize post-training external news release and photos – through media and on county websites
- Log volunteer attendance into 4-H online
- Sign in sheet (MyExtension under Volunteer Development)
- Name tags
- Scratch paper
- Pencils/pens
- Icebreaker Materials
Training Handouts
Icebreaker Activities (copies for each group)
Praise Process Scenarios (copies for each group)
Mindset Quiz (two pages, single sided)
Effective Effort Rubric (optional)
Praise Process Handout
4-H National Headquarters Fact Sheet
Code of Conduct for Volunteers
County specific handouts
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach does not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or status as a U.S. veteran. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Ross Wilburn, Diversity Officer, 2150 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, 515-294-1482, .
Fall 2017