Lesson Plans for Week 27 (2-26-18 through 3-2-18)
(Other assignments may be assigned during the week)
Practice, Practice, Practice for State Competition - Columbus, OH – March 8th & 9th– Good Luck to all!
-Work on and practice for your BPA event – Carly – get script ready for Virtual Photography, Dominic – Banking and Finance, Tyler – Database Fundamentals – Rob, Carly, Keilan & Dominic – prepare script for Virtual Media – we will find out soon – you must be ready!
Monday, February 26
-Daily Journal: Hypothetically speaking, in order to save money, your principal is thinking about canceling all field trips for the remainder of the year. Persuade him or her to allow students to continue attending field trips. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. (5 sentences)
-Slack Snacks/Student of the Week
-Continue with Chapter 3 Access lesson
-We will be looking at colleges next week – think about 3 colleges in State or out of State you might like to know more about
-Work on credential – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, IC3 – Let me know when you are ready to test. You must complete the G-Metrix practice exams and get above 70%
Tuesday, February 27
-Daily Journal: Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons. (5 sentences)
-Most students will be attending the ACT testing at their home school today. This is what you will miss today.
-Continue with Chapter 3 Access lesson
-Work on credential – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, IC3 – Let me know when you are ready to test. You must complete the G-Metrix practice exams and get above 70%
Wednesday, February 28
-Daily Journal: Many people volunteer their time to help others, either through non-profit organizations, churches, or other charitable venues. Convincing readers to find a charity and volunteer their time. (5 sentences)
-Continue with Chapter 3 Access lesson
-Presentation by Mackenzie - Prepared Speech – Web Design Team
-Work on credential – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, IC3 – Let me know when you are ready to test. You must complete the G-Metrix practice exams and get above 70%
Thursday, March 1 – Happy meteorological spring!
-Daily Journal:We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Convince readers to try the activity that you enjoy most.(5 sentences)
-Continue with Chapter 3 Access lesson
-Work on credential – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, IC3 – Let me know when you are ready to test. You must complete the G-Metrix practice exams and get above 70%
Friday, March 2
-Daily Journal: What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Persuading readers to watch this film. (5 sentences)
-Continue with Chapter 3 Access lesson
-Work on credential – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, IC3 – Let me know when you are ready to test. You must complete the G-Metrix practice exams and get above 70%
-Daily Journals Due Today (25 Points)
-Extra Help Today
State participants - Please practice and get materials ready for BPA event – State trip is next week!
Mrs. Slack – IT Academy