K.S.Polytechnic, Bengaluru.
Department of Electronics and Communication.
Minimum Preparation Question Bank.
6th Semester – 2017
1.0 Understand the biomedical system and bio electric potential.
1) Draw the block diagram of man-instrument system and explain.
2) List and explain constraints in designing medical instruments.
3) Explain polarisation, depolarisation and repolarisation w.r.t. a cell
4) Draw the action potential waveform and explain.
5) List and explain bio potential electrodes.
2.0 Bio potential measurements
6) Explain ECG electrode system.
7) Draw and explain the block diagram of ECG machine.
8) Draw and explain ECG waveform and list its applications.
9) Draw and Explain EEG waveforms and list its applications.
10) Explain EEG electrode system.
11) Draw and explain the block diagram of EEG recording machine.
12) Define EMG and list its characteristics and applications.
13) Draw and explain the block diagram of EMG recording instrument.
14) Write a note on ERG and BCG.
3.0 Human assist devices
15) List and explain the different wave forms used in muscle stimulator.
16) Explain AC and DC defibrillator with a neat circuit diagram.
17) What is a pacemaker? Explain ventricular demand pacemaker with a block diagram.
18) What is an implantable pacemaker? List the requirements of an implantable pacemaker.
19) What is diathermy? Explain ultrasound diathermy with a neat block diagram.
20) Explain micro processor based ventilator with a block diagram.
21) Explain different types of oxygenator with neat diagram.
22) List the characteristics of blood pump.
23) Explain Hemo dialyser machine with a neat diagram.
25) List the different types of endoscopes.
26) Explain digital hearing aid with a neat block diagram.
4.0 Measurement and analysis techniques(Optional)
27) Define MCV, PCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, and PDW.
28) Explain optical method of blood cell counting.
29) Explain coulter blood cell counter with a diagram.
30) Explain ph measurement using glass electrode.
31) Explain BP measurement using Korrotkoff method.
32) Explain electromagnetic blood flow measurement with a diagram.
33) Explain ultra sound Doppler shift method of blood flow measurement.
34) Explain spectro photometer with a diagram.
5.0 Patient monitoring and imaging system.
35) Explain X-Ray machine with a block diagram.
36) Explain the principle of CT scan and MRI scan.
37) Explain CT scanning machine with a block diagram.
38) Explain MRI scanning equipment with a block diagram.
39) Explain basic pulse echo apparatus with a block diagram.
40) Explain cardio toco graph.
41) List the objectives of patient monitoring and explain bedside monitor with a block diagram.
6.0 Bio telemetry
42) Explain single channel telemetry system with a block diagram.
43) Explain medical data communication through telephone lines with a block diagram.
44) Write a note on telemedicine.
7.0 Patient safety
45) Explain the physiological effects of electric current.
46) Explain micro shock amd macro shock hazards and preventive measures.
47) Explain physiological effects of radiation exposure.
48) Write a note on E-Waste.