UC Davis Police Accountability Board Public Meeting

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

UC Davis Student Community Center, Room D

Meeting Notes

In attendance: Ben Marchman, Jack Chin, David Howitt, Leon Jones, Tamara Cole, Amy Young, Paul Cody, Jhamere Howard,Beth Slutsky, Jacob (JP) Eres

Administrative Advisory Group: Rahim Reed,Matt Carmichael, Mikael Villalobos, Lindsey Gillespie, Laura Izon Powell

Absent: Kevin Peterson, Awais Khalid, Abram Jones, Hazel G. Quintanilla

Administrative Advisory Group: Wendi Delmendo

Update from PAB

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Chair Ben Marchman.
  2. The members and alternates of the Police Accountability Board (PAB) introduced themselves.
  3. Chair Ben Marchman provided dates for the 2014 PAB closed meetings and announced that the Winter Quarterly Meeting will be held at the UC Davis Health Systems on January 28, 2015 from 7-8pm. Ben provided an overview of the PAB’s training. Ben also provided information about PAB Member Abram Jones’attendanceat the NACOLE Conference in September.

Update from Police Chief Matt Carmichael

  1. Chief Carmichael provided an update about the Safe Ride Program, online police reporting and Aggie Host services.

Public Comment

  1. Chair Ben Marchman invited public comment.
  2. A member of the public asked about the Sacramento News and Review article about UC Davis’ high number of on-campus sexual assaults and if the board could confirm that this number was due to a high level of reporting.
  1. Chair Ben Marchman referred the individual to the UC Davis Police Department as this was outside the board’s purview.
  1. A member of the public asked how the police department was rebuilding trust in communities that feel targeted by police.
  1. Chair Ben Marchman reiterated that the formation of the PAB is part of the effort in rebuilding trust between the campus police and the community.
  1. A member of the public asked if the UC Davis Police Department received military grade training and what the PAB thought about this.
  1. Chair Ben Marchman explained that the PAB can make policy recommendations to the police regarding complaints filed and this issue is outside PAB purview.
  1. A member of the public asked if the board would accept complaints about this kind of policy.
  1. PAB member, Tamara Cole, said that they PAB would accept these kinds of complaints if it involves police misconduct.
  2. Laura IzonPowell referred the public to the PAB procedures and bylaws located at She noted that UC Davis Office of Compliance determines which complaints are forwarded to the PAB.
  1. A member of the public asked if the PAB is related to Campus Climate
  1. Rahim Reed explained that the PAB was formed, in part, to deal with issues of trust or distrust and improve campus climate.
  1. Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm