LA-32 NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL General Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 – 6PM
El Sereno Senior Citizens Center
4818 Klamath Place
Los Angeles, California 90032
1. Call to order/welcome to community: H. Garcia
2. Roll Call: A. Miguel
3. Minutes: Vote to approve minutes of the General Board meeting held September 3, 2008: A. Miguel
4. Welcome to elected officials, staff and guests:
a. CD 14 – Marcella Cortez, Area Director and Erick Martell, Field Deputy
b. D.O.N.E. – Sarai Molina, Project Coordinator
5. President's report: H. Garcia (10 min)
a. Citywide Congress of Neighborhood Planning
b. Mayor's regional budget day
c. DONE training workshops
d. Board member misrepresentation
e. The Voice newspaper
f. Committee Appointments
6. Treasurer's report: S. Larsen (10 min)
a. First Quarter budget report
i. Petty Cash Quarterly Reconciliation
ii. Charge Card Quarterly Reconciliation
iii. Demand Warrants
1. Paid
2. In Process/Unpaid
7. Public comment:
a. Non-Agenda Items: Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker for a total of twenty (20) minutes, unless waived by the presiding officer of the board.
*** Please note that public comment on agenda items is limited to one (1) minute per speaker for a total of five (5) minutes, unless waived by the presiding officer of the board.
Your appreciation is greatly appreciated.
8. Committee reports
Ad-Hoc Committee reports
a. Budget committee: S. Larsen (3 min)
i. Action Item: "Motion that the LA-32 Neighborhood Council approve funding in the amount of $4,900 (four-thousand, nine-hundred dollars) for `The Legend of Creepy Collis" Halloween community event. Funding
for this event will be allocated through budget line item 305 (Recreation) in the amount of $2,179.11 and Line item 207 (General Outreach) in the amount of $2,720.89.This event is brought to you by the LA-32 Neighborhood Council in collaboration with Council District 14."
• Budget committee supports this action item.
ii. Action Item: "Motion that the LA-32 Neighborhood Council approve funding in the amount of $1,400 (one-thousand, four-hundred dollars) for El Sereno's CommunityGarden sign. Funding for this project will
be allocated through budget line item 301 (General Community Projects)."
• Budget committee supports this action item.
b. Land Use & Development committee: R. Gutierrez (3 min)
c. Education committee: No report.
d. Arts & Culture committee: L. Vega (3 min)
e. By-Laws review committee: H. Garcia (3 min)
f. Public Safety committee: M. Castillo (3 min)
g. Environmental & Beautification committee: E. Aguilera (3 min)
Standing Committee reports:
h. Membership and Outreach committee: A. Miguel (3 min)
Liaison reports:
i. DWP liaison: D. Jones (2 min)
j. Ascot Hills Park Advisory Board: M. Lopez (2 min)
k. Neighborhood Council Congress: M. Castillo (2 min)
l. Website Development: H. Garcia (2 min)
i. Presentation: Media Sculptress Roberta Feigenbaum (10 min)
9. Old Business:
a. Filling LA-32 NC vacancies
b. T-Mobile update
10. New Business:
a. Presentation: Signage at 5581 N. Huntington Drive development – Mitch Chemers
b. Presentation: "Proposition 8" – Rick Villasenor, Evelyn Torres (5 min)
i. Action Item: "Motion that the LA-32 Neighborhood Council adopt a resolution in opposition to Proposition 8."
c. Presentation: Funding request for CSULA's 2009 Reel Rasquache Film Festival – Dr. John Ramirez, Theater Arts department (5 min)
d. Presentation: School Safety and Violence Prevention – Ricardo Lopez (5 min)
e. Presentation: El Sereno Health Program – Ailleth Tom, LAUSD District 5 (5 min)
11. Future Agenda Items:
12. Adjournment.
Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the committee'ssubject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per speaker and for a maximum of 15 minutes, unless waived by the presiding officer of thecommittee. Agenda is posted for public review at the El Sereno Library, 5226 Huntington Drive So., LA, CA 90032, El Sereno Senior Citizens Center, 4818 Klamath Place, LA, CA 90032, El Sereno Recreation Center, 4721 Klamath St, LA, CA 90032, RoseHillsRecreationCenter, 4530 Mercury Avenue, LA, CA 90032, and CSULA, 5151State University Drive, LA, CA 90032. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters,assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood Council Project Coordinator, Sarai Molina-Trujillo at (323) 224-2315 or e-mail to sarai.molina@