Identity Project – Sharing Lyrical Writing and Figurative Language
The principle purpose of all writing is to communicate. It can contain a person’s thoughts, ideas, and/or feelings. When it is done well, it can reveal deeper meanings and provide understanding not possible any other way. It can also become part of our lives and connect strongly to a memory, relationship, etc..
You will select and/or produce two pieces of work. First, select or write an appropriate song that you find meaningful to your life in some way. Maybe thesong reflects a feeling you have felt, an experience you have had, your life philosophy, your future, a relationship, etc. Next, you will produce a complementary piece of poetry modeled on one of two templates that further illustrates and connects in some meaningful way to this feeling, experience, philosophy,etc. You will analyze these works in a written packet, and then you will present this information to the class.
This ESA is worth 100 points – 50 points written packet, 50 points presentation.
Written packet due: ______My presentation date is ______
Written Packet
(Use this as a checklist)
Your written packet will include (in this order):
____ Scoring Guide (a handout in this packet – don’t lose)
____Title Page – heading information plus name of assignment –
____ Song Lyrics (with 5 different figurative languages labeled) –
____ Figurative Language Explanations (Steps 1-5) –
____ Identity Paragraph –
____ Poem(with 5 different figurative languages labeled) and explanations –
____ Visual Aid Paragraph–
____ Works Cited Page –
Please type your packet according to MLA standards.
* In case of printer problems, print a rough draft hard copy several days in advance of due date. Computer problems are not excused. Do not wait until the last minute!
Presentation Format
Note: These items must be included, but not necessarily in this order. BE CREATIVE!
- Introduce your song and the artist and/or author. Tell why the song has special meaning/connection to you.
2. Reproduce the five examples of figurative language you chose in your song in some way for the class to EASILY see*:
- Make an overhead transparency (USE AT LEAST 24 POINT FONT)
- Make a PowerPoint presentation
- Print it clearly on a poster board
- Come up with your own idea – but NO handouts
* Iwill not do this for you – don’t wait until the last minute!
3. Play or perform no more than 30 seconds of the song – YOUTUBE not allowed
- Explain clearly and comprehensively why you chose the song (how it is a reflection of you – in other words, your identity).
- Reproduce your poem with five of your figurative languages clearly labeled for the class to see. Read your poem to the class. Explain why you chose each type of figurative language and how each piece of figurative language enhances your song’s and poem’s message.
- Accompany your writing piece with a creative and meaningful visual aid(s) to symbolically illustrate how the song and poem relate to you.
You will have no less than eight minutes and no more than ten minutes to complete your entire presentation. Please rehearse. If you are not prepared on your presentation day, you can not earn higher than a “C” on the assignment. If you are absent on the day of your presentation, you must notify your teacher by email or voice mail and expect to present on the day you return.
Written Packet – Detailed Explanation
Title Page:*
This page has your heading information, with the term “Identity Project” added as the last line. MLA formatting is heading centered on the page from left to right, and top to bottom.
Lyrics Page:(title of page – header and page numbering starts on this page)
Type your song lyrics with figurative language underlined and clearly labeledafter each example. The title of this page is the title of the work, author’s name, and/or artist’sname (centered at top of page on one line if possible). – If I Were A Boy – Britney Carlson, Toby Gad, Beyonce Knowles - Beyonce Knowles -
Figurative Language Explanations – (title of page):
Do steps 1-5 for each of your song’s five different examples of figurative language
- Quote the example of figurative language from your lyrics/poem (no citations needed)
- Identify the type of figurative language
- Explain the function (definition) of the figurative language used
- Explain how your example fits the definition (For example, if you are calling a phrase a metaphor, you need to tell what two unlike things are being compared and the connection that is being made).
- Explain thedeeper meaning behind the words that you think the author was trying to communicate.
Identity Paragraph (title of page):
Write a paragraph explaining why you chose this song and how it relates to your identity. Paragraph should include:
- Song’s title and artist (and/or performer)
- The song’s message (Be detailed – includeat least threequotationsproperly cited from the lyrics)
- How the song’s message relates to you (Be specific – provide a few specific situations, examples, etc.,[evidence] to support your connection)
Poetry Piece Explanation (come up with a title for your poem):
Write a poem using one of the two attached poetry models. Your poem must include five different examples of figurative language created by you. Below your poem, explain why you chose each type of figurative language and explain how each one helps contribute to the same message/meaning you thought were contained in your song lyrics. Explain how your song and poem are connected.
Visual Aid Explanation (title of page):
Write a detailed paragraph with the title “Visual Aid Explanation” explaining the symbolic meaning behind your visual aid. Address the following questions:
- What is it? When will it be used?
- How is it a powerful symbol of the lyrics and poem?
Works Cited (title of page):
It is a page on its own. Attach a properly formatted Works Cited page (MLA). Follow your sample handout. *Double space the entire page. Alphabetize by the author’s last name. Find and cite ALL the appropriate information for each source ( is not enough information).
*NOTE – Page headers and numbering begin on Lyrics page and continue through Works Cited.Title page will contain heading.
Identity Project Scoring Guide
Written Packet _____/50 points
Mastery C
Correctly labels five different types of figurative language in song and poem
Explains function and meaning of each type of figurative language in song
Explains in a paragraph the personal reaction to song and how it is a reflection of oneself
Contains poem that correctly follows one of the two models – includes explanation of figurative language selections
Contains visual aid paragraph
Properly cites the writing pieces in MLA documentation on Works Cited page
Commendable B(all of the above, plus)
Explains the function and meaning of song’s figurative language in a detailed manner
Written reaction/explanation of personal connection between you and the song is coherent, detailed, and has minimal errors
Explanation of why figurative language was chosen for the poem is helpful
Provides a clear connection,with analysis, between the song and your poem
Gives good description of how visual aid enhances project
Works Cited page contains few errors
Exceptional A (all of the above, plus)
Thoroughly explains function and meaning of song’s figurative language in a detailed, thoughtful manner. Explains author’s meaning in each line chosen
Explanation of why figurative language was chosen for the poem is thoughtful and insightful
Written reaction/explanation is engaging, insightful, detailed, almost completely error free
Provides a comprehensive connection, with in-depth analysis, between both pieces
Gives excellent description of how visual aid enhances project
Works Cited page contains no errors
Presentation _____/50 points
Mastery C
Selects material that is appropriate for classroom use – demonstrates good judgment
Presents audio accompaniment to the song’s lyrics
Reproduces the song’s and poem’s figurative language labeled for the class
Explains personal reaction to piece
Refers to visual aid and explains its relation to the lyrics/poem
Poem is read
Uses proper vocal delivery (volume, rate, quality) to enhance presentation
Uses physical delivery (eye contact, facial expression, gestures) to enhance presentation
Demonstrates effort and preparation in a clear, organized presentation
Commendable B (all of the above, plus)
Delivers presentation in a rehearsed, creative, skillful manner
Poem is read with some emotion
Creates a meaningful visual accompaniment to the writing piece to enhance presentation (large, colorful, original, creative, symbolic). Visual aid is important to speech.
Exceptional A(all of the above, plus)
Exceptionally captures and holds audience’s attention
Poem is read with emotion and inflection
Creates a superior visual accompaniment that demonstrates effort and detail to greatlyenhance presentation