Present:Mr Clarke (Chairman), Mr Eckles (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Allison, Mr Cordey, Mrs Geere, Mrs Hastings, Mr Hastings, Mr Edney (District Councillor) and 2 parishioners in attendance.
- To Receive Apologies for Absence
None received.
- To Receive Declarations of Interest
None received.
- To Agree the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held
19th December 2011
Item 240 update. Former Parish Clerk incorrect that Parish Council does not have the power to purchase land and construct a footpath. Legal advice from NCC (Section 137) confirms the Parish Council does have the power. Proposed by Councillor Eckles & seconded by Councillor David Hastings that Minutes to be amended. All agreed & signed by the Chairman.
250. Matters Arising From the Last Minutes
251.To Adjourn the Meeting for Parishioners’ Questions
The meeting was adjourned.
The meeting was reconvened.
252.Routine Finance
a)to pay the following invoices relating to former Parish Clerk – Proposed Councillor Allison & seconded by Councillor Geere. All agreed.
Former Clerk’s Wages (Oct 2011 to Jan 2012) # *** £534.02
PAYE (Clerk) (Oct 2011 to Jan 2012) # *** £133.50
Clerk’s Outstanding Expenses # *** £ 31.10
#*** - relevant cheque numbers to be added
b)Turner Field rent increase to £160 (Item 245 from December Minutes under “correspondence”). Proposed by Councillor Eckles & seconded by Councillor Cordey. All agreed.
c)B L Clarke – outstanding invoice cheque signed by Councillor Allison.
d)Bank Account balances.
MPC Community Project63230643£1742.49(16 Jan)
Morley Parish Council80640204£8556.33(16 Jan)
Morley Parish Council30640239£ 100.00(16 Jan)
- To Agree Parish Council Budget for Payments to be Made Towards the Proposed Footpath to Wymondham College (Cllr Allison)
Report given to Councillors by Councillor Allison.
A Capital Contribution of £1,000 proposed by Councillor Eckles & seconded by Councillor David Hastings. All agreed.
Maintenance Costs (weed spraying/hedge cuttings) - £150 per annum / Outline Planning Permission - £85.00 / Sub-committee expenses (stationery etc) - £50. Proposed by Councillor Eckles & seconded by Councillor Geere. All agreed.
254.Grass Cutting Contract for 2012 Season
Decision deferred until next meeting.
255.Grants for Football Pitch Repairs (Councillor Allison)
Report received from Councillor Allison. Further investigations needed re drainage. Agreed three written quotes to be submitted for consideration. Cllr David
256.To Receive Update on Footpaths to Schools Project (Cllrs Allison & Geere
Report given and summary given to fellow Councillors. Councillor Allison to provide personal copy of report to all Councillors who would like one. Report endorsed and agreed submission to SNC. Proposed Councillor Geere and seconded by Councillor Eckles. All agreed. Cllr Allison
257.To Receive and Consider New Planning Applications
None received.
258.Village Hall (Councillor Eckles)
Report given. Next Village Hall Committee meeting 17 January 2012. Councillor Geere informed of interest from a business to use the hall on a weekly basis to include a soft play area/bouncy castles during the summer outside. Councillor Cordey raised question of “insurance”. Councillor Geere confirmed they had the necessary insurance. All Councillors agreed.
259.New Bank Mandate
New mandate signed by Councillor Allison.
260.Vacant Parish Clerk Position
Proposed advertisement in Wymondham Mercury to be withdrawn. “Fly drop” advertisement around Morley St Peter & Morley St Botolph as alternative. Cllr Cordey
Temporary Clerk via NALC to cover & report next meeting needed.Cllr Eckles
261.Recycling Centre
Investigations into CCTV.Cllrs Cordey
& Eckles
262.December Correspondence Received
Highways – “Gritting Route Map” – to be posted on all notice boardsCllr Geere
Morley Pre School – request for donation – decision deferred
263.To Confirm Next Meeting
Next meeting of the Parish Council will take place in the Village Hall on 20th February 2012. Councillors wishing to look at Planning Applications or correspondence can arrive at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.50pm.
Signed: …………………………………………………… (Chairman)
Date: 20th February 2012
Clerk: Position VacantPage 1 of 3
e-mail: morleypcclerk& 2012