THE SERPICO STAR Edition 2 August 14 – 18, 2017

Just a reminder to check my teacher web page for daily assignments. Also, check the ‘Calendar’ page for upcoming tests, quizzes, and project due dates.

Fundraiser: Good faith coupons are due this Tuesday, August 15th, for another opportunity to earn more Coops.

Citizenship grades will be given out weekly this year. I know that this is different than how it was done in the past. However, Mrs. Pennington and I feel that this will be yet another way to communicate to parents how your student is doing in school. Citizenship grades will come directly from the Citizenship Report which will come home each week in the Friday Folders.


Literature: Students will have a quiz over chapters 1 – 5 in Where the Lilies Bloom on Monday (8/14). Reading of chapters 6 – 12 will be assigned this week. Students will have a quiz over these chapters next Monday (8/21).

Math: We will continue our (review) Problem Solving unit this week. Monday we will practice solving problems using the Work Backwards strategy; Tuesday – Look for a Pattern strategy; and Wednesday – Act it Out strategy. On Thursday students will practice solving problems using the various strategies. On Friday the students will have an in-class assignment, which will be graded, using these strategies.

Systems: Plant & Animal Cell Diagrams are due on Monday. On Monday, students will also be assigned a picture/chart over Photosynthesis. This assignment will be due on Wednesday (8/16). A quiz over plant & animal cell parts will be given on Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday the 4th & 5th grade students will be mixed together, where half of them will go to Mrs. Pennington and learn about trees, while the other half will come to me and learn about flowers. Next Tuesday the groups will switch.

Communications: For the next 2 weeks, students will work with a partner to research a wild-crafting plant of their choice. During this time students will learn how to take notes (not just copy info word for word from books) and create an outline.

Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe